The Illinois Coaching Search

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I am all for Buzz Williams in terms of his coaching, he would be a great choice. The possible issues at Marquette, that certainly could be an area that he has taken care of and grown as a coach. We have not heard at this time at VT of off the court issues so I am willing to hope that has changed. My biggest concern is the quick leave at Marquette which would be followed by a 3 year stint at VT before leaving again. I want a coach that wants to be here long term so that is an issue that would need to be addressed.

He also abruptly left his first head job at the University of New Orleans after one season. He was held in breach of contract and responded by mounting a suit against the school for failing to provide promised basketball resources; they counter-sued because he apparently failed to pay his $300k buyout when he left. Weird situation. Many years ago now so nothing that worries me, but there's a further precedent for abrupt/unprofessional departures.
I wonder if Whitman looks at these threads.

If I were him, I'd assign a couple of interns to comb through the boards and random articles daily. Rumors trickle out, people dig up dirt...there's even the definite possibility that random fans think of out-of-the-box coaching candidates that could be worth investigating. Fans also occasionally identify talented high school players before the scouting community does. In the information age, every organization should (with extreme caution and skepticism) channel the public hive mind. If Whitman does anything like this, it's probably not his time he's spending - probably low level staffers who prepare weekly one-pagers for him or something.
He also abruptly left his first head job at the University of New Orleans after one season. He was held in breach of contract and responded by mounting a suit against the school for failing to provide promised basketball resources; they counter-sued because he apparently failed to pay his $300k buyout when he left. Weird situation. Many years ago now so nothing that worries me, but there's a further precedent for abrupt/unprofessional departures.

Not unusual or "weird" and certainly not a character issue.
I know specifics. We can do better. I hope our university is not a win at all costs. Please move on...
Oh yay! More "I know things, trust me" posts. To be clear, no. There should be ZERO trust given to any poster with vague, I can't say what I know, type posts.

Buzz would be a fantastic hire. Fingers crossed that a conversation at least occurs here.
Not unusual or "weird" and certainly not a character issue.

Not particularly unusual and, like I said, doesn't concern me. I think he took the job, realized it was a bad fit because he didn't have the resources and administration buy-in he anticipated, so he bailed. Probably learned a lot in the process. I agree that it doesn't reflect a character issue. Just saying that there was another quick/messy exit in his professional past. I'd maintain that leaving a college head coaching job after one season to become an assistant elsewhere is somewhat unconventional, but again, I have no issue with it. I'd love to hire Buzz Williams. If we don't get Archie Miller, I'd rather have Buzz than maybe anyone else on our hypothetical list.
Throwing out a name I have not seen here yet, Will Wade. I think he checks a lot of boxes. Young guy, very successful at two different coaching stops. Might be an up and comer. Obvious question would be whether his success at VCU is more about Shaka's leftovers than anything he is doing. But worth a look if Archie and Marshall both say no imo.
That symbol is also used by fans of the Arizona Wildcats. I believe Archie's brother coaches at Arizona, and this would be Sean Miller's son in the picture right? Looking a bit hard into nothing here.

That's correct. It also says they are in Arizona, further evidenced by the building style behind them. That's apparently Archie's wife with Sean's son in Arizona.
I assume you're alluding to the handling of the sexual assault allegations a few years back. Definitely a concern. Six of his players were also cited for underage drinking and there were whispers about a party culture permeating the program throughout his tenure. Even if there's mutual interest, he might not get through the vetting process. That said, the guy can coach.

Bingo, we don't need that stuff here
Based on it being JW now doing the selling of Illinois to potential candidates and our available salary range? Or (hopefully) information that this board is not privy to?

Impossible to know who knows what on this board, but it's not just due to Josh being a good salesman with a pretty unified booster base at his back (although those are also good things!).
What if I brought up the name Dan Majerle from Grand Canyon?

Impossible to know who knows what on this board, but it's not just due to Josh being a good salesman with a pretty unified booster base at his back (although those are also good things!).

While I still disagree on Archie, I do agree that Illinois is in great position to reel in someone highly qualified.

JW, $$, boosters, Nike, SFC, roster/recruiting class, program potential, B1G and career advancement potential all make this opening highly attractive for the right coach.
What if I brought up the name Dan Majerle from Grand Canyon?

I've heard this name mentioned. Just too little coaching experience for me. A few years as an NBA assistant, and then four seasons at a very low-level D1 school. Don't get me wrong, he might turn out to be a very good college basketball coach, but I think he needs to prove it at a MAC/A-10 type level before getting a shot at a program like Illinois.

the ONLY potentially worrying thing about the search is that I don't really trust Jerry Colangelo as a basketball sensei to Whitman

Colangelo is a legend but....there is some truth to this.

That's the thing with Shad Khan too. Big time guy in the industry. But a record of sports-related decision making that scares you.
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