Pregame: Illinois at Minnesota, Saturday, November 4th, 2:30pm CT, BTN

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You are 100% correct and this seems to be a little known rule, but it's a rule so the returner can't "fool" the kicking team. Which in this case is exactly what he did - he waved everyone away from the ball, the Minny players were standing around the ball as it bounced then he grabbed it and took off running to take advantage of the element of surprise. It was the text book definition of why the illegal fair catch rule exists.

For DeJean to say he was trying to keep his balance by waving his left arm side to side is disingenuous to say the least.
Just common sense not to be waving your arms around in any way unless you are signaling for a fair catch. It's obvious some returners do so to fool the coverage and gain an advantage if they can get away with it.
For DeJean to say he was trying to keep his balance by waving his left arm side to side is disingenuous to say the least.
Can we therefore assume Iowa would have been OK with DeJean being hit HARD right after his catch? Doubtful. Then they’d have screamed he’d signaled a fair catch.

That’s why the rule requires a clear signal above the head. And who waves his hand above his head for balance?
I sometimes enjoy lurking on other teams' message boards just to get another perspective and check my Illini Homer impulses, lol. From what I saw, there are quite a few very confident Minnesota fans on their board.

And I distinctly remember a similar amount of confidence coming from their side both of the last two years. :cool:
I sometimes enjoy lurking on other teams' message boards just to get another perspective and check my Illini Homer impulses, lol. From what I saw, there are quite a few very confident Minnesota fans on their board.

And I distinctly remember a similar amount of confidence coming from their side both of the last two years. :cool:
Confidence good. Overconfidence bad.
I'm going to be in St. Louis for the Metallica concert over the weekend, is Paddy O's still an Illini friendly place? Any other options in the Lou? I see that Mizzou is playing UGA at 2:30 and I'm thinking that will dominate many of the screens in downtown bars.
I hope they freaking use Feagin as much as they can. I don't care if Love is healthier. the kid deserves 20 carries. Let him get a 120 yards and open it up for Luke. the wide receivers and the other running backs. This kid is a special freshman. They don't come around too often. Give the boy the ball! he should have been given the ball to finish the game off against Wisconsin.
Thanks for the link. Here’s the key part:

“A valid signal is a signal given by a player of Team B who has obviously signaled his intention by extending one hand only clearly above his head and waving that hand from side to side of his body more than once.”

Was his signal valid? Most agree it was not. If not, the call was correct.

A ambiguous/invalid signal that is interpreted as a fair catch by the defending team (causing them to hesitate even briefly) should be called dead per the rules. The signal should be very clear. Otherwise it’s unfair to penalize a defender for hitting the receiver. I’m sure there’s been a lot of coaching on this rule since the IA-MN game.
Thank you for the additional information. It looked to me like he was pointing at the ball with his right hand and signaling to his teammates with his left hand "stay away from the ball".

But with the information you provide, that movement with his left hand could be interpreted as an invalid fair catch signal, and I will now consider myself more knowledgeable about the rules and stand corrected.

Big 10 refs still suck.
I believe our def can hold them. Love to see us jump out ahead early. Nb hasn’t lost to Mn. Let’s keep it going.
With my orange tinted contacts firmly in place, I’m believing the bye week fixed the switches (borrowing Robert’s simile), so I’m calling it 31-21 good guys!
So, the OL will be tired from playing a half and #4 will be coming in with fresh legs and pissed off - this should be fun!
This is a very good point I hadnt thought of. Newton wearing on OL in the 4th Qtr in 4th Qtr legs is already scary.

Just hope the game isnt out of hand by then. Time for the offense to step up. “Let’s do it for Johnny man!”

I definitely dated myself with that movie quote, haha!
This comment is ridiculous...although you are entitled to your opinion.

Last year we were two horrible calls away from being in the BIG10 championship game...DPI against Witherspoon against Purdue and offensive pass interference against Michigan that wasn't called.

Illinois is a much better football team and football program with Bielema.

And if people don't think these calls don't directly impact the outcome of a game are just not dealing with reality.
Let’s not forget the disastrous recruiting Lovie left Bielema holding. TECHNICALLY, Bielema’s first class are juniors this year, but that was, in reality, Lovie’s last class.

Part of the optimism for Bielema with Illinois is his first 2 full recruiting classes have seemingly upped the talent in the program and there is a lot of talent in the Freshman and Sophomore classes. And has the long term outlook pointed in the right direction. IMO anyway…
We all drink the Orange Kook-Aid, don't we? :chief:
Here is a bit of trivia about our favorite childhood refreshment. Kool Aid got its start in Nebraska. It started out as a liquid concentrate called Fruit Smack, invented by Edwin Perkins.

Drinking the orange Kool-Air vs drining the orange Fruit Smack????? :)

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