Illini in the NBA

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Looks like Ayo has elbowed his way into some decent minutes....when you get into the 1st qtr and 22 minutes of game time and produce it pays.
He's just very impactful, he makes things happen out there, the flow of the game finds him. We all know that, but it's hard to know how it will translate to the next level.

Big growth step for him will be guarding bigger players. Any time Ayo is the longer player at either end he's got you, but he's not going to be the longer player a lot of the time in the NBA.
He was guarding Jason Tatum 6' 8" and Jaylon Brown 6'6' who are taller than him and as tall as him. He did well and had been playing a lot. I believe he's only not played in one game so far this season. May have been garbage time in one or two... but he's a valued member and is now in the rotation for the second unit.
I 100% agree, and also think it's easier to develop bad habits playing for a bad team. On a good team, you can't afford to make mistakes. I like Coby but think you trade him over Ayo b/c you are going to get a better return. I don't think Ayo, at this stage, brings back anything in a trade that can move the needle. His value to the Bulls in terms of excitement, maturity, etc., is higher than his value would be to most other teams.
Don't forget he's a homegrown talent who brings in the fans! They will buy his jerseys and pay to watch him! Along with the Illinois fan base! Win, win for the Bulls!
Awesome write up about Ayo in the Athletic, might need a subscription to read it hope I am not violating anything by posting this but any recruit that wants to be developed should this about Ayo and more importantly what his head coach and teammates say about him.

I want to agree with you and I love watching Ayo garner minutes for the Bulls so early in his career. I want him to succeed so much because he was a great student athlete while at IL and comes from a terrific family. If anyone deserves success, it is him. But I just am not seeing what he brings to this team from a perspective of offense, especially a team that is so loaded in the back court. I hope like hell I'm wrong and that Ayo improves his game throughout his career to the point where he is a strong contributor to the team he is on. But judging from my own 2 eyes, there are times where aside from good to great defense he just looks invisible out there. It's very very early in the season and it could just simply be a thing where he's finding his niche on this team, and him understanding his role for this team that he's letting things come to him and he's not pressing things too much. Get to the All Star break, he could be literally a completely different time of rookie/player and be contributing more in the box score.
Yikes, so my post yesterday certainly didn't age well at all. Joke's on me....

Again seeing the solid mins Ayo is getting early in this season, it's been really great to watch and to see his progression in his very young career. Most definitely his defense has been good if not very good, and that alone really is what is going to continue to get him good mins. When a coach sees that from a rookie, you better believe it will continue. He clearly knows his role on the team which will only grow as the season goes along. But I was just concerned about what kind of offensive player he would become on a team loaded in the backcourt, and being someone who's not really an above-the-rim kind of player and will still need to continue to improve that 3 point shot.

However, after last night it was amazing to see how much he was contributing on the offensive end, and how lock down he was on the defensive end. He was advantageous on fast breaks and leak outs, and then that 3 he hit on a potential broken play from Vucevic to give the Bulls the lead in the 4th was simply awesome. I literally jumped off the couch and punch the air because I was so happy for him. That comeback from 19 down on the road against a good Boston team was simply amazing, and the bench was solely responsible for that comeback with Ayo leading the way. And the look on his face after hitting that 3 to give Chi the lead there, Ayo looked like a kid on Christmas. It's as if you could literally see his confidence growing by leaps and bounds in real time with just that one simple shot. It was really really great to witness.
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Good highlight video of Ayo vs. Celtics on He played defensive, assisted, 3 pts, layups, pull up shot on a defender.

He looks the part of a future longterm veteran. Coach Donovan praise of him is spot on. He is going to get a nice contact in year 3. Great situation to be surrounded by solid professionals.
Good highlight video of Ayo vs. Celtics on He played defensive, assisted, 3 pts, layups, pull up shot on a defender.

He looks the part of a future longterm veteran. Coach Donovan praise of him is spot on. He is going to get a nice contact in year 3. Great situation to be surrounded by solid professionals.
Great clip - thanks!

However, appears we now need to go through the whole "name pronunciation" thing all over again.
Great clip - thanks!

However, appears we now need to go through the whole "name pronunciation" thing all over again.

Or calling him the right name period. The Boston announcers kept calling him Jones....he's gonna earn the respect where they will know his name.
Awesome write up about Ayo in the Athletic, might need a subscription to read it hope I am not violating anything by posting this but any recruit that wants to be developed should this about Ayo and more importantly what his head coach and teammates say about him.

I tried to read that earlier, but it is a subscription. Just from the title, Ayo was never just a feel good story. The man is a First Team All-American. He was supposed to be good, and with more minutes, Ayo will show how lucky the Bulls were to get him. He should have gone higher. It's a good situation, though. He's loved in Illinois.
Why'd that announcer keep calling Ayo, Jones? They look nothing alike.
That bothered me too watching the highlights until I realized it was Boston’s announcers. They did eventually get it right. Ayo was wearing a black head band. I think he wore white before. Confused me too.
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