The mascot debate/fandom thread



The Transfer Portal with Do Not Contact Tag
To be even more clear, for many people CFB is about traditions. Illinois, even without the Chief, is heavy with tradition--the Block I (move them back to the East Main ASAP), the Marching Illini, having the first Homecoming, singing 'Loyalty' at halftime, etc. Alumni in particular are in touch with and value those traditions, and forcing a new one simply for the sake of doing it rubs a good number of people the wrong way--whether Chief is part of the algebra or not. Whether you think those people are blinkered and self-interested is irrelevant--those people cherish their traditions, and a blue version of Woody Woodpecker isn't part of their traditions.
I do you think any tradition starts?

Ransom Stoddard

Ordained Dudeist Priest
Bloomington, IL
I do you think any tradition starts?
Nothing shouts tradition more than "we need something to shut up the people who still want the Chief back". Particularly since it's likely to just make them louder, along with opening the door to no longer being "Fighting Illini."

I'm not 100% opposed to some kind of mascot. However, I am 100% opposed to a mascot just for the sake of having one, especially one with absolutely no contextual relationship to the university. We've done without for over a century, so to my mind our tradition is "no mascot". Not that I want to be like IU, but they also don't have one, and as far as I can tell there isn't any hand-wringing over it.

The challenge is that no one has found anything yet that unites the students, alumni, and donors (can't run an athletic department without donors) that will also appease those concerned about having someone's sensibilities threatened. Until we find it, "none" is a great option.
The Chief was jettisoned in 2010. Average home football attendance that year was 54,188. Successive home attendance since then:
859 covid

Correlation, yes. Causation? You tell me. If you want to know if the fans still remember the Chief just listen to their chant at the end of the Three-In-One at every home game in every sport where it is played.
I think the attendance is reflected by the quality of the product we put on the field. We are not like Mich. OSU, PSU, Iowa, SEC, etc. If we consistently win 10 or more games, the attendance will go up. I think whatever mascot we select we will continue to attend games at about the current rate until we WIN!
I mean, there are a lot of people in this very thread/on this board saying they will stop going to games/stop giving money/take some other route of lessening their involvement. So unless they are just being whiny blowhards, I'll take them at their word.

Thanks, but this doesn't answer my question. Multiple people stated they are in favor of the Kingfisher because it would stop "Chief whining". I didn't want to presume to know what they meant, but for the sake of discussion let's assume they meant wearing Chief apparel, saying "Chief" during the 3 in 1, or posting here that the Kingfisher is a dumb idea. Do any of those things change with an official Kingfisher? Not a chance. I would therefore argue that's a bad reason to support the Kingfisher.
My spicier take is that this actually is a step towards protecting the name "Fighting Illini"

Could you please share why you believe this?

Not surprisingly, I expect the exact opposite to be true. I can't articulate why any better than this:
It is not unreasonable to think that those who wanted the Chief retired also want "Fighting Illini" retired, and it is also not unreasonable to think that the acceptance of a specifically named mascot (i.e. "The Kingfisher") could lead to a push to rename the athletic teams to "The Kingfishers".

I could believe a mascot like "Blocky the I" or "Alma Otter" could provide something furry and silly to hang out with the cheerleaders and take photos with the kids, while also not having aspirational goals to ditch the Fighting Illini name.

Finally, I've really enjoyed the Jimmy Johns Galloping Ghost races. If they want to give that guy a t-shirt cannon and let him hang out all game I'd be all for it.


The Transfer Portal with Do Not Contact Tag
Could you please share why you believe this?
"Fighting Illini" is an ambiguous name. I know there's debate and confusion around the exact origin, but based on what I've read it seems to have been a kind of faddy way to be self-referential, way before there was any Native American imagery, or any imagery at all (or even any sports at all, it was the 1870s). The NCAA essentially admitted as much when the Chief was retired.

Given that ambiguity, it's a safe bet that there will be future asks about what the name means. As things stand, someone could pretty easily make the (again, as I understand, inaccurate) charge of "yeah they dropped the Chief but they're still coasting along with a Native American name." And given that there's still plenty of people wearing Chief merchandise, showing up to games wearing headdresses and feathers, etc. and nothing else really taking up any other space, it'd be a pretty easy case to make.

But if you want to move the ball down the field toward "Fighting Illini" being more widely viewed and treated as something akin to "Hoosier" where it just means "someone from/a supporter of Illinois", it'd behoove you to start finding ways to do that. Animals that are native to the state (the kingfisher and the otter qualify) would be helpful in that effort. If the goal is to someday be able to effectively defend the name, I think my way is more effective than the alternative.

I know there's a subset of people that think somewhere, deep in the bowels of Jersey Mike's Arena, Nancy Cantor is waiting and plotting for a way she can make us change our name, but I've gotta tell you, most people would give their arm to have this be a non-issue and never have to think about it again.

Ransom Stoddard

Ordained Dudeist Priest
Bloomington, IL
I think the attendance is reflected by the quality of the product we put on the field. We are not like Mich. OSU, PSU, Iowa, SEC, etc. If we consistently win 10 or more games, the attendance will go up. I think whatever mascot we select we will continue to attend games at about the current rate until we WIN!
Not to mention that Chief was retired in 2007, not 2010 as BRucks posted.
Not that anyone asked, but I, for one, do not care for whatever mascot the University of Illinois will or will not have. Kingfisher, Alma Otter, Galloping Ghost, Honest Abe, Blocky the Block I, or some dude in a custard cup costume, bring them all on. I root for the University of Illinois because it is my alma mater, not because I like the mascot/symbol or whatever you want to call it. As long as the U of I doesn’t do anything unethical like concealing sexual assault/child abuse *cough PSU cough*, I will never stop supporting my alma mater.
Not that anyone asked, but I, for one, do not care for whatever mascot the University of Illinois will or will not have. Kingfisher, Alma Otter, Galloping Ghost, Honest Abe, Blocky the Block I, or some dude in a custard cup costume, bring them all on. I root for the University of Illinois because it is my alma mater, not because I like the mascot/symbol or whatever you want to call it. As long as the U of I doesn’t do anything unethical like concealing sexual assault/child abuse *cough PSU cough*, I will never stop supporting my alma mater.
I am the same way, but man was it electric when the Chief came out at halftime whether on the field or on the court - there was nothing like it in College athletics.
"Fighting Illini" is an ambiguous name. I know there's debate and confusion around the exact origin, but based on what I've read it seems to have been a kind of faddy way to be self-referential, way before there was any Native American imagery, or any imagery at all (or even any sports at all, it was the 1870s). The NCAA essentially admitted as much when the Chief was retired.

Given that ambiguity, it's a safe bet that there will be future asks about what the name means. As things stand, someone could pretty easily make the (again, as I understand, inaccurate) charge of "yeah they dropped the Chief but they're still coasting along with a Native American name." And given that there's still plenty of people wearing Chief merchandise, showing up to games wearing headdresses and feathers, etc. and nothing else really taking up any other space, it'd be a pretty easy case to make.

But if you want to move the ball down the field toward "Fighting Illini" being more widely viewed and treated as something akin to "Hoosier" where it just means "someone from/a supporter of Illinois", it'd behoove you to start finding ways to do that. Animals that are native to the state (the kingfisher and the otter qualify) would be helpful in that effort. If the goal is to someday be able to effectively defend the name, I think my way is more effective than the alternative.

I know there's a subset of people that think somewhere, deep in the bowels of Jersey Mike's Arena, Nancy Cantor is waiting and plotting for a way she can make us change our name, but I've gotta tell you, most people would give their arm to have this be a non-issue and never have to think about it again.
I know Robert from Illiniboard has said it's kind of like Hoosier, but it's a little different. It's less about people from the state and more was just something for the students to call themselves is my understanding. At least Illini was, Native American imagery came a little later with "Fighting" for the stadium. Native American imagery and calling yourself "Indians" also doesn't necessarily relate to the name itself anyways, as basically every team used that in the late 1800s early 1900s no matter the name. It was basically taking the place of like a warrior in modern day slang. But Illini was basically just something the students caused themselves for school spirit purposes in the beginning.
I am the same way, but man was it electric when the Chief came out at halftime whether on the field or on the court - there was nothing like it in College athletics.
Yes it was. I've been to a lot of football games at a lot of stadiums and there was nothing quite like a big game when the Chief came out at halftime. I get why current college students don't care - they never got to experience it so they can't possibly get it. And conversely, that's why I can't get behind a dumb furry mascot - a stuffed animal just can't compare
I had a great thought at the Ottawa game Friday night when I looked up at the scoreboard at center court and saw the pic of a German Sheppard..

I say we get a German Sheppard and name him Oske Wow Wow.. Works for me and isnt some stupid Otter or Bird

Guess we could name him Chief for short
Yes, a police dog. That’s another of these inclusive, culturally baggage-free images that really aligns with the attitudes and sensibilities of modern college students that the administration should love.

If they said the Kingfisher was inspired by and paid homage to the nose art from a B-17 that flew 20 daytime raids over Germany, half the people complaining about it here would immediately demand that it become our new mascot.
I know there's a subset of people that think somewhere, deep in the bowels of Jersey Mike's Arena, Nancy Cantor is waiting and plotting for a way she can make us change our name, but I've gotta tell you, most people would give their arm to have this be a non-issue and never have to think about it again.
It's not just us bitter and paranoid Illinois folks who don't like her...



Not to mention that Chief was retired in 2007, not 2010 as BRucks posted.
You, sir, are correct. Not only was I wrong but the correct date refutes my argument since the attendance in 2006 was 43,465, in 2007 it was 54,872, in 2008 it was 61,707 and in 2009 it was 59,544. The attendance in the years immediately following the Chief departure was some of the best in the last two decades.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
Yes, a police dog. That’s another of these inclusive, culturally baggage-free images that really aligns with the attitudes and sensibilities of modern college students that the administration should love.

If they said the Kingfisher was inspired by and paid homage to the nose art from a B-17 that flew 20 daytime raids over Germany, half the people complaining about it here would immediately demand that it become our new mascot.
make the dog be a Golden Retriever and call him Oskee Bow Wow.
no one could argue with that
case closed. next .


Centennial, CO
The Kingfisher is gathering steady support amongst faculty and students. It's going to happen... just need to be patient. The University is a political institution and moves slow.
Glacially slow would be too fast. Slow enough for someone to come up with something better (shouldn't be hard at all) to supplant this dumb idea would be ideal.

Ransom Stoddard

Ordained Dudeist Priest
Bloomington, IL
You, sir, are correct. Not only was I wrong but the correct date refutes my argument since the attendance in 2006 was 43,465, in 2007 it was 54,872, in 2008 it was 61,707 and in 2009 it was 59,544. The attendance in the years immediately following the Chief departure was some of the best in the last two decades.
I wish I could find statistics on IFund and other DIA giving for those years, because my anecdotal experience tells me it dropped sharply in 2007 from 2006. The former high-roller donor that I kind of know told me that Zook correlated the drop in giving to the drop in success of the team following the Rose Bowl year. Personally I think that's a load of crap and that Zook (like Weber) couldn't capitalize on his success.
Glacially slow would be too fast. Slow enough for someone to come up with something better (shouldn't be hard at all) to supplant this dumb idea would be ideal.
I'm starting to come around to Blocky. It's dumb, but dumb in all the right ways like Stanford's Tree, and it's better than a Kingfisher costume that looks like a bluejay.
Glacially slow would be too fast. Slow enough for someone to come up with something better (shouldn't be hard at all) to supplant this dumb idea would be ideal.
Why is it so dumb? Majestic bird, amazing hunter, happens to be orange and blue and lives in our state. Oh, and one frequents my backyard. And, when I lived downstate, I saw them frequently along the Vermillion river near Danville.

It's a great match for UIUC especially since the CURRENT students and faculty want it. University and its activities are for the youth of our fine state.

Ransom Stoddard

Ordained Dudeist Priest
Bloomington, IL
Why is it so dumb? Majestic bird, amazing hunter, happens to be orange and blue and lives in our state. Oh, and one frequents my backyard. And, when I lived downstate, I saw them frequently along the Vermillion river near Danville.

It's a great match for UIUC especially since the CURRENT students and faculty want it. University and its activities are for the youth of our fine state.
Not orange. This gaslighting has to stop. I haven't found a single bird reference that describes the kingfisher as having orange, the female is described as having either a rufous or orange colored band.

It's cool to want something that's O&B but find something that's actually O&B rather than pretending reddish-brown is orange.
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