Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Just want to say how much I appreciate BU's emphasis on the person not just the player. I don't think the "character over characters" mantra is just coach speak. I think BU is very protective over his culture and who he let's into it.

I know this is a lot to put on a collection of young people who are bound to make some mistakes (that's what being young is for), but these guys truly are some of the most public representatives not just of the university but of the state of Illinois. And it feels good to know they will make us proud more times than not.


Baltimore, MD
Not much has changed, but I updated the status of our three signees. Also a refresher for those who haven't seen the scholarship grid in a while.

Link to Updated Scholarship Grid & Offer List
More reasonable or more liked?
Both, I think. He has been very successful in international play, and he was recruited by a few big programs before BU scooped him up. Do you really think BU signs him so quickly if he is the 216th best player? I don't. Why would he at this level of recruiting that he has attained?
Have we finished recruiting for 2023?

You're never done recruiting ... As far as HS though, we are likely done unless an elite piece becomes available ...

As far as Perrin goes, I have heard a couple of scenarios ... One being he enrolls for the spring semester, and the other being he stays at Sunrise for the year because he wouldn't play here this year anyways ...

Brad is letting that one play out because he has two rides right now and he may want to use both on mid-season transfers if they are the right pieces ...


The desert
You're never done recruiting ... As far as HS though, we are likely done unless an elite piece becomes available ...

As far as Perrin goes, I have heard a couple of scenarios ... One being he enrolls for the spring semester, and the other being he stays at Sunrise for the year because he wouldn't play here this year anyways ...

Brad is letting that one play out because he has two rides right now and he may want to use both on mid-season transfers if they are the right pieces ...
sesame street eating GIF by HBO
Perrin should wait. I think coming to school early, not playing which can hurt focus/motivation and dealing with the vices of college life aren't that great. Play out the entire season with Sunrise Christian including their postseason, enroll in the summer and be ready to rock as a true freshman for 2023-24.
Perrin should wait. I think coming to school early, not playing which can hurt focus/motivation and dealing with the vices of college life aren't that great. Play out the entire season with Sunrise Christian including their postseason, enroll in the summer and be ready to rock as a true freshman for 2023-24.
My instinct goes the other way. Enrolling mid year means you can, start on the Fletch regimen, get to know your teammates as people and players, learn the system basics, and ease into the course work. If you wait, then you get all of the above, and more. If, as claimed, he was just short of clearing house standards, he is going to lose an entire semester of coursework if he stays in HS. That extra semester of courses may be the difference in finishing the degree or not if he thinks he has any chance of going a year early.
My instinct goes the other way. Enrolling mid year means you can, start on the Fletch regimen, get to know your teammates as people and players, learn the system basics, and ease into the course work. If you wait, then you get all of the above, and more. If, as claimed, he was just short of clearing house standards, he is going to lose an entire semester of coursework if he stays in HS. That extra semester of courses may be the difference in finishing the degree or not if he thinks he has any chance of going a year early.
Losing a year of eligibility probably means nothing as he will go pro if he is really great for us and transfer if he isn’t. The extra time with practice and Fletch much more important than HS games. BU has also mentioned several times that he loves this method of adjustment. Limited games with Dain but looks like it was effective for him.
Losing a year of eligibility probably means nothing as he will go pro if he is really great for us and transfer if he isn’t. The extra time with practice and Fletch much more important than HS games. BU has also mentioned several times that he loves this method of adjustment. Limited games with Dain but looks like it was effective for him.
Would he really even lose eligibility? Wouldn't it be a redshirt?


Winged Warrior
My instinct goes the other way. Enrolling mid year means you can, start on the Fletch regimen, get to know your teammates as people and players, learn the system basics, and ease into the course work. If you wait, then you get all of the above, and more. If, as claimed, he was just short of clearing house standards, he is going to lose an entire semester of coursework if he stays in HS. That extra semester of courses may be the difference in finishing the degree or not if he thinks he has any chance of going a year early.

See: Dain Dainja
BU said Perrin is a 2023 recruit. Doesn’t that mean he is not enrolling 2nd semester?

With Dain, Ty, Perrin, and Hansberry size will really be a problem for teams to defend. Perrin most logical (size and skill) to replace Hawk and would really like to see him enroll 2nd semester.
Losing a year of eligibility probably means nothing as he will go pro if he is really great for us and transfer if he isn’t. The extra time with practice and Fletch much more important than HS games. BU has also mentioned several times that he loves this method of adjustment. Limited games with Dain but looks like it was effective for him.
Agree. I'd prefer to have him on campus as soon as possible. Better for him and better for us.
BU said Perrin is a 2023 recruit. Doesn’t that mean he is not enrolling 2nd semester?

With Dain, Ty, Perrin, and Hansberry size will really be a problem for teams to defend. Perrin most logical (size and skill) to replace Hawk and would really like to see him enroll 2nd semester.
They are still hoping to get Perrin in at the semester. Underwood is not going to say that because he’s not going to talk about academics. He may end up in 23, but that’s not their first choice.

He’s a good student. It’s getting the right classes, not his ability to do them well.

See: Dain Dainja
While I agree that strictly from a basketball sense, getting him on Illinois’s campus makes the most sense — and likely benefits the Illini most. But there are differences between the two circumstances. Dainja had already been on a college campus, was 20 years old when he transferred, lived his whole life in the U.S. (or at least wasn’t new to the country) and didn’t really have much of an option about coming on campus once he transferred.

Perrin is now fairly new to the country and only just turned 18 I believe. From a strictly basketball developmental point of view, getting to Illinois would likely be best. But from a personal growth and developmental POV, spending a full year at a “high school” might be best for him. He’s not likely going to lose much if anything academically as the original poster suggests. I’d assume if he’s able to do the college level work he’d have to do if enrolled at Illinois that they have classes there he could take that would earn him college credit. And it’s not like he’d be playing at some local Kansas HS. He’d be playing against top level competition and likely with future D1 players.

So while I agree the basketball benefits at Illinois far out weigh those at Sunrise, and we can see Dain seems to have thrived with the extra on-campus semester, taking a full year at HS to get acclimated to U.S. in a less stressful environment might be best for him. He’s already going through big change being in new country and away from family, taking away the outlet of playing basketball (would only be able to practice at Illinois, not play games) might not be best thing. I have no idea cuz I don’t know him or how he is adjusting. Just saying might have to look beyond strictly basketball and jump starting his Illinois basketball career to determine what is best for him.


While I agree that strictly from a basketball sense, getting him on Illinois’s campus makes the most sense — and likely benefits the Illini most. But there are differences between the two circumstances. Dainja had already been on a college campus, was 20 years old when he transferred, lived his whole life in the U.S. (or at least wasn’t new to the country) and didn’t really have much of an option about coming on campus once he transferred.

Perrin is now fairly new to the country and only just turned 18 I believe. From a strictly basketball developmental point of view, getting to Illinois would likely be best. But from a personal growth and developmental POV, spending a full year at a “high school” might be best for him. He’s not likely going to lose much if anything academically as the original poster suggests. I’d assume if he’s able to do the college level work he’d have to do if enrolled at Illinois that they have classes there he could take that would earn him college credit. And it’s not like he’d be playing at some local Kansas HS. He’d be playing against top level competition and likely with future D1 players.

So while I agree the basketball benefits at Illinois far out weigh those at Sunrise, and we can see Dain seems to have thrived with the extra on-campus semester, taking a full year at HS to get acclimated to U.S. in a less stressful environment might be best for him. He’s already going through big change being in new country and away from family, taking away the outlet of playing basketball (would only be able to practice at Illinois, not play games) might not be best thing. I have no idea cuz I don’t know him or how he is adjusting. Just saying might have to look beyond strictly basketball and jump starting his Illinois basketball career to determine what is best for him.

Except starting at Illinois means he gets to adapt to the actual environment he will be spending the next several years in rather than having to get used to one place before moving on to the next. Also doesn't seem like going to a prep is less stressful than being on campus and having access to all of the facilities and support staff available here. Really he is the same age as most international students when they come as freshman so doesn't seem like its unreasonable to make the move.
Except starting at Illinois means he gets to adapt to the actual environment he will be spending the next several years in rather than having to get used to one place before moving on to the next. Also doesn't seem like going to a prep is less stressful than being on campus and having access to all of the facilities and support staff available here. Really he is the same age as most international students when they come as freshman so doesn't seem like its unreasonable to make the move.
Not saying you’re wrong about any of that or that it is unreasonable for him to make the move. Just saying we don’t know the kid and might not be as cut and dried as just basketball, and not unreasonable for him to stay at Sunrise for full year. I would argue that being at Sunrise would likely be less stressful if for no other reason than he has the outlet of actually playing the game he loves at Sunrise — not just practicing.

Doesn’t really matter what we think or speculate though, he’ll make the decision he thinks is best for him. And if it is possible, I fully expect him to be on campus at the new semester because he didn’t come to US to play at Sunrise. He came to play college ball. But I could see some benefits to a full year at Sunrise should the move not be possible.
You're never done recruiting ... As far as HS though, we are likely done unless an elite piece becomes available ...

As far as Perrin goes, I have heard a couple of scenarios ... One being he enrolls for the spring semester, and the other being he stays at Sunrise for the year because he wouldn't play here this year anyways ...

Brad is letting that one play out because he has two rides right now and he may want to use both on mid-season transfers if they are the right pieces ...
Nice, no reason to rush this decision.

If there is a an open scholarship for him to fill, great!! It not like anyone really has to stay in 1 place anymore. So let the kid get use to our culture, and get started on a great education.
Can anyone confirm that Perrin is actually playing at Sunrise? He is not in the team picture, or listed on their roster (team website). I'm guessing it hasn't been updated yet, and hoping it's not a credit/eligibility issue.

They play first game tomorrow, so we'll see.
BU said Perrin is a 2023 recruit. Doesn’t that mean he is not enrolling 2nd semester?

With Dain, Ty, Perrin, and Hansberry size will really be a problem for teams to defend. Perrin most logical (size and skill) to replace Hawk and would really like to see him enroll 2nd semester.

Semantics but technically 2nd semester starts in 2023.

Put me in the camp that every situation is unique, especially for a foreign recruit, and I would assume the staff, Perrin and his family will all discuss what's best for him and proceed accordingly. And it's possible that all parties are still evaluating what's best for him. Maybe the adjustment off the court is harder than expected and another semester in a smaller environment would serve him well. Maybe he's thriving and ready to enroll ASAP. We can speculate from afar all we want. The important thing that we can all agree on is that we trust that the staff will do what's best for the program and the tadpole.
Not saying you’re wrong about any of that or that it is unreasonable for him to make the move. Just saying we don’t know the kid and might not be as cut and dried as just basketball, and not unreasonable for him to stay at Sunrise for full year. I would argue that being at Sunrise would likely be less stressful if for no other reason than he has the outlet of actually playing the game he loves at Sunrise — not just practicing.

Doesn’t really matter what we think or speculate though, he’ll make the decision he thinks is best for him. And if it is possible, I fully expect him to be on campus at the new semester because he didn’t come to US to play at Sunrise. He came to play college ball. But I could see some benefits to a full year at Sunrise should the move not be possible.
I thought one of our more knowledgeable posters had mentioned he would likely not be playing for Sunrise...that he would just be practicing with the team (like he would be here). Though I may have dreamed that up.

I also think it's pretty likely a large university that brings in students from around the world has far better resources at its disposal to help a foreign student adjust.
I thought one of our more knowledgeable posters had mentioned he would likely not be playing for Sunrise...that he would just be practicing with the team (like he would be here). Though I may have dreamed that up.

I also think it's pretty likely a large university that brings in students from around the world has far better resources at its disposal to help a foreign student adjust.
Hadn’t heard he wouldn’t play games if stayed there. And while U of I may have better resources, I’d say the adjustment is far, far less at a school of what looks like 750 kids across 12 grades where he’d know everyone in his class and beyond than going to a university the size of Illinois. But like I said. he’ll be gay Illinois for second semester if cleared.
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