Bill Cubit gets 2-year deal as Illinois Head Football Coach

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They knew they wanted the 'interim' plan and they had to extend before the game today... can you imagine what would happen if extending HCBC after a loss?
I'm sure I'm in the minority (and that minority might include only me!) but I think this is the only move that makes sense.

Who in their right mind was going to come to coach here with the university in shambles from top to bottom?

Plan on a 5 year rebuild from this current mess to even determine if we can put together a winning program.

This was the best decision they could have possibly made for the long term health of the program. I commend them for doing this one right. To create the best environment possible, they need to get a president, chancellor, AD and coach that are all linked. If you hire a coach now and give him a four or five year contract, then who knows what happens when you start hiring the other positions. This way you can do it the right way and allow the full-time chancellor and athletic director to hire who they want. We didn't tie our hands like we normally would.

It amazes me how many people on here were complaining about the interim chancellor and interim AD choosing the next coach so now we are setup to allow the next full-time chancellor and AD to make that choice.

Besides, our football program has been less than mediocre for so many years that adding two more to the list just doesn't seem that bad. And, who knows, maybe Cubit has learned lessens and continues to keep the train moving slowly forward.
If the perception is that the University doesn't care, then why should the fans? Winning teams draw fans, not hope. The same tenor from last year that Beckman was not the right guy to lead this team in the future turned out to be very true. The feeling is the same about Cubit - so why draw this out?

That's a valid point, VA. How to get to a consistently respectable/winning program without *real* support from the UI administration? I guess that is the $64,000 question. ...Washington State w/Leach is a good example. . I know, I'm an adopted Coug and have watched LOTS of Coug games that were, well..VERY winnable for the Illini had they been the opponent..But WSU doesn't have the admission standards that UI does, the administration DOES care, took a big chunk of their new PAC-12 Network $$$$ and went after Leach. They got a bad break with their QB Lunt going down and got hammered by the Fuskies (who are every bit as arrogant as Michigan, btw), but they will go to their 2nd bowl game in 4 years, probably the Sun Bowl. ...As I see it, it's a crap shoot either way: roll the dice w/Cubit for continuity/stability vs. bring in yet another coach/coaches/new system. . Perhaps the biggest weapon is lack of donations for the I-FUND..ticket sales have to be peanuts compared to lack of donations. . I'll never donate to the I-FUND because of the Chief (and granted that's another story) but I've had a couple season tickets while living here in the PNW and selling the seats when I could. Wish there was an easier answer but I don't see it:chief:
I just don't know what to say. I am not sure I have ever been speechless before so this is new territory for me. Just when I thought our school couldn't do something stupid to top the last time then they do something like this. I give up ever trying to figure them out. I guess I can check out for a while. See you when they wake up.
Congratulations Head Coach Cubit

Best wishes to you and the Illini. May this be the beginning of a successful run for many seasons.:shield::chief::illinois::thumb:
I just don't know what to say. I am not sure I have ever been speechless before so this is new territory for me. Just when I thought our school couldn't do something stupid to top the last time then they do something like this. I give up ever trying to figure them out. I guess I can check out for a while. See you when they wake up.

Good post. But please stick around.
What an excellent idea - we now have a "long-term" interim coach.

Next year is the only year on the horizon with good talent, so it's not gonna get any easier to bring in a new head coach.
This has to be one of the worst hires the U of I has made, believe me when i say this because i work for the U of I. You can't tell me that he didn't know what was going on with beckmen. Every coach on the staff knew what was going on and none of them said anything. The old AD knew what was going on, hell he is neighbors with beckmen. I have been an Illini Fan my whole life but the university machine is more worried about money than educating the students. I have gone to my last football game.
I wonder if Cubit would even go on to fire the DC? Now that Paul Rhoads is out of a job, I wouldn't mind seeing what he could do back in the DC position. Too bad Bud Foster is probably going to be retained by VT, if I was him. I would consider that a slap in the face for how many years he has been an assistant. However, I will be in the minority as well, although I don't think this is the long term answer for Illinois football retaining Cubit but it has to be best decision for now with all the turmoil not only at U of I but the state as well.
Not convinced on Cubit, but support the decision to hire him for two years. As a Cleveland Browns I have watched the coach, Pettine, hired before the GM, Farmer, and it has been a disaster. Totally not on the same page.

The U of I needs to hire a competent AD, update the facilities and change the admissions policy and then they may be able to hire a top notch coach.
I don't get how people support the 2 year hire b/c we have an interim AD. Why do we have an interim AD in the first place??
I know I'm in the minority, but I don't see this as a horrible decision. I think we all can agree that Cubit isn't the long term answer, but the players love him and he will provide stability while we get our ducks in a row. A year from now we will have a chancellor and AD in place and be in a better position to conduct a proper coaching search. Another thing to consider is the large amount of head coaching jobs available this year. There are already a bevy of more desirable openings than coaching Illinois and the season isn't even over yet. That's before you factor in all the uncertainty surrounding the university. Let's just all take a step back from the ledge and see how next year plays out. Pulling our donations and support will only deepen existing issues, and we'll all be sitting around next year complaining about Illinois's inability to make a splashy hire.

Might possibly be in the silent majority. The name of this site is Illinois Loyalty and it is time to show some loyalty to the athletes and coaches that we have. Go Illini!!
I understand, conceptually at least, this feeling that some people have that this was the best choice under the circumstances. What I don't get is why these same people aren't outraged about the circumstances. We fired Beckman and knew pretty much everything we needed to know about Mike Thomas THREE MONTHS AGO. If there ever was an opportunity to clean house and smoothly transition into a new AD during the season and a new head coach after the season, this was it.

Instead we squandered that whole critical time period when we could have addressed this crisis with zero activity or planning, only to unnecessarily put ourselves in a position where "we had no choice" but punt all the important decisions a year or more down the road, potentially flushing at least one and possibly multiple seasons down the drain in the process. And yet the response on here for so many seems to be, "Aw shucks, what else were we supposed to do?" I don't know, how about everything else differently?

Praising this decision as the most practical solution to our current problems is like praising the captain of the Costa Concordia for giving the order to abandon ship once the list reached 20 degrees to starboard. "Well, under the circumstances, it was the right move. I mean, what else was he supposed to do?"
I can't decide whether this is sheer laziness or an inferiority complex. Such smart people can't possibly be so incompetent, right?
A friend of mine told me the news in person before I read anything... I thought he was joking... it took 5 minutes of him telling me he was serious before I finally figured it out. The joke is most definitely on us. I will always cheer for the Illini, but I do not agree with this at all. Well, at least we didn't have to sweat it out.
I understand, conceptually at least, this feeling that some people have that this was the best choice under the circumstances. What I don't get is why these same people aren't outraged about the circumstances. We fired Beckman and knew pretty much everything we needed to know about Mike Thomas THREE MONTHS AGO. If there ever was an opportunity to clean house and smoothly transition into a new AD during the season and a new head coach after the season, this was it.

Instead we squandered that whole critical time period when we could have addressed this crisis with zero activity or planning, only to unnecessarily put ourselves in a position where "we had no choice" but punt all the important decisions a year or more down the road, potentially flushing at least one and possibly multiple seasons down the drain in the process. And yet the response on here for so many seems to be, "Aw shucks, what else were we supposed to do?" I don't know, how about everything else differently?

Praising this decision as the most practical solution to our current problems is like praising the captain of the Costa Concordia for giving the order to abandon ship once the list reached 20 degrees to starboard. "Well, under the circumstances, it was the right move. I mean, what else was he supposed to do?"

Well said. I guess, the reality is that they were not going to rush and hire a new AD without a new chancellor. And they were not going to rush to that, just for the football program.
I understand, conceptually at least, this feeling that some people have that this was the best choice under the circumstances. What I don't get is why these same people aren't outraged about the circumstances. We fired Beckman and knew pretty much everything we needed to know about Mike Thomas THREE MONTHS AGO. If there ever was an opportunity to clean house and smoothly transition into a new AD during the season and a new head coach after the season, this was it.

Instead we squandered that whole critical time period when we could have addressed this crisis with zero activity or planning, only to unnecessarily put ourselves in a position where "we had no choice" but punt all the important decisions a year or more down the road, potentially flushing at least one and possibly multiple seasons down the drain in the process. And yet the response on here for so many seems to be, "Aw shucks, what else were we supposed to do?" I don't know, how about everything else differently[/I]?

Praising this decision as the most practical solution to our current problems is like praising the captain of the Costa Concordia for giving the order to abandon ship once the list reached 20 degrees to starboard. "Well, under the circumstances, it was the right move. I mean, what else was he supposed to do?"

this +1000. Anything we could have mishandled,we did. Absolutely disgusted with this university right now
Ok so who's printing up the "Illinois Football: It's not ideal" Tshirts?
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