Week of 2/19 Games Thread

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If you have ways to allow that to occur without the safety of those who should actually be on the court being compromised, I'm all ready to hear them. It's just not the safety of the opposing team. What about the home players/staff, officials, and bench personnel who are sitting ducks for hundreds of out of control people creating a wall of humanity?

Bad things can happen when a mass of humanity is out of control. Just Google "Hillsborough disaster" for the most extreme example of what can happen.

I'm as big of a Duke hater as the next person, but we might have seen a kid suffer a serious injury because of an unsafe action. How do you justify an action that can result in something like this?
This - Can you imagine this board if TSJ or Domask had gotten injured at Penn State this week…
St. John's up on Creighton with 10 minutes left.

Creighton is 9 in Net and on the first 4 seed spot on Bracket Matrix. Would be good for them to lose this one for the Illini.
Ex-Beaver Taylor having a nice game for Johnnies. Transferred there this year and hasn’t been playing much of late, but has 4 pts, 9 rebs, 6 assists and a block and steal with no TOs.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
St. john’s responds to Pitino calling them unathletic by beating Crejghton

go figure

This pleases the Don!


Chicago, IL
I keep forgetting Purdues kryptonite is teams that have no business being in a game with them away from home.
They've kinda got a luxury version of our problem where they're only the team they're capable of being when they feel like it. Just kinda going through the motions a lot.
Holy bajeebus, including yesterday, that makes 6 more ranked teams with losses to unranked teams on the road! Someone upstairs is laughing their !!! off at this 👼 7 is a much better number, and thankfully, the Puds are the only game remaining today that can accomplish this
Fail New York Knicks GIF by Indiana Pacers
Edey elbows thrown count (approximately) 23.
Tournament refs may treat him a little different


Chicago, IL
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