Old-age Anon....(OA)

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Howdy ...............................it's 2:37 am here in Paducah , and I'm so at peace within my mind and body .......It was such a wonderful Saturday yesterday with
both the Illini and the Blues gaining victories and then NL # 3 and I sharing a couple of oral discussion presentations and one long , slow and sensual deep tissue penetrating session , that the peace I feel has made sleep an impossibility right now......I lay in bed with # 3 spooning for about 30 minutes after our tryst and it just hit me ........I am one lucky son of a gun to be living my life as it has turned out........Financially stable , in somewhat OK health and with 3 NL ladies to enjoy , but my soulmate # 3 is the one I spend almost all my time with......

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Her beauty on the outside is overwhelmed by the beauty on the inside ..........If you gaze at her picture , stare into her eyes and they will open up to unicorns and rainbows with music taking over your soul and you will begin smiling at this most perfect woman......I truly am blessed and I know it .......

The Illini played great for most of the game against the gaggers .....Some have posted that our D was lacking at the end and I say nope , that little PG was on fire and kept msu close , but again , another game where we never trailed and that show effort and heart......

The Blues had a good bounce back game from the embarrassing OT loss to the lowly Canadians ........Against Toronto , they played an overall great game and after going ahead 2-0 the n being tied 3-3 in the 3rd period , they took over the game and won 6-3......

Yesterday was my usual day to call my dad then my mom ....I called the nursing home and again my dad was already in his recliner and didn't want to get up to talk.......This is a repeat of my Wednesday call, so I haven't talked to him in a week and Monday is when he has his surgery ......the nursing home will call me after dad gets back to his room to let me know how he feels.....I am very concerned with this upcoming surgery , but he wants the cancer all gone and it is his choice , so fingers crossed that there are no complications......

Well , my fingers are numb as the arthritis has cum back this morning so I will sign off and get me another cup of my Pecan Praline coffee , then head back up to my spooning partner ......talk to you all later this morning ....................................

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days of sweet loving and sweet victories by my Illini and Blues makes the sweetest day possible.............it really really does.............................

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Inflation is the highest in 40 years , and the world is on the brink of war !!!!..............Recognize the good things in your life and cherish the ones who love you and that you love......EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF EVERY DAY .....................................

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We stop and hold each other and look into each others eyes 10 times a day and say ""I love you my soulmate ""...........try it , it sets us free...
Wish you the best with your parents, mine are both gone but had similar issues before they went. My mother-in-law, who treated me fantastic since I met her, is 94 and in a nursing home. She drives my wife crazy as she is the only one of five living children who actively care for her, but I know she loves taking care for her daily. You are blessed to have them this long my friend, the best to all of you and NLs. I will have another shot of Aha Yeto to you and yours.


Paducah, Ky
Wish you the best with your parents, mine are both gone but had similar issues before they went. My mother-in-law, who treated me fantastic since I met her, is 94 and in a nursing home. She drives my wife crazy as she is the only one of five living children who actively care for her, but I know she loves taking care for her daily. You are blessed to have them this long my friend, the best to all of you and NLs. I will have another shot of Aha Yeto to you and yours.
Thanks bro....sorry i didn't respond earlier but the last 36 hours has been sort of hectic , as I will elaborate on with my next post now ......thanks again................


Paducah, Ky
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Good early morning all..........................It's 1:22 am here in good old Paducah , with a temp of 58 * , with a high expected of 66 * then turning cold with a low tonight of 28 * and heavy rain......Rain is forecast for the next 3 days with possibility of freezing rain and wintery mix on Wednesday and Thursday..................

Why am I telling you all this , you might ask ?? .........Well , it's been a hectic last 36 -48 hours in the life of pru and NL # 3 , so I will elaborate further ......The change in weather drastically increases my pain levels , as I'm sure many reading this can attest to themselves .....Part of growing old and paying for the stupid sins of youthful activities and such.......I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful caregiver personality in NL # 3......................


at my side , doing whatever is needed to help me cope with my arthritis and the mental side of pain ........Anyone in pain constantly recognizes what I mean about the mental side of pain ......I had been sleeping well from Wednesday of last week through Saturday night , getting 6-7 glorious hours of uninterrupted sleep , snuggling with my soulmate , rubbing bare skin on bare skin and feeling so alive and sleeping so well at the same time.....it's so nice to feel the heat cumming off her exquisite nude body and the soft curves and moist areas of her body drive me wild ........

All of the good times came to an end Sunday night , with the weather change combined with my dad's surgery looming on my mind , that Sunday was a no sleep zone for old pru......NL # # stayed at my side Sunday night and early Monday morning giving me a couple of her breathtaking oral presentations to tide me over before my dad's appt to have the cancer surgery Monday morning starting at 8:30 am.....

The nursing home called me yesterday 4 times starting with .....................

9 am ....................to tell me dad made it to the Doctors office in Mt. Vernon OK without throwing up en route....sometimes the ride causes him to throw up
12:08 pm.............they had finished with the surgery and was waiting for follow up examination to make sure they got all the infected cells
2:28 pm...............they had to do a second surgery as there was still some cancer cells remaining
4:15 pm................dad had returned to the nursing home and was in his room safe and sound

On each call I had many questions that the nurse at dads nursing home answered with as much as she knew......I appreciated her honesty and as I have said before , she knew my parents when they both lived at the assisted living facility before dad had to go full time to the nursing home...

They did local numbing and did not knock him out completely so that was refreshing and when I talked to the nurse on the last call she said my dad told her he was in no pain and was sleepy .......he hadn't eaten anything all day long but told her he wasn't hungry....She assured me she was going to make sure he got something in his stomach before the end of the day ........She said the surgeons office told her that they had to do only a partial suturing of the affected area and to leave the original dressing on until Wednesday afternoon , then change the dressing daily.....no neosporin or such creams and only use petroleum jelly or like kind when changing the dressing ........The anticipated recovery time for the area to heal completely is 4-6 weeks .......

So now that the surgery is over I thought I would be able to sleep last night , but here I am , with NL # 3 by my side at @ 2 am sharing with my friends what has transpired in the life and times of pru......Don't know if all this experience will make it into the movie , but i have been brutally honest with the screenplay writers so far about the exploits and failing's in my life so we shall see what makes it on screen and what hits the editing room floor.....

Mom was a nervous wreck but the nurse told me every time she called me that she would also call my mom and fill her in ....she said that was b/c she knows how my mom is about stuff like this and she thought if she told mom that mom would relax more hearing it from her .....I wholeheartily agreed and finally talked to mom around 4:30 pm and she was as calm as she had been in a while ......

Well, my hands and fingers are really numb so i will end here and say THANK YOU to all my friends here who have asked and sent well wishes about my dad as it means more to me than I can say...........THANKS again...............................


Oh , the weather outside is awful
inside my apt it's soulful
even with my pain I say

let it rain let it rain let it rain...............


My lady is warm and supple......her eyes are piercing and lustful...............her breasts are heaving and swaying ....I must give in to the temptation.....
oral discussions and deep tissue penetrating sessions are in my immediate future.....
What does your future hold for you ??.............another humdrum day full of the same BS ??
Change is necessary for growth.........................It really really is .................do you want to change your life ??........can you change your life ??
Only YOU know the answer to those last 2 questions .....I hope you can answer honestly and for your benefit for your future.......


We share our bodies , like we share our minds .......completely ..............................................................................................
Time for a wake and bake and then some bedroom cooking to start the day off with the best banging possible ..........cumming soon to a theater in your area ...................we have yet to decide on a title to the movie ......Any thoughts ?????
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Best wishes, I can sympathize with the arthritis issue. I had another SI joint injection yesterday so I will be ready to go in a day or two. My burly little princess (75 lb exuberant pitt bull and her buddy a husky are ready to start going on their long walks again lol. Hope NL#3 can keep up with you, but if she can't I'm the other neighbors will be happy to help out!


Rockford, Illinois
I’m glad that your dad got thru the surgery okay and that your mom seemed calmer after it was down. Prayers for a quick recovery.


Paducah, Ky
Thanks bro's
I just woke up from a 3 hour nap and rolled over into her waiting arms and snuggled up to her bosom and held her tight for about 10 minutes.
Nothing was said. Nothing needed to be said. She has becum my rock, my shelter from a storm.
I'm truly blessed to have her in my life
I really really am....


Paducah, Ky
Best wishes, I can sympathize with the arthritis issue. I had another SI joint injection yesterday so I will be ready to go in a day or two. My burly little princess (75 lb exuberant pitt bull and her buddy a husky are ready to start going on their long walks again lol. Hope NL#3 can keep up with you, but if she can't I'm the other neighbors will be happy to help out!
NL # 1.................

came over last night and we shared a trip down memory lane , all 3 of us together........She is as always , a dominant soul and was in need of some
fun time so we helped her as she has helped us many times in seeing the beauty of a simple touch ....a light caress of an erogenous zone........When she left we missed her , but it is clear to me that NL # 3.............


and I are made to be together for eternity......It just clicks without having to try and make it click ....Might sound odd if you don't have that in your life , but it's true .......it really really is ....................................


Paducah, Ky
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Good morning all.................................Well , it's been a hectic morning for ole pru and NL # 3..........................


as we have been up since around 3 am this morning with pru being in considerable pain from my back acting up and causing me some major discomfort like i haven't felt in a couple of years ......Going from 65-70 * weather to now facing 2-3 days of freezing rain and a wintery mix has got me in disrepair......
NL # 3 has been such a help in trying to ease my pain and I don't know what i would do without her .......I told her that and she looked at me and said that as long as she is alive that I never have to worry about that........What a woman !!!!!

I called and talked to my dad this morning for about 15 minutes and he sounded chipper and was laughing some at my corny jokes so I am les concerned this morning after the surgery he had Monday.......They will change his dressing this afternoon and a couple of the nurses said they would call me if they saw anything that concerned them about his surgery site........

I also called the skin center where he had his surgery to inquire if they got all of the cncer cells out and was told yes they are completely satisfied and assured me they did.....The nurse told me sometimes a patient might need to go through 4-5 procedures before they are done and that they don't release a patient until they are sure all the cancer is gone......Dad only had 2 procedures and he has no headaches so hopefully we can close the issue of my dad now being cancer free......

Time now for me and my lady to grab a quick brunch and the retire to the bedroom for some loving and tv watching to try to get some needed sleep.......

Talk to you all later ..............Peace out .............................


Some food...........some wine................some 420..............some sleep ......................recipe for a great day at pru-ville.........................


Cooked Cabbage
Ham & Cheese sandwiches
Peach Moscato wine

yum yum..................


Listening to Metallica"s enter sandman CD and happy to be with the love of our lives.......................Soulmates......................
Sounds good, but I'll be listening to "Sticky Fingers" by the stones and "Agents of Fortune" by BLOC while I watch Rutgers whoop Wisconsin.


Paducah, Ky
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Top of the morning.............................................Another game day is upon us and we need to show Huntie and the rest of the scUM sucking horde who's the boss, as we wind down the regular season over the next few days......

Wild and wacky day yesterday in college BB as so many of the top 10 went down in defeat..............I tried to enjoy it , but my fever and aches and pains got the best of me and without the loyal support of NL # 3.................................


I probably would still be under the weather ........Well , I'm not at 100 % but with NL # 3 giving me a couple of her amazing oral discussion presentations , it allowed me to use my tried and true method of recuperation........

Starve a cold
Toke and drink a fever

It has always worked before and with NL # 3's expert nursing of my body and mind , I feel I will be ready for tip off and root the Illini onto a win over the scUMmy-est peeps around.....

It's 30 * here in Paducah @ 4:41 am and the next week looks to have a warming spell so I hope some of my aches and pains will subside or even disappear completely............

I talked to my dad yesterday morning and he sounded really good .....said no headaches from the surgery and was sleeping better......Called mom and she had been up since 6 am doing laundry at her assisted living facility.......she said she was going to see dad later on in the day and said he looked better since the surgery.....

OK......I'm getting tired and my fingers are stinging pretty good so I'll turn myself over to NL # 3 for her wonderful care giving help........


Why is there so much pain in this world ??.............pain from illnesses or wear and tear on our carbon unit frames .....or .......pain inflicted by madmen such as Putin and his bunch of power hungry oligarcs trying to rule the world .....and why do we have our own madman ( # 45 ) even having anyone pay attention to the biggest traitor in our history as a civilized country .........
Sorry Dan , but when i see that buffoon calling Putin a genius , it makes my blood boil........


we are trying to decide our pre-game meal this morning ....probably something light as I still feel queasy .......


So happy I have a woman who loves me so unconditionally ...............I really really am ...................................peace out bro's


Paducah, Ky
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Morning all.......................................it's 4:36 here in good ole Paducah with a temp of 27* and a high today of 57 *......this week the temp range is high's in the 50's with Wednesday expected to be over 70.......wow........also , no rain being forecast so NL # 3..........................................


and I are contemplating starting a walking routine @ 8:00 am daily and see if that might help ole pru get back into a more healthy life path....Can you imagine the looks I will get with NL # 3 walking beside me holding my hand as we traverse the sidewalks around our apartment complex.....it is exactly a half mile around the complex where we live and long before I met the NL's and the outbreak of covid I was walking 8 laps around ......Yup, do the math .....that's 4 miles ole pru was putting in each day.........The hot eye candy ladies who run the complex have their office in an apartment only 2 doors down from me and they would cum out and cheer me on when it was 90 + degrees outside and my sleeveless t-shirt was clinging to my sculptured body....Now , I'm not gonna tell you what sculpture I resembled but I did feel a lot better than i do now and there is something about getting cozy with NL # 3 when we both have a good sweat going on ........The aroma is breathtaking and is such an aphrodisiac inducing scent that get's both our juices flowing .......

I CAN'T WAIT !!!!!!!!

A big statement win for the beloved yesterday in scUM land and it really shows the mettle of the Illini lads , that has been tested all season long .....

There is a saying ( I hope I remember correctly ) " from the fiery furnace , clay becomes porcelain.........................lol..........that's not the saying i was remembering , but it's too early to do an exhausting research and NL # 3 is raising her eyebrows in that oh so cute , needful way........

whew , it;s so easy to get distracted , especially when she cums into the room only wearing her Illini socks.......Talk about a porcelain goddess !!!!!!

Well , i hadn't even planned on posting here this morning , but after reading the news highlights earlier i became so distraught and angry that i decided to bore everyone with a manifesto rant about the world we live in ..........i will say 2 things and then conclude this post ........

1.....I am deeply disturbed about the actions of Putin putting the Russian nuclear program on alert......a madman with their finger on that button is so depressing and so much cause for concern..................

2.......I am sick and tired of seeing ANY reporting about # 45......you know who that is and being as old as I am , I can't wrap my head around how anyone with a stable mind can give that traitor the time of day , let alone support him ......to praise Putin for invading Ukraine tells me we have entered BIZARRO land and I think the less he opens his mouth , the better the world will be ........JMHO and not trying to get into a political discussion , but what more must this man do to show everyone his true colors .............anyway , i'm done ranting and now it's time for loving , so a quick wake and bake and then some serious slow sensual oral discussion presentations and a deep tissue penetration session will restore my optimistic outlook on my life path with my beautiful soulmate ......


Why can't mankind just learn to get along with each other ????.........is greed the motivating factor now that measures the advancement of our civilization ??
Make love , not war was a popular catch phrase back in the late 60's and early 70's.......has that thought gone out of style and meaning ???

If the answer truly is YES , then WHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


just little old me.............wow......................Has society becum so distant from one another that we all have becum numb to the feelings of others ????
is there a way to turn this war machine mentality around to truly caring about one another or is it too late and we are just living out the string of life before the buttons are finally pushed to render this planet into a barren wasteland ........I hope not ...............I REALLY REALLY DO................


is this gif foretelling our future............................................I REFUSE TO ACCEPT THIS OUTCOME .....I HOPE YOU FEEL THE SAME...................


Paducah, Ky
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Good morning my friends..............................................It's 3:47 here in Paducah , with a temp of 54 * now , going up to a high of 62 *.............Wasn't yesterday just a most beautiful day ??...........it was down here , as the temp got up to 78 * sunshining and very low humidity.......I told the girl where I buy my smokes that I'll take 2 years of this weather and she totally agreed..........It was a very busy day for lil ole pru , so let's get crackin......................

......BTW , NL # 3..........................


is resting upstairs in bed as I gave her some of the best oral discussions in history last night and finishing her off with a most satisfying deep tissue penetration session that lasted for over 30 - 45 minutes and left us both gasping for air ......It was another in a series of mind blowing sexual excursions that we share together and solidifies our love for one another.........As i left the bedroom earlier she was laying on her back with her nude body positioned in a way to show the results of our sessions in vivid detail.......I love that she sleeps in the nude .......I really really do........

Called the nursing home to talk to my dad and nobody answered.....I called 4-5 times and always got the answering machine , so I gave up and called mom......She answered on the second ring and during our convo she said they were having some phone probs at the nursing home where dad is at so I will call Saturday morning and hope to hook up then.....The nurses at the nursing home have all told me they will call me if there is a need to reach me day or night .......

Yesterday was also a day where I got to see my best bud for the first time in almost a year face to face.........If you read this thread faithfully you will remember my bestest bud has been through a lot this past year and I was anxious to see him again......we share so much history together that I think of him as a true brother in this life of mine ....I am an only child and the friendships I made throughout my life were never to the point of my friendship with him and again , I was so looking forward to seeing him again.......

he had sent me some gummy bears he purchased from a dispensary in southern Illinois to see if it helped my arthritis and it did.......So , he was coming down to my neck of the woods to just enjoy the day and I think , to get away from the missus....they still are bickering as married peeps do......

The gummy's he sent earlier were 2/3 CBD and 1/3 THC ........Thats what he told me so I believe him and they really helped ............Yesterday we went to a dispensary and I got to purchase an upgrade of gummy's with a 1:1 or 50-50 ratio of CBD and THC , then we spent some quality time just chillin as always........

I must tell you I was taken aback with the physical appearance of my bestest bud.......last time i saw him his hair was brown and his goatee was salt and pepper ..................Yesterday his hair and goatee were a shiny white color and his trembling hands were very prominent .........He said he had decided to finally have a test for Parkinson's disease as his trembling and other symptoms of Parkinsons was becuming more evident every day......

As we were talking , he got a call from one of our mutual childhood friends .....He was the lead guitarist for my band and we always were doing crazy immature stuff growing up........I chimed in with a "" hey MF'er "" and then was treated with the best version of a southern baptist tent show revival of how he is now a christian and please don't talk like that ....I profusely apologized to him over the phone as I made a face at my best bud ....He was laughing his arse off and after about 5 minutes of intense witnessing my other friend took a breath .....I told him i was happy for him but i had to go run some errands ......After my best bud hung up he looked at me and we both started shaking our heads and chuckling at what had transpired .....

Now , don't get me wrong , whatever floats your boat is groovy by me , but don't lay your trip on me in a condescending way and we will be fine.......Back to the gummys ............So , I got the 1:1 mixture and my best bud brought me some cannabutter and canna honey he made for my pleasure ......it wasn't free and I didn't expect it and he drove down to see me so there you go......

We ended our visit shortly thereafter as he still had to run some errands for his wife and i was itching to get back home and share a gummy with NL # 3......

Whoa , I really like the new mixture of gummys and so does NL # 3.....she said it made her tingle all over when i touched her . so touching her i did.....for about 3 hours back and forth , nothing rushed ....we had nowhere to go or anyone to see , so it was one of those times where you could savor every touch and caress......enjoying the moist presence of body fluids as you brought relief in the most intimate way to another carbon unit .............

I got 5 hours uninterrupted sleep last night and really feel the ratio of the new gummys is right for me .......We both had a buzz for over 8 hours ......
We really really did ......................................

Time for another cup of Gevelia Traditional Roast coffee , yum yum , and get the day in motion for another exciting Fighting Illini victory tonight ..............


Time is precious , don't waste it on things not beneficial to your growth in life ........no reset buttons available in this game of life , so live like you want and need to .....Please enjoy every second of your life......................


I'm glad I have found gummys to replace some of my toking habit ....the older I get , the harder it is to inhale as deep as before .......makes sense , but I don't like it......I really really don't...........................


Gummys are the future ....the hope of mankind for a more peaceful walk of life .....C'mon Putin , take some of them and chill the f**k out.....
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Paducah, Ky
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Good morning Illini Nation.......It's 3:23 am here in beautiful Paducah , Ky this morning ....It's a crisp 37 * with the high expected to be 43 * and the low tonight of 18 *.............Afternoon snow showers are forecast with accumulation of roughly 1-2 inches......I usually go outside in the back of my apartment while my Community Coffee / Cafe Special is brewing and it felt wonderful this morning to breath in the crisp cool air into my tired 70 year young lungs ......

NL # 3 .................................................


and I have partaken a gummy each to do our wake and bake edible style for now ......Vaping will commence in a little while.......It's been too long since my last post so I will try to post more before we start our drug hazed and sexually fulfilling days from here on out .........fingers crossed ......lol

GAME DAY ILLINI FANATICS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We already have our Illini gear on as it is the usual attire we feel most comfortable in when we are wearing clothes ....It's about 50 / 50 around here and we love it ......Frees the mind , as they say , and brightens my day to scan across the room to NL # 3 as she nakedly run the vacuum cleaner or bends over to pick something up.....Being nude affords a more direct approach to what you see and want to do ......

I will post about the game today in other threads and today I want to talk about my visit Wednesday to the dispensary in Metropolis..........

being 70 years old and starting my 420 adventure at an age of 15 years old , you can see I have been at it for a while .....Growing up in the mid to late 60's , it was filled with countless wasted hours waiting for a meet that might not happen for the purchase of this magical plant , to going to a dealer house and he either got busted or was out of stock bummed out many a night and led to experimenting with our things to make up for the weed drought.........I'm bringing this up because of the total shift from the black market days of not knowing if the weed or other things were good or a ripoff.......
Now , you can order online ( my next purchase's will be this way ) and just go pick it up later...........The design of the dispensary is well thought out and affords movement around as you wait for your name to be called out .....when you hear your name you just go to the counter and show ID again and pay the bill and get out of dodge..........This is a dream to all the hassle we put up with over the past many years and i am glad to be alive to see it happening .....Buy whatever THC or CBD level you want and enjoy........I had a jolt when i took my first toke off the disposable vap pen .........i thought it would be like when I vaped nicotine .......Nope , it was similar to my one hitter and i had a nice lung expelling interlude for about 5 minutes but then it was a go for regular toking ....we liked it a lot ....it's some Blueberry Kush strain and tastes great .......................................

Just got my 2nd cup of coffee brought to me by my beautiful soulmate NL # 3 ......A little bite of my earlobe by said # 3 tells me her gummy has found the sweet spot and fun and games are in play ............I love goals , whether it's a Blues game winning goal or a goal of mine to bring my soulmate so much enjoyment during my oral discussion presentation on her , it gives the day a purpose , a desire not yet fulfilled , but you know it will be monumental......

Dad sounded great Wednesday morning and still no pain from his cancer surgery........Eating better and sleeping better , so that brings joy to my soul.......

Mom is doing great also.......She is 91 and frisky as a new born colt ...........She walks in and around the assisted living facility to warm up and then usually most days she jumps on the stationary bike there and rides for at least 45 minutes , then the last 5-15 minutes are a sprint to the finish line .........I'm glad she has her health and competitiveness .....wish dad had some of it , but you play the hand dealt , so I am going day by day with a smile on my face .......


Gummy's have kicked in and I feel so relaxed and in tune with the world ............................I really really do ...........................


Just little old me
and NL # 3

souls found
joy abounds

daily distractions
chemical reactions

singular ?
plural ?

reality ?

imagined ?

what price victory ?
what price freedom ?

but , why a price ?
why not understanding ?

mutual decisions
both sides prospering

Oh wait ,
too easy

gotta win tho

war crimes

against the innocent
for fools gold is not repented


A Day in the Life of an Illini Fanatic and his trusty soulmate ...........................................will be releasing our pregame meal in the pregame thread today ...ta ta
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Paducah, Ky
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Good morning all.......................................It's 2:41 am here in Paducah with a temp of 35 * .........Should get to 70 * for the high and 46 * for the low today with no rain forcast till Tuesday with a 90 % chance then.........So , a sunshiny day with light winds ......Sounds like a perfect day to watch and celebrate an Illini win and going to the Sweet 16.............HELLS YEAH ............................

As usual on Illini game days I can't sleep , and with the early start to today's game I'm up and having a couple cups of Gevelia Traditional Roast coffee and a couple of Persian Cinnamon rolls.........yum yum.....................................

It's been 9 days since my last post here and that's attributed to my new gummy bears and Illini BB along with the start of the NCAA tourney .......Also , a

little bit , OK , a lot of NL# 3...................................


and NL # 1..............................


experiences ...........................pru does not live on Illini alone and the spices of these 2 ladies is so sweet to the taste , touch and smell that many times I feel like I have died and went to the Ancient's celestial pru playground .........I am so thankful for my life .....I really really am ......

My parents are doing OK and that is such a relief to me .................................I don't worry about them as I grew up with my mom constantly worrying about everything and I made it a point to not live my life under the stress of worrying about things out of my control..........that's how I roll and at 70 years young I ain't gonna change now ........I have concern's and anxiousness sure , but I don't dwell on things that haven't happened and usually don't happen and waste my time doing the "" what if "" game ......................................

My bestest bud went to St. Louis Wednesday to see a neurologist about his tremors and shaking and the doctor told him he has early stages of
Parkinson's Disease..............whew boy .........It's one thing or another and I could tell he was down when we finally got to talk yesterday at length......

We talked for almost 2 hours and i did my best to cheer him up but it was a no go as far as lifting his spirits to a normal rate........he has had numerous things hit him the last 12-18 months and as long as I have known him he was a jovial and pleasant soul , but he is getting worn down now with his medical issues and I told him i will be there for him in whatever means he needs me to be..........He thanked me and told me we need to see each other this spring and summer more than we have since the covid pandemic and i agreed ....................True friends are invaluable , as I don't have many close friends due to trust issues and he has and is my best friend and i hate to see him this way , but you gotta roll with the punches and stay fighting the good fight.....

To all my friends here , i sincerely hope we win today and keep the season rolling ..............it's been a journey unlike the normal routine of a season and I want Trent , DMW , Plummer and whoever else is leaving the squad to enjoy a deep run and hopefully make it to New Orleans.....wouldn't that be GREAT ?

Guess I will go back upstairs and wake up NL # 3 for a little snuggling and exploration of certain body parts to orally discuss or deep tissue penetrate to start our day off with some fireworks ...............NL # 1 is cumming over to watch the game with us today so it should be a day of Celebration ( I hope )
and great sensual sharing of bodies and minds ......................................

Finishing up on todays pre-game meal details and will be sharing them soon ..........................


Go Illini !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............lets kick Cellphone Scamscum to the curb today ...............................................


I feel pain for the people of Ukraine and wish there was some way to get the madman Putin to cease his treacherous ways but it looks like it is going to continue for now ............I just don't understand the thought process of these ruthless dictator's and their lack of concern for their fellow carbon units around the globe ...........I really really don't .....................................


A gummy bear a day keeps nuclear war away......................................Think about it ................................One push of a button and our world's lifestyle will be changed forever ......................................We can persevere with the help of the Ancient's and their plan for this world .....I hope they are not too late ...


Paducah, Ky
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Good morning all..........................It's 3:08 am here in Paducah and I am paying the price for eating something I knew i shouldn't have ........We had chicken stir fry with a base of rice for supper tonight and I had to add some chinese hot mustard to my plate .......I knew I was screwing up when I did it , but it tastes soo good ,,,,,,,,,So now I'm up trying to burp my way back to feeling somewhat normal again and I will definitely NOT use the mustard again ....
I really really won't.........I have the ability to make myself burp and it has aided me numerous times in my life to relieve the awful feeling of heartburn , that feels like a knife cutting through your chest.......Some have the same burp ability but I have also talked to peeps about it and they look at me like I'm some sort of carney person.........Oh well , I'm glad I can do it and again it has saved me from pain before....................

This morning my bestest bud will be having surgery on his left hand and elbow from his first fall out of bed a couple month's ago...........he will have his arm immobilized for 1-2 months and that is his predominant side being left handed........Wish he could have 4-6 months of pain free existence but it doesn't look like he ever will.....he gets to come home later on today but I will wait till Tuesday or Wednesday to talk to him......

ust read where the cardinals are signing Albert Pujols to a one year contract .............I don't have an opinion on this yet as he was one of my all time favorite Cardinals players before he left to go to the Angels.........I still feel kinda pissed off that he left and don't know what to feel right now , but what I feel matters little to the overall aspects of the deal.........I just want another WS trophy and however we do it is OK with me........

Mom and dad are doing ok.......I talked to both of them Saturday morning and dad sounded real crisp and clear with his speech and coherent also......
Mom was getting ready to do her Tour de France bike riding episode so we didn't talk long ......I'm glad they both sounded as well as they did......

NL # 3.............................................


and I had some good oral discussions and deep tissue penetration sessions yesterday and are falling more in love each day .......I wish I had met someone like her 50 years ago and had led a happy life as we are doing now , but there is no reset button in life , so i just realize how happy she makes me and she tells me how happy I make her , so I am going to enjoy every second with her until the day I am not on this rock........

I didn't watch the Oscars but I saw the video's of Will Smith slapping the crap outta Chris Rock .......He deserved the slapdown as he has dissed Jada before at the Oscars past and with her hair loss problem , he had no business saying what he did ........JMHO...................

My heartburn has calmed down to the point that I guess I will head back upstairs to my naked soulmate and see if she needs my oral attention again .....She has yet to turn me down so I think it's a given that I will be hearing some moans and groans shortly ..........Oh what a world ................


Are you happy with your life ??...........................Do you want more out of life ??........................Then get it !!!!!!!!!.....Don't wait before it's too late......


bringing pleasure to my lady and enjoying every aspect of doing it .......


We are baring our souls to bring you entertainment every day ......hope you enjoy it ..........we really really do ...............
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Paducah, Ky
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Good morning all........this is my second attempt to post this morning as i had a 45 minute post done , went for another cup of coffee and somehow I lost my post...........................Pissed me of tremendously as it was some of my lame best work and would have brought a smile to your face because of the brilliance of it or extreme pity for me and my feeble attempts to express my feelings in my remaining years here on planet earth.........

My bestest bud's surgery is a bust .....he still has the pain and numbness as before the surgery...........we talked for about an hour yesterday morning and he is not happy .......I sense his utter frustration with all the doctor's he see's and wish he could find answers but , alas it is not to be ........

Mom and Dad calling day today..............................Dad is happy for baseball returning and he sounded great Saturday morning .................Mom is all up in the riding the stationary bike and playing Bingo........I asked if she wagered on the Bingo games and she giggled ........Giggled ??.....my 91 year old mom is betting on Bingo games ??......................what are the stakes being bet ?????..............Never mind , I don't want to know .....

NL # 3..............................................


and NL # 1...............................


and myself are having a slumber party tonite with no slumber involved .........................................Yep , oral discussions and deep tissue penetrating sessions are on the menu for the cumming attractions today..............

I had some youtube vid's in the first lost post and am to lazy and my gummy bear kicked in and my 3 tokes on the vape Cheese & Chong are converging at the same time so no youtubes now ..................................


Naked Twister is the game for tonight........it really really is ..........................


if you are bound by your life's constraints and are unhappy , break those bonds and enjoy your freedom's at hand ......Oh , what a world .....


Get happy before it's too late.............we are glad we did get happyness into our live's and rejoice every day....


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Paducah, Ky
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Good morning everyone........Hope you had a great weekend .........NL # 3.............................


and NL # 1.......................................


and I had a superb time frolicking around each other in our birthday suits , just enjoying each other's company and various body parts.........i felt like a hungry beast at the best smorgasbord ever.......I ate until I was full and had 2 satisfied NL 's snuggling with me till my pain in my hands made me get up and cum downstairs for some gummy bear and vaping relief...............been down here since @ 2:30 am and my gummy has kicked in big time.......
Thought I would post something here to keep the thread going and ease my mind before I go back upstairs to two naked fit and trim NL's wanting my talents .....I will abide .........................I really really will..............................

Talked to mom and dad Saturday morning and dad was talking great but feeling poorly.......he had a bout of throwing up and thats not good for my dad to have to do .....he hates vomiting more than most anything , but he said he felt better after and slept pretty good later on ..........mom is doing ok riding her stationary bike and playing bingo everyday..........she can't see very well because of her macro degeneration but she's a trooper and gets by just fine......

my bestest bud is still down because of the Parkinson's diagnosis and still bummed that his surgery on his left elbow and wrist is showing any improvement but he said his Doctor told him he had been affected for over 8 month's with pain there and it would take longer than 2 weeks to show improvement...........I think that's a cop out but I'm not a doctor and I didn't tell my bud that......he needs my support now more than ever and i will be there for him..................................

The Blues and Cardinals have been doing great until the egg the Cardinals laid yesterday afternoon.........Excited about the Blues and with only 10 games left before the playoffs start I will be watching EVERY game in hopes they can gain home ice advantage......looks like the Blues and the Wild in the first round and that will be a doozy of a series ............CAN'T WAIT !!!!!!

No new news on the Illini recruiting front right now but should hear something this week i hope ........it's a busy time for sports junkie's like myself and others here and i know it's adding some spice to everyone's life..........Spice is nice................It really really is ....................................


Spice is nice .....I like that......I like spicy things with a robust aroma and moist tangy flavor's ......It gets me feeling alive ......What gets you feeling alive ??
Do you have an outlet in your life just for enjoyment ??.....if yes , then keep on keepin on......If not , then do it .....find that special whatever and enjoy the heck out of it .........You deserve it .....You really really do...............................


I'm not a wizard ......I'm not a soothsayer.........................I'm not a savant .........................What am I ???..............A very happy and contented soul with my life as it unfolds every day into a non stop stream of pleasure and smiles.....................Hope you can find happiness and contentment too.....................


NL # 3 and I are living everyday with smiles on our faces.....It feels good .....................It really really does.......................
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Paducah, Ky
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Good morning to all my friends this morning from good old rainy Paducah.......................It's 51 * and NOT raining right now...wow.........not raining now.......it's not supposed to rain again until Sunday night with an 80 % chance...........Why am I laboring on the weather so much ??..............good question , unless you have arthritis or any other medical issue that changes with the humidity or barometric pressure changes..............If you are affected like I am then no need to elaborate further........It rules your life , at times , until you have to take measures to gain relief ........Gummy's have been an ancients-send and i already smoked weed daily before the arthritis set in but it seems to be working for me now .......it really screws up your sleep cycles and NL # 3............


and NL # 1.............................


have truly been my Florence Nightingales with their constant applications of great oral discussion presentations and with moist and highly pleasurable deep tissue penetration sessions numerous times daily .......Without their all encompassing attention into my pleasure and relief i would be cumming unglued right now........But all i have to do is ask and one of them is there for my relief and they don't stop until mission accomplished over and over and over again.........it is one of the true joys in my life to have at my beckon call two lovely lady's ready to serve my needs......It really really is......

Today is my day to call my mom and dad to check in with them ......dad wasn't feeling perky Wednesday morning but he sounded better when we started talking about the Cardinals.........Mom had an outing with her sister and niece Wednesday afternoon as it was her sister Donna's 83 birthday and they were supposed to go out to lunch and then go see dad......Hope everything went according to plans......

my bestest bud got his stitches taken out from his surgery on his left elbow and wrist , but is still not feeling any significant relief yet.........he did say that the Parkinson's meds he started taking has helped his temors some and is encouraged by that so that brought a smile to my face .......Glass half full approach to life has always worked for me ......With him , he is at a state of glass half empty and I don't blame him at all..........

i am listening to a lot of Gabriella Wilson , AKA H.E.R. , everyday and i firmly believe she is one of the top ten songwriters of my life and top ten singer also........her music is so complex with her silky smooth voice combining with her all absorbing lyrics to bring me such pleasure listening to her .....I have a 67 song playlist with 4 hours of content that brings a calmness to my old soul .......Music has been and will always be my escape from the woes of life....
I can be immersed in music along with some gummy bear or 420 enhancement and leave the worries of society behind ...........Is that not facing reality ??

or is it really facing reality with a helping hand that allows for future enjoyment .....i'll let you answer that for yourself as I will continue doing what I do as it works for me and what works for me is really what it's all about ......it really really is........

Today brings another round of Blues and Cardinals games that conflict with each other .......i will go with the Blues games to watch when this happens as we are down to a handful of regular season games for the Blues and the playoffs and the Cardinals have a full season ahead ......LETS GO BLUES.....


had a great night with both NL # 1 and 3 in bed last night......It feels so great to have them on either side of me with their bodacious breasts and thighs rapping me into a cocoon of sweaty NL sweat and the aroma's are heavenly .......They really really are..........................


Life is fleeting......happiness is at your feet .....can you see the opportunity for enjoyment in your life ??................are you even looking for that plateau of pleasure that will transform your attitude into a healthy and optimistic nature ......i advise you to reach out and grab that brass ring while you still can ......
PLEASE , do it for yourself ...........


Today is the day for passionate lovemaking and passionate gummy and 420 partaking ....................TRY IT FOR ONE DAY.......................ONE DAY !!!!!!

Peace out my brothers and sisters .........I hope you will smile at least once today ......I REALLY REALLY DO......................
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Paducah, Ky
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Good morning Illini fanatics..............................................How's every little thing ??..........Been enough news and conjecture surrounding our men's Fighting Illini BB program lately ??..............................I'm starting this post @ 5:30 am CT so you can see how long it takes my brain to function during one of these Old Age Anon long winded debacles..................The rain accumulation over the past 10 - 14 days has been significant and with the high water table associated with being so close to the river , causes flash flooding in Paducah.....It's kinda spooky to think what would happen if climate change might triggers a 40 day rain catastrophe and just wash away the feebles masses here.......SAVE THE DISPENSARY........SAVE THE DISPENSARY............


Civic pride in community preservation........It inspires me immensely..............................

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Thanks darlin..........that was a celebrity cameo from this actress , who is from Lone Oak which is a suburb of Paducah..........She enjoys the local
dispensary , as do I .............................she really really does..........

Yesterday I talked to my mom and dad and had interesting convo's with each.............Dad had a baritone tone to his voice and kinda sounded like John Wayne and I was waiting for "" Ok Pilgrim " lines to start flowing but he said he had phlegm in his throat , so that kinda spoiled my moment.........
Then we started talking about Cardinal Baseball and i asked him if he was watching them .........Got an abrupt NO ! .......what ?................Haven't seen any games this year !!................................Ok dad , well I have been calling the nursing home when they have a game and am told OK we will do that or even it 's on his TV right now ...............................

Long story short , he now is having some trouble remembering short term stuff but can recall 20-30 years ago memories OK............Mom had had a rough night Tuesday night not being able to sleep so when i called her she had been asleep for a couple hours before and sounded groggy......Both are OK and made me feel better.........

My bestest bud got his cast off his arm and wrist and hand and still is not feeling much better than before........He was in better spirits yesterday and told me it was because of the cast coming off he now could drive and he has left his house every day this week to just get away from the missus and relax in solitude......
I told him sounds like a good plan and I supported him ....You would too if you knew his wife like I do......And I don't know her that well........She has a pointy chin and a narrow nose , slightly larger than normal , but not noteworthy...........not homely or even cumely , she is OK to look at in the head area , but as you scan down her body , you see a nice swell of breast curves to a 36 D , with thick ni**les.....................continuing with the eye assault , she has a narrow waist that flares out to an impressive hip and butt region that is very enjoyable to watch operate.........She has told me numerous times over the years that all I need to tell her is "" When and Where ""...............................true facts.....................................I have never or ever would do that to my bestest bud .....not how I roll...........I never told him about his wife's advances because it would hurt more than help.............at least thats how i think and the only way his wife and I would ever have oral discussions or deep tissue penetrating sessions was if he had passed away or if he gave his consent to letting me satisfy his wife's needs and leave her sexual needs satiated until further needs cum up............

This morning I did a "" Wake & Bake & Partake "" and am feeling much better ........I went to the dispensary to get more gummies and as I got to the kiosk it showed "" Application down ""............................ok...........................There was about 50-60 peeps already there and some had been waiting twice as long as normal.....somebody quipped , web is down on 420 day ...........................I vacated the premises and am going back later today ....got get my stash filled up

Gonna go now ..........lay down between my two NL's and just sniff the aroma's ........................................mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............


Are you sniffing the aroma's in your life ???.............Try it sometime , the smell might inspire you to improve your lifestyle and make you happy......


The old saying "" It doesn't pass the smell test "" is a saying I have heard my whole life ...............See if things in your life pass the smell test ........really really pass the smell test ......take one of those large inhales of smells and let it flood your senses as you dissect those aroma's and determine good , bad or ugly .....


Continuing our quest for the perfect orgasmic vibe as we share space with each other freely and wantingly ......just how WE roll.........
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Paducah, Ky
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Hello................How are you ??.................................It's 3:16 am here in Paducah with a temp of 51 * and rain again in the forecast........Don't know where you are at , but here in Paducah , we have had enough rain to suit me for a while now.......the rain causes my psoriatic arthritis to flare up and i feel like I have the flu , aching all over and my hands and wrists are where it hurts the most..........it has curtailed my posting somewhat as when i don't feel good I don't feel like posting..........But , it's my burden and I have plenty of support in NL # 3 and NL # 1 ...................................


to make me remember what twists and turns my life has taken over the last few years........I'm at a good place mentally and I owe it all to their oral discussion presentations and numerous deep tissue penetrations along with their immense love for me .........When you can feel the love another carbon unit has for you it makes life more fulfilling and tolerable.......and gummy bears and vaping help also.........it really really does.............................

Since I last posted my dad had to be taken to the ER and was not doing well at all........he spent 5 days in the hospital and was diagnosed with pneumonia....
I received a phone call @ 8 pm the day he was taken to the hospital and was told if it was pneumonia they would treat him for that ....if it wasn't pneumonia then they had done everything they could for him ...................HUH ??.............................That was surprising to hear.....i knew he had a
DNR ( do not resuscitate ) clause in his living will but it took me by surprise hearing what the course of treatment was to be decided by his having the illness or not..........If I'm being vague or sounding stupid , please bear with me as sleep has been fleeting the last couple of weeks with all the aches and pains I have had.......

my bestest bud is starting to feel better and I asked what was causing his improvement ??.............he rapidly exclaimed being able to get out of the house and away from his wife was the leading factor........kinda sucks to be in a relationship where being apart brings joy to you , but i felt that way after me and the ex split up and continue to believe the divorce was the best thing to happen to me and my situation......

I have had some days recently where I get really loaded on gummy's and vaping and end up laying down for an extended period of time , then when i get around to reading the posts here I am 10-15 pages behind .....Others have posted the same and it is really difficult to read that many pages to just catch up..........
the news is we are in such a great position to keeping adding some players through the portal and have an outstanding chance to becum a difficult team to play after we gain our chemistry and see what kind of players we have.....I am excited to see where we end up at as far as players and I know BU will whip them into a dynomite team before the end of the season.......

Time for another cup of coffee and a couple gummy's to take the edge off............


How do you take the edge off ???..........................or do you even try anymore ??..............it's never too late to change your life path and start being happy again ..........YOU CAN DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


my words of encouragement hopefully doesn't fall on deaf ears ...........Please enjoy as much of your life as possible.......I tried for years to fix a sinking marriage and just made it worse on all concerned by not taking the right steps and prolonging the outcome for 5 + years that I can never get back .......
Examine your life and fix what ails you.......I did and am enjoying my life better now with the NL's in my life......


last night in bed , NL # 3 asked me about us having a baby together ...................................Whoa Nellie .........................................................
too be continued at a later date.............It really really will be ..........................
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Paducah, Ky
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Good early morning......................................It's 2:22 am here in Paducah with a temp of 64 * and a forecast of 88 * & 65 * for the high and low today...........Rain is coming tonight with strong winds and that is a major reason for my increased pain in my arthritic hands and wrists........I also have been suffering from a stomach virus the last couple of days and let me tell you , the older you get , the harder it is to throw up.......I'm like my dad in the fact that puking is not welcomed as any solution to pain .....I have had peeps tell me they just put their fingers down their throat and vomit up whatever ails them ........
All I can say is kudos to you as I have never been able to do that ...........lets just change the subject , OK ??....BTW , I do have a bucket close by as I am still upchucking sometimes even though I haven't had anything hardly to eat in the last 2 days.......

My mom and dad are hanging in there pretty well....I talked to dad Wednesday morning and he sounded clear and coherent............Been eating and sleeping pretty good or so he told me.......Mom is still riding the stationary bike and playing bingo....they are creatures of habit and I guess that's where I get it from......

my bestest bud is feeling somewhat better and that pleases me immensely..........He still is not getting along well with his wife and i try to encourage him to be strong but she wears him down to the point that he leaves home just to get some peace.....how screwy is that ??

NL # 3 ...............................................................


is my rock and is always willing to do whatever is asked of her........She is so tuned in to my mind that she gives me an oral discussion presentation without me asking .......it's like she can read my mind and that is so wonderful to be with someone so in step with me and my crazy notions......I think she might be as crazy as I am but she doesn't act like it all the time like I do.......

The Blues wrapped up the first round series win tonight and they look like a similar edition of the 2019 history making Stanley Cup winning team.......They have it all with many goal scorers and a heavy and physical roster that could shock the league this year.......Up next is the Colorado Av's and they are a great team , but there's something about this year's Blues that has me thinking they will win this series also......It will be a tall task but I'm a lifetime Blues fan and I will be watching them every time they play........

I have laid off on gummy bears the last couple of days and hope I can get back to taking them today .......It makes my life more enjoyable and less painful......It really really does...........................................


Puking sucks..................................it really really does.................................


Just little old me ........................................................says it all....................


We hope you have a great day...........we really really do................................
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Paducah, Ky
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Good morning friends....................................it's 3:27 here in Paducah , 69 * with rain coming down and expected to continue to rain till around 8 am this morning........the rain has caused an increase in my wrist and hand pain and i have taken 2 gummy's and getting ready for a couple shots of vodka to aid in my pain reduction.........it isn't getting better but I can't let it take control of my body or mind........

my bestest bud called me @ 6:30 last night to give me updates on his medical condition as I hadn't talked to him in over 10 days......I have been feeling poorly unrelated to my arthritis and I hadn't felt good enough to call him but he said some of his pains had improved and was feeling somewhat better......I am happy he is getting some relief , but I didn't tell him his wife called me and wanted to hook up with me.....it took me by surprise and i kinda put her off when I told her I would need my bud's permission before I would cross that line ......she told me she would try to make it alright with him as she told me they hadn't had sex in over 10 years ....................10 YEARS ???................................wow....................................She wanted to finalize a visit from her to me down here in Paducah in the next couple of weeks and I told her again that my bud had to ok it with me before i would say yea or nay.......................I don't have a clue on what is next with her , but if she gets the ok from him then that's when i lay down the ground rules on what she needs to do to have it all go down .......I won't put up with her crap like he does and I would be in total control.......If I'm gonna get involved that way with her then i need to know i am in charge and she is going to submit to me in all things when we hook up...........I kinda feel funny even discussing this , but also i am intrigued by her figure and wondering how aggressive she would be after 10 years of no sex............i will keep you informed and this just shows me that life will get your attention in ways you never dreamed of......It really really does..........................

I called my dad and he had already laid down in his bed after his breakfast so i didn't get to talk to him this morning ......I then called mom and after 3 times calling her with no answer i moved on to other pertinent matters at hand............................................

I gave a preview of a new member of the NL's a couple days ago and here is NL # 2.........................................


She is a stunner and is completely experienced in the art of oral discussions and deep tissue penetration's.............................we have spent about 10 hours in the process of her becumming a NL and she has passed all tests with flying colors........i believe she is a keeper and i look forward to endless hours of honing her skills and finding out what she likes to do the best.........it's that newness that keeps me cumming back for more and more NL time with my ladies........

Finally , the Blues won last night in a truly epic comeback game and I can't wait till friday night and game # 6 of their series with the Av's........................


A new NL and a comeback win by the Blues ........what a great life ....................it really really is..........................


NL # 3..........................................


brought it up again about wanting to have a baby with me ...................................What should I do ????????


Living the good life 1 second at a time...............................
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Paducah, Ky
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Good morning all.................................It's a beautiful day here in Paducah.......76 * with a high of 82 * and no rain forecast..........OK , let's just jump into the fray as I have lots to discuss with my friends today.......

My back started to act up on me late Tuesday night and when I woke up @ 4 am Wednesday morning to go pee I couldn't hardly walk and had tremendous pain putting any weight on my right leg as the pain almost had me go down a couple times trying to get to the bathroom..........I had back surgery in December of 1984 and have dealt with pain coming and going since then........37 + years of pain and the pain i am having now is reminiscent of the initial pain from the 2 ruptured discs i had originally.........Gummies and 420 and alcohol have helped but back pain is a different breed of pain and it is a debilitating pain .....Those of you who have back issues know exactly what i'm talking about ......it sucks ......It really really does........

Mom and dad are doing good as both of them sounded great when i called them Wednesday morning.......My bestest bud is still having headaches but his left arm and wrist is better after the surgery .....it took him a longer time than normal to feel any relief from the surgery and his doctor said thats because of his other medical issues........BTW , his wife called me again Monday wanting to cum see me for some sexual relief .....she is now telling me what she wants to do to me and what she wants me to do to her.........this is perplexing for me to hear her talk in such explicit terms but it is also exciting to hear , but I will remain steadfast until i hear from my bud thats it OK with him.........it's the only way i would take it to the next level with her and she knows thats how I feel , but I can hear it in her voice that she's hornier than a 3 peckered billy goat at the county fair........I really expect her to just show up at my door some night and my mettle will be tested .........She mentioned showing up with an overcaot and nothing underneath.........WOW..........


NL # 3 has brought up having a baby now 4 different times and i don't know what to say to her .......it would be great but I doubt I would be around long enough to enjoy all the happiness of being a parent again.......


Welp , it's time for a couple gummies and a toke or two from the vape pen to help with my back pain ...........Do you have gummies and vape's to rely on for assistance in getting through your stressful day ??????................i hope you do ......I really really do ..............................


Checking out a new musical artist , at least to me , today .............Post Malone................Saw him on SNL a couple weeks ago and decided to check him out ........Sounds pretty good so i made a playlist on Spotify and listening now to his album " Stoney "" from 2016 and will continue with the rest of his work as the day goes on.......
my kind of day ( minus the back pain ) listening to new music and getting a buzz doing it .....The music penetrates my soul so much better with a buzz on ......You know that , don't you.........


Do we look like good parent material ???????...................................lol...............................................HAGD..............................
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Paducah, Ky
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Good morning all........................It's 4:12 am and all is well here in Paducah.................The back pain i had last week has calmed down immensely and I am also experiencing some major relief from the psoriatic arthritis pain........................Strange how both have waned recently and I now can do menial things without the feeling of sharp jabs and numbness again......What has been working for me is gummy's ( tangahhhrine / 2:1 CBD 200% to THC 100% /10mgs and a Mindy's Lush Black Cherry / 1:1 / 5 mgs )........................Chase with a stiff alcoholic drink and a couple tokes off the vape pen of Cheese & Chong , then sit back and enjoy......

Mom and Dad are still doing fairly well.....Dad is eating and sleeping better and the nurses i talk to before dad comes on the phone are happy with how he's doing now......His voice sounds stronger than it's been in a long time and he has been watching a lot of cardinals baseball so everything is going as
good as can be expected.....

my bestest bud is progressing better since he has now got the ability to drive again and he still is leaving home almost every day to get away from the missus ...............She called me again on Monday and told me she wanted me to ravage her anyway i wanted to........She said she hasn't had sex in over 11 years now and she wants me to be the one to re-introduce her to all the pent up feelings she has been suppressing for way too long.....I decided to call her bluff and asked if she wanted to do some phone sex with me ........She hurriedly answered YES !!!!! , so i started slowly , asking her what she was wearing and then directed her to start removing her clothes till she was in her birthday suit .......When she told me she was naked I started to tell her where and what to caress and rub as she was imagining it was me doing the touches and penetrations .....within 5 minutes she let out a long and strong moan that got me aroused and when i asked her how she felt she told me in no uncertain terms that she had a mind blowing climax , best one in 11 years ....WOW..
I told her to send me a pic of her naked body and within 2-3 minutes I received 4 pics of her boobs and pelvic area......she was glistening with moisture everywhere........I have a feeling we will be cumming together soon as she is not taking no for an answer..........hmmm , should I or shouldn't I ??

We have another addition to the NL harem with NL # 4 .......................................


She has a great personality and you can see she has an infectious smile and a body that she knows exactly how to use it .......over and over again......We will be enjoying her body as much as possible over the next few months .....i can't wait !!!!!

I just heard NL # 3 ...........................


calling my name so i better go see what she wants , as if I didn't know .........................lol.....................


NL's have saved my life ........they really really have................................


it should read "" just little young me "".........................it really really should...............................


Enjoying each other as often as we can ............................what better way to live your day's with sex , gummys , 420 , alcohol and great friendship at the core of my life now........................................................


wanted to give a big shout out to the new NL # 2 also...........I am blessed..............i really really am...........................