Illini Basketball

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A pg and some efficient ball movement will improve our chances...agree that improving on 3's and being prudent on bullrushing/hero drives will improve Shannon's stock...
Does anyone know why the IlliniInquirer guys didn’t do a postgame podcast? I found that odd to say the least…they usually put out pretty good material.
I remember Werner tweeting that they were going to focus on articles right after the game and do a post-mortem on the game and the season later. I imagine it's harder to find a good place for a post game podcast when there are other games going on in the arena the rest of the night.
A pg and some efficient ball movement will improve our chances...agree that improving on 3's and being prudent on bullrushing/hero drives will improve Shannon's stock...
It might even be best to have multiple pgs or playmakers at the college level. Seems like almost every team that goes far in the tourney has at least 2 guys who can run the point if needed.

Three guard lineups can also be very effective. Like the 2005 Illini or 2021 Baylor.
In reflection, it sure feels like had we shot a higher 3FG% this season, we’d have had a better record in B10 play. But, when one runs the numbers, it doesn’t actually appear so (I am no statistician -- perhaps danielb has some thoughts on just how much of a difference the hypothetical percentages below would have made -- and I realize there are a whole bunch of ancillary effects of shooting a higher FG%, such as potentially shooting fewer, etc.).

So I’m still gonna run with the hope that the 3FG shooting and the trust & camaraderie will be improved in ‘23-24 and, when taken with the fact that we will be a more experienced team, this should lead to another 20+ win season. Then, BU will need to make some noise in March, finally.

(He should also refrain from saying the B10 is the best/toughest conference in CBB, which he is wont to do from time to time!)

Actual (14th in FG% in ‘22-23):
33 GP
.308 percentage
815 attempted
251 made

If .342 percentage (woulda been a modest 7th in FG% in ‘22-23):
33 GP
.342 percentage
815 attempted
279 made
(= an additional 28 3FGs made = an additional .84 3FG made per game)

If .359 (what we shot in ‘21-22):
33 GP
.359 percentage
815 attempted
293 made
(= an additional 42 3FGs made = an additional 1.27 3FG made per game)

If .373 (what we shot in ‘20-21):
33 GP
.373 percentage
815 attempted
304 made
(= an additional 53 3FGs made = an additional 1.61 3FG made per game)
Just based on my own eye test, but we can't even make lay-ups or less than 2 ft. shots at an acceptable rate. It's maddening, and it wasn't just this year. It makes me wonder if our "gimme's" are often of a higher degree of difficulty than other teams somehow. Nonetheless, countless times watching our games I was amazed at how many easy 0-2 ft. shots we miss. Now also curious, as someone posted earlier, if it could be related to our strength and conditioning protocols because it hasn't just been this one year.
comedy central no GIF by Drunk History
Hearing Hawkins' rant after the last game made me question his leadership ability- at what point does one of the seasoned Illini veterans (pretty much only him) assert themselves and act like a captain?
His after-game rant gives me hope if he comes back next year. It seems that he sensed that there was a leadership/culture void that was on him to provide and he admitted that he didn't fill that role this year. Him coming back and being a bought in leader that is facilitating from the high post (and not playing PG) is the best case scenario for this team.

Have you ever noticed that the majority of left handed basketball players are really left handed? They can and do show the the right hand but generally that's all it is, a show, and it's right back to their very dominant hand. It just appears that right handed players by and large are more apt to use their off hand more often. With that being said there are too many players that can't use the correct hand around the rim.

You're not wrong. I understand that the way he plays means he's in a crowd and there's lots of arms in their but that's definitely something that needs work, among other things.
I think a lot of guys just favor their dominant hand too much. The whole book on Ayo was don't let him go right.
I also would like to know how much the coaches work on shot mechanics and form at this stage. I know they practice shooting a lot, but are they actually changing players' mechanics?
Watch them shoot free throws and I think you'll have your answer.
Watch them shoot free throws and I think you'll have your answer.

Yep, agreed. I noticed Dain, in particular, changed mechanics a couple of times. I'm not sure I paid attention to Rodgers or Harris, since they shot a lot less free throws. But, at least for DD, it was evident that it was a point of emphasis.
Seems to me the opposite is true, whether in life or in sports…
View attachment 24288

(Footnote: The reason there are more right-handed switch-hitters in baseball is related to the fact that there are more right-handed pitchers - and righties see an advantage to facing them from the left side of the plate.)
When I was growing up on the Chicago Southside, my friends and I would play softball (16 inch Clincher) at South Shore high school. Since we didn't have enough players to cover both left and right fields, I batted right handed most of the time. Likely another reason lefties can be switch hitters.
So I saw Sincere post that he's returning next season, then reports here said he deleted that tweet. Then I see posts here about a possible coaching mix up. Does any of this point to Chester being the possible mix up and Sincere retracting his tweet to follow him? I really, really hope I'm over thinking this and it is not the case, but this is where my mind goes.
So I saw Sincere post that he's returning next season, then reports here said he deleted that tweet. Then I see posts here about a possible coaching mix up. Does any of this point to Chester being the possible mix up and Sincere retracting his tweet to follow him? I really, really hope I'm over thinking this and it is not the case, but this is where my mind goes.
I doubt Chet's leaving just yet. And it's likely that Sencire's camp had him retract that tweet to better leverage any NIL money out there (although can he really get much of that?!?).
So I saw Sincere post that he's returning next season, then reports here said he deleted that tweet. Then I see posts here about a possible coaching mix up. Does any of this point to Chester being the possible mix up and Sincere retracting his tweet to follow him? I really, really hope I'm over thinking this and it is not the case, but this is where my mind goes.
He was asked to delete it. The staff does not want to make it a precedent that every player has to tweet out that he's coming back when they are already on the team
I don't think a single person thought that 😂.
How quickly we forget. There was a group dead set on believing we’d be better without Kofi, full stop.

I think most people understood we wouldn’t be a better team without Kofi, but that we wouldn’t be so limited in what we could do.

I think Mayer clearly had talent and was a good player. He slumped during the two win or go home games we had and we couldn’t afford that.

There exist players that would be better at utilizing the minutes than Mayer. Obviously the same could have been said about Kofi, though that number obviously is extremely smaller.
He was asked to delete it. The staff does not want to make it a precedent that every player has to tweet out that he's coming back when they are already on the team
Okay, that makes sense. Basically, want to save those tweets for a guy that declares, but then returns to school?

Joel Goodson

If TJ comes back next year, I think he'll do so as a clear NPOY candidate.
So I think he's coming back.

Nah, awards aren't what's driving his decision. If he's coming back (and I think he is), it's because he's very likely looking at the G League as the alternative and he's being advised that a strong season will get him into the 1st round (where strong means showing demonstrable improvement in his perceived weaknesses). A whole lot of NIL $ helps too.
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