Pregame: Illinois at Indiana, Saturday, February 5th, 11:00am CT, ESPN

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BU:1 Trash cans:0
Playing at IU is not a trap game. Ugh so sick of the 'trap game' phrase.
Oh, they're all trap games. Just not in the usual way our opponents imagine.

rorschach GIF
This will be a war.....
We have the better guards and our guards have to win this game. If Kofi and Jackson-Davis will battle each other.
Foolish hardy to think we'll overlook a team, after which; our recent lack of team unity against Maryland and knowing that OUR coach (Brad), "said we are unto the next game". Nothing else matter - before or in the not so distant future.

the national

the Front Range
This game could pay many dividends<. Indiana is sneaky good. Take this W, and I think we really have a chance at a good run. The Purdue game will be a bettle and we’ll be up for that. But Indiana will take focus.
I hope Curbelo is strong and healthy for this game, able to play more minutes. He didn't play many minutes against WI, but he made one sweet play for sure when he penetrated under control and dropped off a precise bounce pass to Kofi for the slam. If he can play like that on a consistent basis, then we're probably the best team in the conference.
Super worried about this game. This game imo is a huge game we need.
Me too...after watching them beat Purdue at home 2 weeks ago, ..they are solid and we cant look past them.

This 2 game Hoosier state road trip is an interesting schedule sequence with not much break in between. Would like to leave the Purdue game next week with 2 road wins to set table for our stretch run in B10.


Last night was the most physical game I’ve seen called all year. So to be consistent, the next game will be ticky tack calls, right??

I don’t think anyone can beat us in a physical game. In spite of what people want to say about him, TJD is a good player and quick. He just can’t go head to head with Kofi. If we bring the intensity on D and rebounding we should be just fine.

Hope Curbelo gets his strength back and can give us few more minutes. Nice to see Trent get a break last night, even if it was partly due to fouls in the first half.
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This is definitely not a must win game. In fact, we can lose the next 2 and still be in good shape. At least, in as good a shape as anyone else. Indiana has been all over the place this season so who knows what will happen.

But here is the scenario. 9 games left. 5 on the road, 4 at home. There is a really good chance that 16-4 wins it outright. 15-5 will probably be a share, but still a decent possibility that could also win it outright.

Penn St

It's pretty simple. Hold serve at home, and steal 3 out of 5 on the road. And IMO the 3 easiest road games are Rutgers, MSU, and Michigan. So I think we could lose these next 2, then run the table.
This is definitely not a must win game. In fact, we can lose the next 2 and still be in good shape. At least, in as good a shape as anyone else. Indiana has been all over the place this season so who knows what will happen.

But here is the scenario. 9 games left. 5 on the road, 4 at home. There is a really good chance that 16-4 wins it outright. 15-5 will probably be a share, but still a decent possibility that could also win it outright.

Penn St

It's pretty simple. Hold serve at home, and steal 3 out of 5 on the road. And IMO the 3 easiest road games are Rutgers, MSU, and Michigan. So I think we could lose these next 2, then run the table.
I see no way that at MSU is an easier game than this one against Indiana.
As for the game, I don’t think they can guard kofi. I don’t think we can guard their bigs that well. I don’t think it’s a trap game (although those definitely exist).

From a conference championship perspective we need this game. We need all the non MSU/PU wins we can rack up as insurance if we drop our next games against them. Especially if we lose to Purdue again, we need the wins and hope somebody sneaks one on them since we’d lose out on the tiebreaker.
This is definitely not a must win game. In fact, we can lose the next 2 and still be in good shape. At least, in as good a shape as anyone else. Indiana has been all over the place this season so who knows what will happen.

But here is the scenario. 9 games left. 5 on the road, 4 at home. There is a really good chance that 16-4 wins it outright. 15-5 will probably be a share, but still a decent possibility that could also win it outright.

Penn St

It's pretty simple. Hold serve at home, and steal 3 out of 5 on the road. And IMO the 3 easiest road games are Rutgers, MSU, and Michigan. So I think we could lose these next 2, then run the table.
No way 15 wins outright. You really think MSU is going to go 6-4 down the stretch? Or Purdue 6-3? FWIW I think at least one team gets to 16. Think it can be us, but really gotta win at least one of the next two, because it's the Big Ten and there's always a chance one of the teams we should beat comes to play and we drop an unexpected game.
This road trip to Hoosierville reminds me of a story I heard when I was an undergrad. An Illini student, stressed out by tough classes, decided to take a weekend fishing trip by himself to a rural lakeside B&B in the remote forest east of Bloomington, IN. Thoroughly lost on a dirt road in the night time fog, he spotted an old pickup truck off the side of the road, slightly rocking with steamed up windows. He walked up, and quietly knocked on the driver's window. After a pause, one of the two backwoods teenagers inside slowly rolled down his window half way. Our Illini visitor asked him in a soft voice "How far is the Old Log Inn?" He left still confused, but with a bloody nose. Let's not leave Indiana with a bloody nose on Saturday. Go Illini!
This is definitely not a must win game. In fact, we can lose the next 2 and still be in good shape. At least, in as good a shape as anyone else. Indiana has been all over the place this season so who knows what will happen.

But here is the scenario. 9 games left. 5 on the road, 4 at home. There is a really good chance that 16-4 wins it outright. 15-5 will probably be a share, but still a decent possibility that could also win it outright.

Penn St

It's pretty simple. Hold serve at home, and steal 3 out of 5 on the road. And IMO the 3 easiest road games are Rutgers, MSU, and Michigan. So I think we could lose these next 2, then run the table.
I'll make it even simpler, let's just win all of them!:chief:

IU is my Missouri. For that reason alone, this is a must win. But I also think that to stay on a 4 loss pace, we need to win at least one of the next two. And I think we will.

TJD is going to feel Kofi.
oh tell me about it. having lived in Indiana for a bit I couldn't stand that delusional loosier fanbase. Purdue fans are spot on when they refer to IU fans as "reversible jacket" wearing fans (because during the fall they are rooting for Notredame football and then turn their attention to IU basketball when football season ends. Rinse & repeat every year) and of course the vast majority of them never even went to either one of those colleges (or any college for that matter haha)

I sincerely hope we go into their place and Kofi & company put the fear of GOD in their team to the point that it makes the entire Loosier roster pee in their goofy candy cane pants.

GO ILLINI!:chief:
I don't know much about Indiana's personnel, but any game in that arena worries me. Do they have anybody big and strong enough to deal with Kofi? And I hope Curbelo keeps getting healthier and stronger. He did some good things last night in just a few minutes.
I see no way that at MSU is an easier game than this one against Indiana.

Torvik has us losing both games by 1 point (so basically toss ups). And he has MSU ranked 17 and IU ranked 16th. I just don't see anything scary about MSU. You could argue they don't have a single player in the top 30 in the B1G. And they don't do anything at an elite level. MSU is just a very ho-hum solid/balanced team.

Indiana OTOH, has TJD who is a top 5-10 player in the B1G and they have an elite defense.

I guess it's pick your poison. Well balanced team, but nothing special. Or a team with some elite parts (defense and TJD) and some mediocre parts (offense).
This is definitely not a must win game. In fact, we can lose the next 2 and still be in good shape. At least, in as good a shape as anyone else. Indiana has been all over the place this season so who knows what will happen.

But here is the scenario. 9 games left. 5 on the road, 4 at home. There is a really good chance that 16-4 wins it outright. 15-5 will probably be a share, but still a decent possibility that could also win it outright.

Penn St

It's pretty simple. Hold serve at home, and steal 3 out of 5 on the road. And IMO the 3 easiest road games are Rutgers, MSU, and Michigan. So I think we could lose these next 2, then run the table.
I heard that your first paragraph will be Brad’s pep talk before we take the court on Saturday.
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