Scott Frost Fired

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Erik Hall
The "ESPN College GameDay" podcast ran through possible replacements for Scott Frost as the Nebraska football head coach during Monday's podcast. Frost was fired Sunday as the Huskers head coach.
Among the names that ESPN's Rece Davis and Pete Thamel discussed to be the next leader in Lincoln, Nebraska, was Illinois Fighting Illini football head coach Bret Bielema.

Both said they thought Bielema would be a good hire by Nebraska.

"Bret Bielema is that part of the world," Thamel said. "He's obviously from Iowa from his famous tattoo. He has won in the Big Ten West (Division). He would have a distinct style. He has won three Big Ten championships, I believe. And he's done wonders at Illinois already. He's clearly shown programically he can get a place resuscitated. That might be a fun little bidding war. But I believe in Bret Bielema, and I think that he could fit in just fine there."
Bielema lists his hometown as Prophetstown, Illinois, on his Illinois bio. He played football at Iowa from 1989-92. As the Wisconsin head coach from 2006-12, he led the Badgers to Big Ten championships during his final three seasons.
"One thousand percent, another big-time win if they can lure Bret," Davis said. "If they can lure him away from Illinois, move him to Nebraska, that would be a huge win. But I'm sure the Illini will use some of that television money to try to keep that from happening, too."


Rece Davis can kiss my O & B arse...................................
I mean, I get why he would be mentioned. I don't think Bret would see that as any more attractive than Illinois at this point. I'm also not sure I'd be sad if he left too because it might mean that Ryan Walters could be our next HC.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
I mean, in theory , Nebraska is a football "blue blood", but its been so long since theyve been really good , I dont think that they demand that much respect anymore, with people over age 50 as well as those under 30. It would obviously be more than a lateral move, but its a far cry from going to USC, Ohio St or Alabama.

Its just talk, or its his agent getting his name out there so JW gets him a nice extension and raise this fall if we go 7-5

But yea, its not a bad thing when your coach is getting national respect for the work hes done.
yea, mesn football is 85 scholarships. thats the same as about 3-4 womens sports like volleyball, soccer and field hockey/lax

its the main reason we dont have men's swimming, soccer and lax
Some of these "crowds" at soccer, field hockey, softball...hopefully not the new basketball....are tiny. I think there are more players than fans in the stands....especially soccer.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
Some of these "crowds" at soccer, field hockey, softball...hopefully not the new basketball....are tiny. I think there are more players than fans in the stands....especially soccer.
you're preaching to the choir

I was a frosh in 1979. lived in 267 Holmes the two dudes next to us, in 265 Holmes, were swimmers on scholly . they found out that year that UI was cancelling the sport for men. I dont know what happended with them. Not good


South Carolina
I don't want Deion at all. I think he would kill the recruiting trail. Though I don't believe that Nebraska will do that either.
Neon just doesn't seem like a Big10 "fit".

Snow. Winter coats. Frozen tundra. Recruiting all the tiny little towns in the home state. Blizzards. Howling winds off Lake Michigan. Ice storms.

Nah, I don't see it.


Paducah, Ky
Does anyone on this board actually think BB would entertain moving inside the conference to nebby ?????

Again , Rece Davis can kiss my O & B arse.......he really really can..................................

I think we're more likely to see Bielema use this as an opportunity for a raise and extension.
I think BB if he gets 5-7 or 6-6 deserves an extension. Give him a 2 year extension to put him back at 6 years and kick him up to 5mil AAV.

We aren't a powerhouse but we have something we haven't had since 2001 an identity to hang our hat on and a strategy for how we win games.
I think BB if he gets 5-7 or 6-6 deserves an extension. Give him a 2 year extension to put him back at 6 years and kick him up to 5mil AAV.

We aren't a powerhouse but we have something we haven't had since 2001 an identity to hang our hat on and a strategy for how we win games.
yeah, I kinda doubt that a couple musings on some sports blogs turns into more money. The product on the field is what is going to drive his next contract here (or somewhere else).

It's nice to have a coach talked about positively though.
yeah, I kinda doubt that a couple musings on some sports blogs turns into more money. The product on the field is what is going to drive his next contract here (or somewhere else).

It's nice to have a coach talked about positively though.
That's why I stated he needed to go 5-7 or 6-6. You always want at least 4 or more years on the coaches contract for recruiting purposes and BB has given us consistency and establishing the floor of 5-7/6-6. I don't think he is going anywhere, but if he continues to have us fighting for a bowl every year he gets money.
Well I think Neb AD’s decision to forego that $7M discount and fire Frost after week 2 has been vindicated. Now instead of rampant media attention on how Frost has to go after their play against OK, and it can be focused on where it really should be — Nebby’s piss poor play.
Imagine thinking a coach with not much more than NAIA level experience would best the number 6 team in the country.

*Not directed at anyone here, the spread improved for some reason.*
For Nebraska football, it was a perfect storm. But a storm of the worst kind for them. The great 30-year run the football program had was ending in the late 1990s just when Major College ball was undergoing a major evolution. And the decision-makers at Nebraska did not understand nor meet the challenge of what was happening to them.

It’s sort of like Sears vs. Amazon. Sears could have been Amazon had they had the foresight to see what was coming and get out ahead of the tech revolution.. But they didn’t... and they’re gone. Well, the Huskers aren’t going away. But right now they are the Sears to the Major College Elite ‘Amazon’ of the likes of the SEC and the traditional Big Ten powers.

And for the last almost 30 years, the Husker program has been floundering and clueless to fix their problems. They have picked the wrong people... and the program has just gotten worse and worse.

It’s hard for people who don’t live in Nebraska to understand just how important the program is to the psyche and morale of the entire State. People there live and breath Husker football and it has become part of their DNA and identity. And it’s been hard on the people of Nebraska to watch and endure this collapse which has now become generational.

The same passion that Illini Nation has for our roundballers and how much our State identifies with the major State university program is like how Nebraskans feel about their Husker footballers. But Illinois is a big, diverse State with lots of major programs and businesses and activities going on. Nebraska is a small, still-mostly agricultural State with one main obsession: Husker football.

Most likely, the Huskers will get it right this time with a new hire. They cannot sink any lower and fan’s expectations has been ground into the turf.

College football is better when the Huskers are good. And it’s better when the Illini are good, too. With the new National Big Ten coming on fast, it’s important that both programs move on the right track and join the Big Ten powers at the top.
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