Penn State 90, Illinois 89 Postgame

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Goode missed that (truly wide wide open shot, defense overcommitted to TSJ pushing the break, same action as the last play before the half against Michigan) with 2:06 left leading by 8. He was 3-4 from three at that point, and had swished all three from that same spot in the corner.

Shooting that is absolutely the right decision and the higher expected value than playing for time, it's not even close.
agree - playing to win vs. playing not lose. melt down began at shot with 43 sec
I don't understand why in year 7 BU still doesn't have a zone in his back pocket when it's needed. When your D is a layup line it's obvious your m2m is just not working. Switching to a zone for a few possessions here and there might help. Also not pressuring 35 ft from the basket when your guys can't stop penetration would be a good change to try.

No doubt at this point any 12 or 13 seed we face is going to press from start to finish.
BU would rather give the opposition 25 2pt bunnies instead of a chance of making 3-4 out of 10 3pt attempts.

What is more concerning and something they were doing very well at the start of the year. They are no longer making the other teams shoot tough 2pt shots. The defense was contesting everything early in the year and now teams are doing whatever they want. I’m guessing it’s because they want to eliminate fouls, which also isn’t working.
It seems like every team has a career offensive night when playing our defenseless team. I wonder how much Iowa will put up? 120?
BU would rather give the opposition 25 2pt bunnies instead of a chance of making 3-4 out of 10 3pt attempts.

What is more concerning and something they were doing very well at the start of the year. They are no longer making the other teams shoot tough 2pt shots. The defense was contesting everything early in the year and now teams are doing whatever they want. I’m guessing it’s because they want to eliminate fouls, which also isn’t working.
What would you fix defensively I agree it needs to be fix

It seems like we don’t force turnovers
Our interior defense is weak

One thing I would try is instead of dropping off the screen I would double the player who has the ball. Our screen coverage opens a lot of free space. We need to increase our pressure. Let’s face it we don’t have a 5 but we have good 3/4s. We can’t leave Hawkins down low without help ‘
In the entire Underwood era inbounding the ball has been an issue. Its inexcusable. I like Brad, he does many good things and he can recruit but all his teams have a similar identity year over year. Poor PG play or no PG at all. Too many turnovers and carelessness with the ball. Offenses that go stagnant for significant stretches of time. The last one isn't much of an issue this year so that has improved. Really poor execution or play calling coming out of timeouts or in end of game scenarios where you're just scratching your head. Then of course poor tournament play. Hopefully this is the year! I don't want to see him go. The grass is not always greener but some of these criticisms of him not being a good in game coach are at this point at least fair. Reasonable people can disagree but we have 7 years of data now with many differently constructed teams and yet they all have these commonalities.
This is all fair. I agree with almost all of it except that Feliz WAS NOT a legit point guard….More of a bulldozer than a John Stockton but still he was definitely a legit point guard…just in a little different mold.

As to your critique…it’s pretty hard to argue with any of that. Another commonality is that there’s been a lot of playing to the level of the competition with a bunch of his teams. He’s won plenty that he shouldn’t…but he’s lost plenty that he shouldn’t have as well.
He’s put us back on the map with: rebounding and defense…but we seem to have forgotten what put us there the last couple of years.

* (The defense was working this year, early…obviously but I just think it has been exposed.)
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This has probably been brought up, but is it possible this gets down to conditioning? Guys get tired and they make mental mistakes, lose a step on defense, shooting goes out of whack.

I mean, it isn't just one thing that's killing us late, it's a whole lot of things. To me that suggests a larger underlying problem and fatigue would be a prime culprit.

If it is, I'm not sure what you can do about it, except add a guy to the rotation and spread in some more bench minutes.
Why don't we mix in some three quarters court zone press and drop into man defense to limit the time we ask our defensively challenged team to guard half court? The few, rare times we have thrown on a press we have created some turnovers and transition baskets; although this is such a small sample size it may not be indicative of what would happen if we played it for any extended period of time. The idea, in my mind, would be to sort of force us to play with effort from the tip, take advantage of our length and athleticism to hopefully get some easy transition baskets, and avoid letting a team dictate their halfcourt game plan right out of the gate. I'm not a coach, so maybe it's a crazy thought.
What would you fix defensively I agree it needs to be fix

It seems like we don’t force turnovers
Our interior defense is weak

One thing I would try is instead of dropping off the screen I would double the player who has the ball. Our screen coverage opens a lot of free space. We need to increase our pressure. Let’s face it we don’t have a 5 but we have good 3/4s. We can’t leave Hawkins down low without help ‘
I’d erase all game film from the last 6 games and show the tapes of our January games where we held teams under 80 pts. This team has proven they can play good defense. Not that long ago Coleman was getting multiple steals a game.
Why don't we mix in some three quarters court zone press and drop into man defense to limit the time we ask our defensively challenged team to guard half court? The few, rare times we have thrown on a press we have created some turnovers and transition baskets; although this is such a small sample size it may not be indicative of what would happen if we played it for any extended period of time. The idea, in my mind, would be to sort of force us to play with effort from the tip, take advantage of our length and athleticism to hopefully get some easy transition baskets, and avoid letting a team dictate their halfcourt game plan right out of the gate. I'm not a coach, so maybe it's a crazy thought.
I would like to see us stop switching all the time and fight through the screens. Add in some hard hedges and trapping like other teams do to us and see how many turnovers we can create.
So, I scrolled through 35 pages and unless I missed it, one of our favorite insiders is conspicuously absent from this thread.
Pulp Fiction Thinking GIF
Fortunately I had to miss last night's game to attend my grandson's Jr. High basketball game, followed by my granddaughter's 6th grade basketball game. I did peek at the score in between games and saw the Beloved up by 7 (?) at the half. I didn't check again until I got home around 9 last night, only to see that we lost by one. I checked the box score and play by play on the ESPN, and decided that I didn't need to watch the turd that we laid in the last few minutes.

However, I the think that turd is dwarfed by the 29 pages of steaming, stinking fecal matter in this thread. Maybe unprecedented.

Like all, I'm, sad, hurt, depressed, whatever . . . But the amount of "hot" takes and downright idiotic comments here rivals the game threads . . . nay, EXCEEDS the game threads by a factor of oh, say, a million. According to various posters here, Brad should be fired; Luke, Marcus, Hawkins, Ty, Q, Dain, DGL, Moretti, Harmon all should be thrown out . . . I'm sure I missed some other stupid take . . .

Purdue lost to Ohio State (and Nebraska and Northwestern) . . . UCONN lost to Creighton . . . we lost. Fix the problems and on to the next game.

I haven't read to page 35 yet, but hopefully someone challenged you to watch the game and then comment. You need to see what happened before chewing everyone out who did see.
I haven't had too much issue with Brad's rotations except for who he has on the floor at the end of the games lately. However in this game he made what turned out to be a bad move. Midway thru the second half we had finally got some separation going up double digits. We were easily breaking their press and sometimes getting easy buckets forcing them to call it off. Brad then took out Hawkins and another player (not sure who) and put in Goode and Harmon. PS didn’t go back to pressure right away but once they realized what we had on the floor here it came and we started turning over the ball and couldn't get it stopped for the rest of the game. I told my wife it was a bad move to take out Hawkins at that time when things were going so well. Sure enough it killed our momentum and rythem and we never got it back the rest of the game. Let the other coach or team make a move to stop your momentum. Dont do it to yourself. There are a multitude of things we can point to as to why we lost this game but I think Brad's substitutions at that moment started the downhill spiral.
Agree with many on this post. There seems to be coaching errors both in terms of play design, defense, and personnel. I like Underwood but I’m not sure I believe in him. Our inbounding and press break is awful. Our defense against dribble penetration is non-existant nd getting burned three times in the same in bounds play is inexcusable. I like Goode but but he has no business being on the court in the last three minutes of a close game. Quincy has become increasingly less effective since TSJ returned. Harmon’ defense is suspect. I cannot fathom why Rodger’s is not on the floor in crunch time. I am very frustrated that Dane isn’t playing more. Did he egg Brads house or something ? I’ve rarely seen such a clear message to one player that he is unwelcome as the the one Brad is sending. These are coaching issues. Color me mixed up.
‘Harmon’s defense is suspect” might be the understatement of the century.
So you didnt watch the game but come in here and write a diatribe about how the people that watched it should feel? Thats weak dude. Weaker than our on ball defense. Take a hike.
100%. If i just glance at the box scpre the next day I can handle any loss without feeling frustration. You watch that game, get emotionally invested, then watch a collapse like that you just have to vent.
Can we stop pretending that not having a point guard isn't a huge flaw of this team?

‘Postionless Basketball’ works when your 'position-less players' have all the basic skills needed to be out on the floor and win. And handling the basketball is sort of fundamental to playing this game.

When not all of your players have all of the basic skills needed to be out on the floor (ball-handling for some, D for others, etc.) you are always taking chances in rolling the dice during a game to see when and where your player’s weaknesses are going to show up.

Last night the dice was rolling and the lack of decent ball handling at crucial times... defense when you had a nice lead... and the need to hit pressure free-throws when the game was right at stake all reared their ugly heads.

So again... positionless ball can be played but only if you have all the players you need to do that with all the skills required. Short of that... go old school and have those things from an ancient era like point guards, shooting guards, small and big forwards, and a big man in the middle to stop the flowing defensive leakage of giving up all those point in the paint all season. In other words, specialists who are well-equipped to do what they do.

And as far as opinions about Coach goes... it's all about the guy who would replace your coach. If you can ujpgrade... have at it. But you might also get a guy who isn't as good as the guy you got.

Coach knows there is a historical glass ceiling to his teams -- and his own -- tournament performance that must be broken to the plus side this time around. If not... Illini Nation will spend another off-season melting down. And that won't have anything to do with the heat of the Summer.

And lots of people around this program will have some soul-searching to do.
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