Illini Women's Basketball 2023

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Man, I love this team. :)

I am so thankful for WBB and FB right now! OMG.

Thank God, I have those two sports to live vicariously through. Lol

(This IS still…The University of Illinois we’re talking about, right?)
If you told me not too long ago I'd feel great about where our women's basketball and football teams were at, but concerned about our men's basketball team, I wouldn't have believed you. 2023 is wild.
Props to both teams. Northwestern shot lights out in the 2nd half to make it a game. They definitely made some adjustments at half and scored more points in the paint.

Illinois squad looked a little sluggish at times in 2nd half but always answered back to make it mainly a 2-3 possession game or more. Winning a conference game is never a given win. Way to step up ladies!

Big game next against Ohio St. Minnesota was up 6 on OSU at end of 3rd quarter before OSU went on a big run to start the 4th quarter and coasted to a 12 point win. Madison Greene got hurt 2 weeks ago and is out for the season with a knee injury. All-American Honorable Mention guard Jacy Sheldon has been out over a month with an injury. Was listed as week to week over three weeks ago and didn't play tonight. Best case scenario she comes back after the Illinois game ;)

Proud of these ladies :illinois:
Lady Illini played great in the first half and did a bend but don't break in the second half and won a hard fought chippy game ...
Very entertaining to watch the way the ladies run their offense almost to perfection ...
14 - 2 and 4 - 1 in the B$G

AWESOME. !!!!!!
Men's Golf and Women's Basketball School.
You know... give me a side of Gymnastics, Wrestling, Tennis, or Baseball and I'll take that full plate.

How's club hockey these days? [OMG nvm.]
With a win Sunday, Illinois WBB will be in first place of the Big. Monday morning can we get a tab outside of Sports Talk.

Having everything inside one continuous yearlong thread could hinder people from the other side,.if there are any, from finding news or info about the team.
I have been trying to get Dan to give them a tab at the top level. All you fans help out by petitioning Dan. The women’s team deserves the attention.

I saw them for the first time last night. Great example of how to play basketball. Even if their male counterparts were having a good year, the women’s team deserves our attention. It’s a once in a decade success story
Lady Illini played great in the first half and did a bend but don't break in the second half and won a hard fought chippy game ...
Very entertaining to watch the way the ladies run their offense almost to perfection ...
14 - 2 and 4 - 1 in the B$G

AWESOME. !!!!!!
Pruman, you have some influence here. Join the movement to convince Dan to give the women‘s team their own tab.
What a pleasure it is to watch this team play (and I'm not a women's hoops fan). Not only winning, playing the right way and very entertaining. Major hats off to them and staff. If Coach Green isn't NCOY (at this point, anyway), I'll eat my hat (and it's gross).
Loved hearing the story during the telecast about Makira Cook finding out that we had a 14-game losing streak to NU and getting fired up to play the game and finally end that streak. What an amazing example of buy-in and culture.

To have a player transfer in and immediately adopt our rivals as her rivals is something really special.
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Probably the biggest team we’ve faced. Will be a challenge to say the least. O$U has 4 top 25 wins.
They are down a couple starters (Sheldon and Greene) due to injury but they are still one of the better teams in the country. We'll need to hit our threes to have a chance.
We will have played four games in eleven days and two on short turnarounds. We are 3-0 and now face
toughest test yet against #3 Ohio State on the road. Looking forward to seeing how we compete. Coach Green has a short bench. The players all credit their Coach Fletcher for keeping them in game shape.
Hoping our dynamic point guard duo stays healthy. Genesis and Mikira are tough as nails and fearless when
it comes to driving into the lane. They are the energizers that make this team go. A team that is making WBB history at Illinois. They have captured our hearts and deserve our support. Lets fill that lower bowl on the 18th against the Hoosiers. Once An Illini! Always An Illini!
I'd love more women's bball recruiting news. Was pleased to read here about Amiah Hargrove's visit.

The outlook for the team next year looks good, with our current core of non-seniors. Looking to the recruiting class of 2024, the Hoopgurlz top 60 lists from the state of Illinois two forwards and a point guard that I imagine would supplement the roster well come 2024. To name a couple others, Britt Prince from Nebraska and Alivia McGill from Minnesota have swagger that would really make State Farm Center pop. Not that we exclusively recruit the state of Illinois, the midwest, or the ESPN rankings.
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