Tony Petitti named Big Ten Commissioner



Certainly his media ties and experience make a lot of sense in the current era. I’m very impressed on paper at least. Uncle Tony?


Eugene, Oregon





Paducah, Ky


st petersburg, fl
To me, the main issue is Fox owning big ten programming rights via BTN...and nobody really knowing about it. Apparently, this wasn't a Warren doing, that's Delaney. And the fact that it's been kept so hush hush, and Delaney continues to get paid bonuses on that deal, should raise red flags. And the schools apparently didn't read the agreements closely enough before signing off on them.

In 2016, when the Big Ten announced its long-term television deal with Fox and ESPN, the announcement didn't include all the details. One of the things that didn't get disclosed at the time, nor as the new deal was being discussed in recent months, was that the Big Ten Network had acquired all of the league's programming rights back in 2016 through an undisclosed date. The length of that deal with the Big Ten Network from 2016 is carried at least through the current deal, which has been announced through the 2029-30 season.

But the part that confuses me is it sounds like Fox has been involved in the negotiations. Initially, I assumed Warren just didn't understand the nuances of the ownership structures (that generally is my impression of him), but that doesn't seem to be the case. So did Warren just go rogue at the last second when he struck the NBC deal? That just seems weird.

This relationship was known by athletic directors, television executives at rival networks and officials in other leagues, even if it wasn't announced publicly. It flashed out into the public at various times, including Sports Business Journal reporting in April 2022 that two Fox senior executives were in the room when various media companies -- ESPN, Amazon, NBC and others -- met with the league about their television packages.

"It was a joint negotiation with the conference and FOX working together and doing deals with these other networks," said an industry source. "They both needed each other to do the deals."


Chicago, IL
To me, the main issue is Fox owning big ten programming rights via BTN...and nobody really knowing about it. Apparently, this wasn't a Warren doing, that's Delaney. And the fact that it's been kept so hush hush, and Delaney continues to get paid bonuses on that deal, should raise red flags. And the schools apparently didn't read the agreements closely enough before signing off on them.
There is no Big Ten or SEC anymore. They are wholly owned subsidiaries of Fox and ESPN, respectively. And those are the SUCCESS stories in college sports.

Good times ahead!
Warren stunk. I have hated listening to the Score telling listeners how great his Big 10 tenure was. He was available to the Bears because the conference wanted him out.
1. Covid.... Warren was 1st out of the gate to announce he was cancelling the season. He assumed other leagues would fall in line. Jim Delaney lead on issues. Other conferences followed his lead in instant replay, conference TV networks, league expansion, the BCS and then College Football Playoff. On August 11th Warren comes out and says we are cancelling games for the season. He expected everyone to follow as they did with Delaney. The Pac-12 does follow. Nebraska says they will play a non conference schedule. Warren says no you won't. But the SEC, Big 12, and the ACC say we are playing. The Big 10 finally reverses course and plays 8 games, 3 or 4 less than the other 3 conferences.
2. Expansion. USC lead their and UCLA's entrance into the Big 10. Warren was along for the ride. Then after he wanted to continue expanding while presidents and athletic directors were good where the membership stood. Also some blame Warren for being unaware Texas and Oklahoma were possibly available.
3. His one triumph, the TV deal, is showing itself to not be as great as reported.
4. Communication with university athletic directors and coaches was terrible, as we are finding out.
2. Expansion. USC lead their and UCLA's entrance into the Big 10. Warren was along for the ride. Then after he wanted to continue expanding while presidents and athletic directors were good where the membership stood. Also some blame Warren for being unaware Texas and Oklahoma were possibly available.
Then we divide the conference up again.
Division A (fill in your own name)
All original Big Ten teams that are near and dear to our hearts
Division B
All the new guys which includes:
Penn State, Nebraska, Maryland, and Rutgers
Texas, Oklahoma
All those Pac-12 teams
There would be no cross-division games.
After a couple season, Division B becomes its own conference,
leaving the Big Ten back to what God has intended.
I’m no fan of Warren, and he definitely goofed here, but I’m a little wary of an article about the major screwups of this deal coming from the major media outlet that is now the direct competitor of said deal.

Yeah something is going on behind scenes..building a narrative. Through in possibility of just highlighting a much larger deal, BIG will get bigger payout than anyone else etc, like an NFL contract with inflated value. Maybe it’s networks? Maybe it’s the new guy. Negotiations ongoing it seems. Wonder if this is holding up a PAC deal as well???

Joel Goodson

Yeah something is going on behind scenes..building a narrative. Through in possibility of just highlighting a much larger deal, BIG will get bigger payout than anyone else etc, like an NFL contract with inflated value. Maybe it’s networks? Maybe it’s the new guy. Negotiations ongoing it seems. Wonder if this is holding up a PAC deal as well???

I'm going with Occam's Razor (a screw up) over conspiracy theories. The TV package was done by a team, but it was clearly Warren's baby, so he gets the blame.

PAC deal: what?
I'm going with Occam's Razor (a screw up) over conspiracy theories. The TV package was done by a team, but it was clearly Warren's baby, so he gets the blame.

PAC deal: what?
Sounds good.
By the pac deal I just mean that possibly nbc, fox, cbs could be focused on finishing this deal vs negotiating with pac. But, I guess these media players were not really linked to pac previously? So maybe no connection.