Ohio State 86, Illinois 83 Postgame

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A coach with all due respect. Start playing hardcore basketball! You can literally go 10 Deep if not 12 deep! Start playing deep didn't start pressing the entire game the last two games when you press you freaking win freaking games you win that last five minutes and that's what it's about come on couch we support you we love you
What? He's beyond wrong. He's basically saying what the refs are doing is justified.

"Hey, yeah it's a foul, but you're a special human giant so deal with it."

"Oh and by the way, we'll call touch fouls on the guy who's 4 inches shorter and 60lbs lighter. So deal with that too."

What a load of hot garbage. Justifying the incompetence of these officials is worse than their incompetence.
Big Boi Oh Lord GIF by Fuse
Absolutely agree. The consistency in reffing in the Big 10 this year has been beyond awful. The quality of the refs is down. Nothing was worse than the three second call vs Kofi at MSU. Hasn't been called all year. Tonight, again, not one of the zebras better outings.
You seem to be one of those that loves being the "resident level head" and it just isn't the right game to do that. This game was hot garbage on the officiating, it just was. It's not the determinative thing that resulted in the loss, but to do the thing where you're the cool basketball guy that can love the Illini and be so objective at the same time is just a little tired. This was a horribly officiated game. Brad will get a fine for what he did, and I'd bet he'd pay double to never see this crew again.
For all who are saying the refs aren’t the reason we lost this game, I give you:

the marathoner could have put in a greater effort and/or run a smarter race, but being hit by a flippin’ car would have to at the very least be considered a ‘determinative’ factor in the ultimate outcome.
You seem to be one of those that loves being the "resident level head" and it just isn't the right game to do that. This game was hot garbage on the officiating, it just was. It's not the determinative thing that resulted in the loss, but to do the thing where you're the cool basketball guy that can love the Illini and be so objective at the same time is just a little tired. This was a horribly officiated game. Brad will get a fine for what he did, and I'd bet he'd pay double to never see this crew again.
Objective is not good? Not sure if you follow the game threads, but it's a roller coaster of emotions, where the eye is no longer on the ball.

This team is really not hard to disect.

They are a live by the three, die by the three team. When it's going good, it's going really good, but when it goes bad, it goes really bad. Water seeks it's level.

When you play that way, you can jump out to big leads, but you can cough them up quickly and you can get back in the game quickly.

When you hoist up 25 threes, you're taking the refs off the hook. There's no call to be made. When that's the offense, it leads urself to long droughts and free throw disparities.

Then, we're a sub par free throw shooting team. We miss the front end, don't get the second shot, which is basically a turnover.

After 27 games, this is what they are. They're undersized at the guard position and they're undersized in the post, with Williams, at 6'3" trying to body up against the other teams best post player. It's their DNA.

Think about how many games that we had a double digit lead in and lose because of all of the above:

Purdue(Road)-That might have only been 9.
Ohio State(Home)

Now, games where they had a double digit lead, blew it, but held on.

Michigan (Home)
Michigan State(Road)

That's 10 games off the top of my head where the three pointer pushed them out to a lead, then the absence of it coughed the same lead up.

They've also gotten blown out in a couple because they went ice cold throughout.

I understand the frustration with the refs. I was also frustrated. Kofi got hosed on his 5th and Frazier was clearly fouled at the end. I get it. That said, today was how they've been all year. The roller coaster comes with it, as does the frustration. The refs clearly played a part in some very, very key moments.

Yes, I do try to be objective. However, facts are facts and trends are trends. Ayo stopped a lot of these runs last year with the ability to get to the rim and finish and he had a great midrange jumper. That would break the 7-0 run before it turned into 16-2.

It is what it is, like it or not. Fingers crossed that in March, they have a hot streak in them.
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I don't disagree with you necessarily. However, we're talking about a 7'0", 280lb, powerhouse of a human being. I'm going to give Kofi more credit than that. He gets slapped and hacked, but quite honestly, nothing that a guy of his size and strength, shouldn't be able to finish through. If he wants to play professionally, all of those missed layups that people say he got fouled on.....those need to be drop step dunks. If he goes up strong, there's not one college player that's strong enough to stop him, refs or no refs. We see flashes, then it's back to trying to lay a bunny off the glass, fading away.
I’m sorry. I COMPLETELY disagree with this point of view.

What you are saying is that the rules should be different because he is bigger?

Why have rules at all? Ridiculous.

If slapping a guard draws a foul, slapping Kofi should draw the foul. Period.

I don’t give a damn about what he is going to face “At The next level”. He is NOT at the next level. Period.
I don't disagree with you necessarily. However, we're talking about a 7'0", 280lb, powerhouse of a human being. I'm going to give Kofi more credit than that. He gets slapped and hacked, but quite honestly, nothing that a guy of his size and strength, shouldn't be able to finish through. If he wants to play professionally, all of those missed layups that people say he got fouled on.....those need to be drop step dunks. If he goes up strong, there's not one college player that's strong enough to stop him, refs or no refs. We see flashes, then it's back to trying to lay a bunny off the glass, fading away.
This is much easier to say when you’re not the one getting slapped pulled and body checked.

Also - it’s not usually just one college player that’s stopping him.

Lastly - in the NBA they call way more fouls than college, so not sure I understand that point at all.
This was a frustrating one to lose.

The main culprit for several of the losses recently, 3 point shooting, was well on point (granted it was one player having himself a game) and we got decent contributions from several players other than Kofi.

Skipping the officiating because that horse is already dead... It's been mentioned a couple of times in the thread but FTs have to be better. We left more than enough points there to win the game. And the defense (planning and execution) has to tighten up. We literally got beat by three guys yesterday (70/86 points for OSU).

That said, this is a loss that can demoralize a team and send them into an out of control spiral down the pooper. Or it can galvanize them, help them realize strengths that they didn't know of before, and make them better coming out of it...

I don't see quitters on this team so I'm pretty hopeful going forward.
Maybe this deserves it’s own thread, but it’s not just those viewing basketball through Illini colored glasses that are complaining about officiating this year. Jay Bilas has been ranting all year about it and backs it up with stats. Foul calls are at an all-time low throughout college basketball. Fouls are not being called and coaches are responding by telling their players to foul more.

Here’s an article ($): https://www.espn.com/mens-college-b...68-men-college-basketball-rankings-version-20
I know Whitman wrote to the B1G last year but something else needs to be done. It’s been going on for way too long.
Would help if the administration knew NCAA sports existed. Like some mentioned earlier, it's time IL started leaning hard on the B10 conference or find other options. Pipe dream, I know.
Would help if the administration knew NCAA sports existed. Like some mentioned earlier, it's time IL started leaning hard on the B10 conference or find other options. Pipe dream, I know.
I’m sticking to the belief the b10 wants us gone so our football program stops bringing the conference down. Not even from a performance perspective, but from a fan perspective. We rarely fill memorial stadium. Nebraska, Iowa, both of their fans have a massive focus on football. We are a basketball school. Doesn’t mesh too well with the big 10
I’m sticking to the belief the b10 wants us gone so our football program stops bringing the conference down. Not even from a performance perspective, but from a fan perspective. We rarely fill memorial stadium. Nebraska, Iowa, both of their fans have a massive focus on football. We are a basketball school. Doesn’t mesh too well with the big 10
A bit of an overreaction I would say. We do not get many calls, but this is a reach.
I don't disagree with you necessarily. However, we're talking about a 7'0", 280lb, powerhouse of a human being. I'm going to give Kofi more credit than that. He gets slapped and hacked, but quite honestly, nothing that a guy of his size and strength, shouldn't be able to finish through. If he wants to play professionally, all of those missed layups that people say he got fouled on.....those need to be drop step dunks. If he goes up strong, there's not one college player that's strong enough to stop him, refs or no refs. We see flashes, then it's back to trying to lay a bunny off the glass, fading away.
This is total crap. Getting your arms/elbows slapped and hacked at from two or three different directions is not something you "should be able to push through." It changes the direction of the ball whether you are 7'/ 300 lbs. or 5'8 and 120 lbs.
Would have been nice to see RJ on Branham. Frosh on Frosh. Just to match the height.

Oh, and really loved seeing that full court press at the end. Nice tool to have going into all the tournaments coming up.
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A coach with all due respect. Start playing hardcore basketball! You can literally go 10 Deep if not 12 deep! Start playing deep didn't start pressing the entire game the last two games when you press you freaking win freaking games you win that last five minutes and that's what it's about come on couch we support you we love you
:unsure: You get into Pru's Cabbage?
Really feel bad for Trent. I'll take the loss as long as we get some luck in the tourney. We are in fact out of the running for the BTT though. Was nice while it lasted. Let's finish up the season with more coaching with Kofi please! NO MORE TAKING IT DOWN LOW!!!
That, and have an idea of what he is going to do BEFORE he gets the ball. See DeRozan’s advice to Ayo on the 3 hour plane ride.
BU seemed to like the game except refs and final score.

I believe RJ could have made a difference.

Not sure if new "5 high" approach could have impacted Kofi in some way...
I’m sticking to the belief the b10 wants us gone so our football program stops bringing the conference down. Not even from a performance perspective, but from a fan perspective. We rarely fill memorial stadium. Nebraska, Iowa, both of their fans have a massive focus on football. We are a basketball school. Doesn’t mesh too well with the big 10
Always Sunny Reaction GIF
I'm no analyst but it doesn't seem like we have a good answer for 'everybody guard Kofi when he has the ball' defense.
I'm almost ready for Payne to just sit down unless there is an injury or we are in serious foul trouble and I'm not talking about just Kofi. He just brings very little to the table. His offensive game outside of coach the lob is pretty much non-existent, he takes too many gambles to block every shot, and he usual has at least one boneheaded foul or turnover when he is in. I would like to see more Hawkins at the 5 when Kofi is out.
Coach Alexander and Coach Frazier must agree.
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