Illinois Football Recruiting Thread

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Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
I am curious to hear the "argument" for another year? I have certainly lost track of all the rules and machinations over these recent years. I actually believe college sports should allow anybody that wants to keep playing, to keep playing as long as they are making progress toward degrees. Let the coaches and players decide when they are done. It would occur naturally. Of course I don't how that could coexist with NIL. It could open a different can of worms and require strict regulation and roster/scholarship balancing. I don't know, but there are probably many players that would rather keep going to college, get an advanced degree, and play football, instead of hoping to make a pro practice squad for a couple years. I'm not sure who it hurts?
I believe the “argument” is that there was a year (last year ?) he only played 3 games & we (he) is stating retroactively it was due to injury

that’s the crux of it

I believe this argument with a favorable result is not unprecedented - so there’s that
Ford is going to NFL and Marchese expended his 11 years of eligibility. Before this commitment it was Reiman and either (1) unproven upperclassmen (Griffin Moore, Mike Cerniglia) or (2) freshmen (Boyer, Anderson) on the roster. Nathan Guinn is coming in as a freshman but he'll need plenty of development time. Arkin is likely your second-string "move" TE. No idea of his blocking skills. If he isn't a good blocker then it will be a good competition between Moore and Anderson for second-string "in-line" guy behind Reiman (good at both). Having three years of eligibility is a big bonus here.
I thought Ford was going to the WWE or WWF, whatever it's called

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
O$U's #1 5* qb recruit just decommitted.

omg Can you imagine the meltdown on our board if that occurred ?
I believe the “argument” is that there was a year (last year ?) he only played 3 games & we (he) is stating retroactively it was due to injury

that’s the crux of it

I believe this argument with a favorable result is not unprecedented - so there’s that
yeah it's possible.

Jonah Morris is an example of a 7th year player who played for us this season-
RS'd 2016 and played 2017 at IU. (RS and 1st year used up)
Played 2018 at Kent State. Was injured the entire 2019 season (2nd year used up, medical year)
2020 didn't play due to pandemic, but even if he did, it didn't count towards eligibility
2021 played at N Colorado (3rd year)
2022 played at UI (4th year)

If TDV had an injury his true freshman year where he RS'd, they could say it should have been a medical year and 2021 should be his RS season, or they could claim that an injury in 2021 contributed to him only playing in 3 games.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage

McCormick is considering a possible return for an eighth season in 2023 — and if he wanted to, he could return for a ninth in 2024.
McCormick, who tore his Achilles in 2021, has been granted a ninth year of collegiate eligibility by the NCAA

if hes really smart, he might be able to get med school totally comped!
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McCormick is considering a possible return for an eighth season in 2023 — and if he wanted to, he could return for a ninth in 2024.
McCormick, who tore his Achilles in 2021, has been granted a ninth year of collegiate eligibility by the NCAA

if hes really smart, he might be able to get med school totally comped!
Is this a spoof?


Winged Warrior


I really hope this isn't the plan for QB1. Too much QB talent out there to have this as the best option
I have no idea how to evaluate this so I’ll just trust the staff. I certainly did not expect TDV to perform anywhere close to what he did and maybe we just caught lighting in a bottle with him. I was underwhelmed when he signed and hoped he could be a slightly better version of Art. Then he turned out to one of the better QB’s in the conference.
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