Sencire Harris to take redshirt year

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Honestly, I am not shocked by this at all. As I watched the EIU game last night I thought to myself, uh, oh, it is looking like Sencire is not going to get much play time this year, and thus I figured he would be a candidate for the portal. What shocks me a little is that he decided to redshirt instead of transfer. Shocked in a good way though. As for the spark he brings off the bench, it looks as if DGL can provide that this year but we will miss his ability to shut down key players from the opposing team. As aaeismacgychel posted, he can provide a defensive spark which I am not sure DGL can do (yet).

Also, since he won't be in the "news" very much I won't have to see the many different misspellings of his first name (actually, most misspellings are the same; switching the first and second vowels).
If he's 3-4 deep on the depth chart this year at the 1/2, he will be 3-4 deep next year. He's gotta be looking elsewhere as a 21 yr old Soph.
So, you know that we are going to pick up 3 guards in the portal this year that are going to be better than Buck after 2 full years in the program? And you know that he doesn't have a loyalty to the program? I am not saying that he necessarily won't be recruited / portaled over if the right guys are available, BUT I think it is a bit presumptuous to state it as a near certainty at this point. Buck has to do what is right for him. While I hate that he won't play this year (unless something crazy happens), I think that he will likely be better off in the long run from this decision.
I would disagree strongly with this statement. Sencire was going to play 5-10 mpg this season
I don't think he would have played even 5 to 10 minutes with Harmon and DGL around once they learn the system. If its true BU and most coaches only go 8 or 9 deep in tough games then Sincere is not among the top 8 or 9 guys. He just isn't. Who is going to not be among the top 8 or 9 if Harris is? He has to get to work on shooting and getting stronger.
While I enjoy watching Sincere and his elite effort. If we are going to be a top 10 program and if Sincere ever wants to be one of the top 8 or 9 players he will need to learn to shoot the ball and hit free throws. To play 20 plus minutes a game on a top 10 team you have to be able to have an impact on both ends as well as be able to play minutes down the stretch. Quite frankly that is a concern for both Ty and Harris. Thats why Harris is redshirting. He is behind guys that can. I hope he improves to that level because if he doesn't this situation likely won't change if we are going to contend for B10 titles.
Have known it was on the table for a little while ... The decision was not made until recently ...

I wasn't surprised by it ... I am sure many remember my comments that Dravyn might need a redshirt year and I hope many of you also remember my post about how much Dravyn has impressed me and how I was wrong because I was ... Dravyn showed up and took Bucks minutes ... That kid ... He's gonna be something special ... Brad LOVES him ... Brad loves all of his guys but there are a select few that we all know are Brad's "guys" (Ayo, DMFW, Trent, Feliz) just to name a few ... Dravyn has quickly elevated himself to be one of those guys ...

Buck in a portal world has made an extremely mature decision and one that will benefit him in the future ... It is so RARE to see that these days ... He is not transferring or anything like that ... So the people starting those "rumors" ... Stop ... This was a Brad/Chester and Harris family decision ... Everyone was in agreement on the plan going forward ... You guys like seeing Fletch work during the summer ... Now he gets a whole year ... I am excited to see what comes of this ... This is what elite teams do ... How many times do you watch other elite teams and see redshirt in front of their starters names ? Take a look at Purdue's roster ... They redshirted the Indiana HS POTY ... This happens A LOT on elite teams ...
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In my opinion Sincere is very close to being a heavy minutes guy. The real issue this year is a spark plug off the bench isn’t as valuable as a guy who can drop 18 in a game or run offense, both of which he cannot (yet). He also has a ton of older dudes ahead of him this year, can’t teach old.

If Sincere sticks around for another 3, works both on getting his body ready but improving things like his ball handling and shot making, he has a real shot to be special. He plays with some of the best emotion I’ve seen. He definitely look bought in yesterday on the sidelines and I think even without him being out there, practicing and being around this team he’s still a net positive.

I too worry about him transferring but if we want this team in a win now mode year in and year out you’re going to lose talent. Every team does.
He didn't say that Dra was going to be a star this year, or that he is going to play 25-30 minutes per game this year. The comp to Brad's guys like Ayo, Trent, and DMFW is likely based on work ethic in practice and the ability to take coaching and learn things faster than expected.

Dra had a good game. We should expect some good games going forward and we should expect some struggles early against good teams and BIG teams until he adjusts. And if he is truly one of "Brad's guys", he is going to adjust and learn from the struggles because of his effort in practice and ability to take coaching.
I'll say again, it seems early for these comparisons. I did not make the comparison, I was simply stating that the people DGL was being compared to all were getting starter minutes as freshman, which to me seems like an unreasonable comparison at this point. Maybe he's the best practicer ever and is an absolute sponge. I'm not saying he's not. I have no clue on that. I'm just saying that it seems really early to me to say this at this point, and I'll know more based on how he performs against quality opponents, and what happens in his dynamics with his teammates when his shots aren't falling.

Maybe I'm the crazy one for saying let's give it some time before busting through walls like the kool-aid man regarding DGL. It's a long season. If Brad and the insiders are still over the moon about DGL, his work ethic, and capacity to learn in late December, I'll pay it far more attention and take it far more seriously. But after just one game playing against EIU? I'll wait and see.
I think time will tell with DGL [snip]

And if Brad truly has vaulted him up to Ayo, Trent, Andres, DMFW level guys, [snip] Now that I'd believe in a heartbeat. But you didn't say that. So really, all I can say is I hope DGL is the guy who is a program defining multi year player who bleeds orange and blue like the ones you're saying Brad is comparing him to. And he might just be that guy. He just might. But it's game 1 against a team projected to be one of the worst in college basketball.

All I'm saying is this seems optimistic to the point of being realistically questionable. I'm all for it happening and am not going to say it can't or won't, but I really need to see it from DGL against quality competition before I start chugging the kool-aid. Just my 2 cents.
I am not trying to be adversarial, but did you hear DGL's last comment in that little post-game interview posted on the home page? He said, "I love Illinois". He didn't have to say that. And, of course, he may someday transfer out. I think many an Illini transfer actually loved or liked being an Illini but for whatever reason decided to transfer out. I think Mike LaTulip is a perfect example. But, anyway, at least DGL's comment was a good sign.
I'm kind of surprised about all the doom and gloom over this.

I was more worried about him transferring before finding out about the redshirt than I am now.

Seems like a kid who is focused on his long-term goals (how rare is that?) and wants to give himself the best chance to be a big time contributor next year when 60-70% of our minutes will need to be replaced.
Or it's a kid who sees the writing on the wall, says it's too late to transfer now, I can redshirt, still practice and see where I'm at. If I'm not where I want to be by December, I can transfer and I lost 0 eligibility. Maybe he stays the whole year to see who comes in next season. There's worse tragedies in the world than spending 5 years in college, for free and ending up with a Masters degree.

Reality is Underwood has only ever played a 7 or 8 man roster. This year that 8 will be: Shannon, Hawkins, Domask, Dainja, Guerrier, Rodgers, Goode then does Hansberry and DGL get consistent minutes. I'm guessing they won't both get consistent minutes on a game by game basis, but there will be individual games where they see a good chunk of time on a semi regular basis.

So. yes, we will lose a ton of players after this season, so minutes will be available, but we will also bring in another 3 or 4, or more, transfers. And you don't bring in a transfer to be the end of the bench typically. So.......
Very mature decision. He needs to gain at least 15 pounds, work on shooting and ball handling. With all those super seniors (Harmon & Domask specifically) and and DGL showing some offensive spark, it looks like a very solid decision. Hope he is around for the whole 4 years of court time.
Respect this decision from Sincere. Looking forward to seeing the progress and jump next season.

Noticed him excited and hopping off the bench to congratulate a teammate (Dra?) in the 2nd half. Great guy to have in the program.

Go Illini
Or it's a kid who sees the writing on the wall, says it's too late to transfer now, I can redshirt, still practice and see where I'm at. If I'm not where I want to be by December, I can transfer and I lost 0 eligibility. Maybe he stays the whole year to see who comes in next season. There's worse tragedies in the world than spending 5 years in college, for free and ending up with a Masters degree.

Reality is Underwood has only ever played a 7 or 8 man roster. This year that 8 will be: Shannon, Hawkins, Domask, Dainja, Guerrier, Rodgers, Goode then does Hansberry and DGL get consistent minutes. I'm guessing they won't both get consistent minutes on a game by game basis, but there will be individual games where they see a good chunk of time on a semi regular basis.

So. yes, we will lose a ton of players after this season, so minutes will be available, but we will also bring in another 3 or 4, or more, transfers. And you don't bring in a transfer to be the end of the bench typically. So.......
Harmon? So, maybe a 9 man roster?


Denver, CO least he's not transferring...


I feel like this is a “I can’t transfer this year so I’ll maintain as much eligibility as I can before I transfer” kind of decision.

I would LOVE for buck to stay; I absolutely love the kid. But if he keeps getting recruited over, he will always be in the 7-10 man range. I don’t blame him if he does move on, and will wish him the best. Right now the offense offered from DGL is too valuable.

Anyone saying “oh what a mature decision from a young guy” is kidding themselves. I’m sure this was heavily suggested by the coaching staff, and then comes out as “it was his decision”. However, I’m sure he could see the writing on the wall that he wouldn’t get many minutes this year…
So. yes, we will lose a ton of players after this season, so minutes will be available, but we will also bring in another 3 or 4, or more, transfers. And you don't bring in a transfer to be the end of the bench typically. So.......
So if I'm understanding correctly, the assumption is that Sencire transferring is/was inevitable regardless of whether he redshirted or not? Because either way we're going to bring in 3 or 4 guys ahead of him via the portal.

If it's such a foregone conclusion, he would've transferred already, IMO. I also think if Brad really thought he would bolt, he would've tried to talk him out of redshirting. 5 mpg of Sencire is more valuable to the team than 0 mpg of Sencire if the end result is a transfer either way.

I mean, who knows what kids will do in the portal era, but if Sencire wants to be a key contributor on a good p5 squad, his fastest route to doing so is to stay at Illinois.
Great decision, and he loses nothing. He can still transfer if that works best for him. He gets another year to further his academic career. He gets to focus on improving his game without having to worry about playing time. I honestly don't know why more kids don't go this route
So, you know that we are going to pick up 3 guards in the portal this year that are going to be better than Buck after 2 full years in the program? And you know that he doesn't have a loyalty to the program? I am not saying that he necessarily won't be recruited / portaled over if the right guys are available, BUT I think it is a bit presumptuous to state it as a near certainty at this point. Buck has to do what is right for him. While I hate that he won't play this year (unless something crazy happens), I think that he will likely be better off in the long run from this decision.
It's really just 1-2 guards that would need to be ahead of him. He couldn't overcome 2 underclassmen PGs who will still be on the roster and Goode at the 2/3. We're presumably bringing in a replacement 2/3 with TSJ's NIL and (hopefully) that could be it.

The fact that he's a bit older than your average Soph hurts him. I love having him as a situational defensive beast, but if he's not bringing shooting or handling at this point it's hard to see that developing ahead of his younger teammates' growth. I'm not rooting against a player who has won us games and has been a great Illini, I'm just being realistic.


Winged Warrior
Look what an extra year did for Trent Frazier. Not RS...but Covid....but remember how skinny that freshman was? If Sencire is committed to his body and craft over the next year, he'll get his chance.

I hope this ends up as another great 4-5 year Illini favorite.
So if I'm understanding correctly, the assumption is that Sencire transferring is/was inevitable regardless of whether he redshirted or not? Because either way we're going to bring in 3 or 4 guys ahead of him via the portal.

If it's such a foregone conclusion, he would've transferred already, IMO. I also think if Brad really thought he would bolt, he would've tried to talk him out of redshirting. 5 mpg of Sencire is more valuable to the team than 0 mpg of Sencire if the end result is a transfer either way.

I mean, who knows what kids will do in the portal era, but if Sencire wants to be a key contributor on a good p5 squad, his fastest route to doing so is to stay at Illinois.
well to me yes. Others would have different opinions.

I'm not sure he would have seen a guy come in from Utah Valley, SIU, and a Fr outside of the top 100 and said these guys will steal my minutes.
I think this is a great move. I did not want to see the kid get hurt because of lack of pt. He can use more weight and a better all around offensive game. We are deeper this year. Playing time would have been sparse.
Or it's a kid who sees the writing on the wall, says it's too late to transfer now, I can redshirt, still practice and see where I'm at. If I'm not where I want to be by December, I can transfer and I lost 0 eligibility. Maybe he stays the whole year to see who comes in next season. There's worse tragedies in the world than spending 5 years in college, for free and ending up with a Masters degree.

Reality is Underwood has only ever played a 7 or 8 man roster. This year that 8 will be: Shannon, Hawkins, Domask, Dainja, Guerrier, Rodgers, Goode then does Hansberry and DGL get consistent minutes. I'm guessing they won't both get consistent minutes on a game by game basis, but there will be individual games where they see a good chunk of time on a semi regular basis.

So. yes, we will lose a ton of players after this season, so minutes will be available, but we will also bring in another 3 or 4, or more, transfers. And you don't bring in a transfer to be the end of the bench typically. So.......
Harmon is gonna play more than Hansberry and is a huge reason Harris redshirted.
I am a Harris fan dues to his effort but to play 20 plus minutes on a top 10 team he has a huge amount of work to do. It will be a tall order. Especailly with transfer portal here to stay.
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Who would have thought Harris redshirts and Moretti doesn’t

It’s a shame to see given I think we’ll need him this year. this could be a move to save eligibility before transferring- but I sure hope it’s not
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