Scholarship Grid

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Paducah, Ky
Congrats my man! I recently joined the #girldad gang myself. Most fun Mrs. DB and I have ever had 😎
Congrats my man! I recently joined the #girld batad gang myself. Most fun Mrs. DB and I have ever had 😎
Being a VERY long time member of the daughter-daddy club I welcome both of you. She may be in her 30's but every time she lays her head on my shoulders it's a wonderful feeling. We have a daddy-daughter outing every year. Usually it's going to a Sox game. A few years ago I asked her if she wanted to go to one of the Crosstown Classic games? I would take her to Wrigley. She told me that she had never been there before. So we went. We got there early so she could look around. As we were sitting waiting for the game to start she nonchalantly said, "You know, for all the talk about how great Wrigley is, it is really a dump." I almost choked on my hotdog. I asked her why. "Well, the ivy is nice when it finally gets here and the roof tops and lake are fine but look at all these poles in the way. Look at how the seats face straight ahead instead of towards the plate. The bathrooms are terrible. It has been over hyped for years" I looked at her and said "you are a true Sox fan".
Enjoy your little girls. It's ok if they wrap you around their finger. Let them.


Being a VERY long time member of the daughter-daddy club I welcome both of you. She may be in her 30's but every time she lays her head on my shoulders it's a wonderful feeling. We have a daddy-daughter outing every year. Usually it's going to a Sox game. A few years ago I asked her if she wanted to go to one of the Crosstown Classic games? I would take her to Wrigley. She told me that she had never been there before. So we went. We got there early so she could look around. As we were sitting waiting for the game to start she nonchalantly said, "You know, for all the talk about how great Wrigley is, it is really a dump." I almost choked on my hotdog. I asked her why. "Well, the ivy is nice when it finally gets here and the roof tops and lake are fine but look at all these poles in the way. Look at how the seats face straight ahead instead of towards the plate. The bathrooms are terrible. It has been over hyped for years" I looked at her and said "you are a true Sox fan".
Enjoy your little girls. It's ok if they wrap you around their finger. Let them.
I had the exact same experience with my daughter. She turns 32 this month.
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