The Illinois AD Search

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Well other than being HQ'd in Champaign, his late father, James P. Liautaud went to Illinois.

Other than that uhhh.. not really much.

Didn't realize he had become such a booster. I went to middle/high school with him and his brother - knew his brother better. His sister married my ex's GFs brother, who also comes from a very wealthy family.

Damn, I could have had some inside info here. I don't really stay in touch with any of them anymore, but maybe I'll reach out...
Here's the list of finalists my guy gave me:

Tom Michael
Sean Frazier
Dave Heeke
Marcy Girton
Patrick Chun

He also said Tiley and Whitman were interviewed and rejected.

Announcement tomorrow.

We'll see. :D

That would be highly disappointing. I mean, I don't even know what to can get Tiley but you'd prefer Tom Michael, Patrick Chun, Marcy Girton, Dave Heeke...yikes.
Why would Josh Whitman be rejected and Michael kept? Tiley rejected? Can't believe that would be the case if he wanted it, why would he not at least be a finalist?
Why would Josh Whitman be rejected and Michael kept? Tiley rejected? Can't believe that would be the case if he wanted it, why would he not at least be a finalist?

I hope the info is wrong.
Maybe it's me having too much faith (aka any) in the administration but I can't see that list being the final one.
Here's the list of finalists my guy gave me:

Tom Michael
Sean Frazier
Dave Heeke
Marcy Girton
Patrick Chun

He also said Tiley and Whitman were interviewed and rejected.

Announcement tomorrow.

We'll see. :D

I thought we were in final negotiations with somebody on the 29th?

Jan 29, 2016, 09:58 AM

FWIW, I hear we're in final negotiations, and it's not George, Tiley, or Phillips
Who can you trust? I just pass along what I hear. ;)

The only person I'd even be remotely ok with on that list would be Frazier. Still, THAT'S your list of finalists?! Really hope this is wrong. I mean, I don't know what I'd do if it came out the Tiley wasn't even seriously considered... I suppose become even more apathetic about my alma mater. Maybe start paying more attention to my OTHER alma mater, that actually seems to care about the success of its athletic programs (ASU). Again, really hope that list is wrong.
Was anybody listening to the Tay and Jay show at all? I know Paul Klee was on I assume Jeremy would ask if he's hearing anything on Rick George.
Here's a little bit of devil's advocate regarding George. There have been rumors the entire time he may be in play. If he has given them a solid definite NO they would have moved on ala Jim Phillips. It is very easy for us to talk about the disfunction that exists in the people making the decisions, but there is no way had George told them no definitively they'd still be pursuing. Everyone wants to make it out like Shad Khan has just been telling everybody he can get George and that's all he's doing. You don't become a billionaire and own multiple major league sports teams and not know where. It's time to walk away. If I'm George and I do have interest but want to keep it as queit as possible I'm telling all my friends no I'm not going as well. He has nothing to gain by letting anyone other than his immediate family know and they aren't gonna leak that out.
If I am him though, I'm giving them my list of demands and I'm not coming until everything on it is met. The UofI needs him much more than he needs them. There is no compromise in these negotiations.
This is why Tuppers article still has weight and still makes sense. Too many people are saying he's in play for him not to be. That said I don't think he comes here I think there are too many things to iron out between the two sides, and if it was gonna get done it would be done by now. Just my thoughts on the situation.
Still, THAT'S your list of finalists?!

If George and Tiley turned you down because and in addition to your most prominent boosters actively sabotaging the process and withholding their donations, I'd say that list is pretty good.

Oh, and it's an open secret in the sports business world that the TV rights bubble has popped and the Big Ten's (and the Cubs' :() TV deal isn't going to be even in the same ballpark as what has been quoted. That dampens enthusiasm for the job as well.
Here's the list of finalists my guy gave me:

Tom Michael
Sean Frazier
Dave Heeke
Marcy Girton
Patrick Chun

He also said Tiley and Whitman were interviewed and rejected.

Announcement tomorrow.

We'll see. :D

Does Groce get along with any of their mothers?
If it is Michael then I can take some solace that he is no longer at EIU.
Regardless of the bubble being popped or not, its all relative though, right? So as long as the B10 TV rights are paid out relatively higher to the other conferences then the attractiveness of the job is there, right?

Well, all of those other conferences are locked into long-term deals. The Big Ten's deal is about to expire and they are looking for a new one in a very saturated marketplace. It would not surprise me in the least if the next deal is for less per team per season than the current one. And BTN is losing subscribers by the day.

Eventually all of college sports is going to pay the piper, but the Big Ten looks like it will be the first domino to fall.
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