Illinois 73, Indiana 71 POSTGAME

Whether or not he touched him, the point is that if you are purposely missing a FT with .1 second left, WTF WOULD YOU GO MAKE A PLAY ON THE REBOUND??

It's asinine. And even remotely, unimaginably trying to give the ref's a chance to make some crazy end of game call and send them to the line with no time on the clock is a nightmare that will probably play out in some of our dreams.
For those of you who understand that learning a new offense takes time (of which I am not one unfortunately), I watched this SFA spread offense video and was encouraged to see that I recognize some similarities. Obviously, we still have a long way to go, but I do believe there's a method to the madness.

If only we played teams that were slow and unathletic like that.
He should have run away from that like a punt receiver does when he's not going to catch the ball.

But because I don't know, when does the clock start when there's a missed free-throw like that? When it leaves his hands? Hits the rim or backboard? When it hits someone's hands or the floor?

I'm pretty sure the clock doesn't start until it hits someone's hands off the rebound. Bottom line is you avoid crimson jerseys and the ball, like you said. I couldn't believe what I was watching as it was happening. You give the refs absolutely no reason to blow the whistle in that scenario. Them getting fouled is their only hope at that point.
I don't think whether he actually fouled him or not was the issue. The fact that he ran up for absolutely no reason (habit most likely) is why Underwood was upset. With .1 seconds left, it doesn't matter. But what if there was .6 seconds left?

Easiest solution of all, no matter .1, .6, etc.????

Make both FT. Hard to hit a four pointer...:)
No matter how bad this season plays out, we still beat Missouri and Indiana.
Easiest solution of all, no matter .1, .6, etc.????

Make both FT. Hard to hit a four pointer...:)

With the way things work out, him missing the ft, was best option. Him moving forward was his fatal action. Glad it end way it did, we are so snakebit , anything else would have had BU kicking him into a trash can.
Maybe this will help get the guys going right direction. Schedule starts to have some winnable games. Winning this game, which ever way it looked or ended, was the main thing.

Lowest of basketball IQs right there. At least for that play.
Ok no foul to call since when the ball touched players hand clock starts. 0.1 sec left and by rule only a tip in could be a made shot. Teachable moment yes, bonehead to go after the ball, yes. Will it happen again, probably not.

Why are some of you willfully choosing to ignore the facts?

Alstork was right on top of the Indiana dude when he caught the ball. Everyone knows that 0.1 seconds is not enough time to get a shot off, but that's a moot point when he just about tried his hardest to gift wrap 2 free shots to tie up the game before Indiana even made contact with the ball (i.e. before the 0.1 second remaining would have even started).

.01 is not enough to get a shot off, everyone is correct....however, .01 is long enough to "be in the act of shooting"...the act of, not shot off, right? If so, then certainly a foul could have been called, but would in likelihood never get called. A teaching moment, and I bet he may not be in a game late anytime soon, Alstork does not make smart plays in general?
Much ado about nothing. No, it wasn't smart, he should've stayed at the FT line. But even doing what he did, he had his hands straight down at his sides and didn't even touch the guy. On to the next one!

It’s true. Out of the ordinary events involving officials would be an unprecedented thing for Illinois sports.

[jumps out of window]
Just because there was no consequence for his actions, doesn't preclude the fact that there could very well have been a foul called there. Minimizing this as *no biggie* is silly.

there could only be a foul if he made contact before he touched the ball and the referee thought it was sufficient to make the call OR if the referee THOUGHT he made sufficient contact before he touched the ball. The point really is, why make it close, why put it in the hands of someone else (referee) when you don't have to.
there could only be a foul if he made contact before he touched the ball and the referee thought it was sufficient to make the call OR if the referee THOUGHT he made sufficient contact before he touched the ball. The point really is, why make it close, why put it in the hands of someone else (referee) when you don't have to.
is there a record for keeping a "no call" play discussion alive? its 36 hours so far.

I'm betting we could be discussing this play until we play Indiana at home the next time. "Hey everyone....remember that one game on 24 Jan 18 where we almost got a foul at the end, that could have sent an IU player to the line, that could have sent the game to overtime....remember that play?

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is there a record for keeping a "no call" play discussion alive? its 36 hours so far.

I'm betting we could be discussing this play until we play Indiana at home the next time. "Hey everyone....remember that one game on 24 Jan 18 where we almost got a foul at the end, that could have sent an IU player to the line, that could have sent the game to overtime....remember that play?

I think the point is that that would have gone down as THE ALL-TIME DUMBEST WAY TO LOSE A 100% UNLOSABLE GAME. That, alone, merits extending the statute.

PS: This team has to have set the record for needing to be told things that you absolutely should not have to be told.

DaMonte - Just get it in and we win. Ok, break!
wait, wait... DaMonte, don't throw it a.) to the other team, under the basket, or b.) all the way down the court without it being touched. LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE and we win. Cool. (What?!)

Alstork- I want you to miss both FTs, bc if you do, we LITERALLY CAN NOT LOSE. Wait, wait wait. I almost forgot. ... Unless you go after your miss (what?!) and foul the rebounder (are you f*&*ing kidding me?!?!), ok? So don't do that.

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I understand your optimism but Alstork plays lock down defense for the most part. Smith and Williams rode the bench in the second half because they weren't getting it done on defense. We have plenty guys that can score. :eek:Sure, it's good to look ahead to the future but if we can win we need to win. I don't care who plays. They'll learn whether they ride the bench for being a defensive liability or if they play because someone else isn't living up to offensive expectations. I prefer the former, if we're talking about the future of Illini basketball.

I must be missing something there. Name three. Agree with the rest.
is there a record for keeping a "no call" play discussion alive? its 36 hours so far.

I'm betting we could be discussing this play until we play Indiana at home the next time. "Hey everyone....remember that one game on 24 Jan 18 where we almost got a foul at the end, that could have sent an IU player to the line, that could have sent the game to overtime....remember that play?

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See, what had happened was.....
Gotcha, agree completely. Honestly, if my boss gives me direct and blunt feedback I don't often like it (in the moment especially and in publicly even worse), but it is an investment in me. It makes me better. It's tough love that we all need, just that it must be tough when you're receiving it in front of teammates and TVs... Gotta have thick skin on that stage!

Announcers recalled the story of Black getting a rebound in practice, and BU stopping practice and praising him. Then asking the announcers to recount the story on the air. BU is full of tough love!:thumb:
Looking at the replay, Alstork didn't touch him and the IU player flopped. The right call would be a technical called on the Indiana player for taking a dive.
That's not the point. You can't shoot with 0.1 seconds, but you can foul. Don't even put yourself in the position. It's called, as the other poster said, basketball iq.

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