2016 White Sox



Los Angeles
In comes Fulmer

There's no point in relegating him to mop up status. If they are so hell bent on having him up, time to develop him into a useful piece. That means handing him the ball in situations of significance.

For what it's worth, the ball Hosmer(?) hit to put them ahead was a fantastic piece of hitting. Changeup down and away. I'm actually glad to see Fulmer has the stones to throw that there.


Iowa City
There's no point in relegating him to mop up status. If they are so hell bent on having him up, time to develop him into a useful piece. That means handing him the ball in situations of significance.

For what it's worth, the ball Hosmer(?) hit to put them ahead was a fantastic piece of hitting. Changeup down and away. I'm actually glad to see Fulmer has the stones to throw that there.
Id like to see him out of the pen as well in some important spots. Id also like to see him get a start or 2 at the end of the year. Hahn needs to lay out a plan to our lame duck coach on where he wants to see guys for the month of September. I'm ready to move on, but give Avi every chance he can so you know 100% what to do with him this off season. Id like to see Anderson run more, and see what type of base stealer he can be at this level.

Bob Christiansen

4th & Chalmers, a few years ago...Now? Weeki Wach
There's no point in relegating him to mop up status. If they are so hell bent on having him up, time to develop him into a useful piece. That means handing him the ball in situations of significance.

For what it's worth, the ball Hosmer(?) hit to put them ahead was a fantastic piece of hitting. Changeup down and away. I'm actually glad to see Fulmer has the stones to throw that there.

A good manager puts in players in a position to succeed. You're saying hold his feet to the fire. I say give him the ball when allowing a run or 2 is not going to be a game changer, winning or losing the game. When you know allowing a base hit to score a run is not going to win or lose the game, the pressure will be lessened, the pitching will be better. Yeah, Fulmer was great at Vandy, and was in a lot of pressure situations...but facing the middle of the Gamecocks or the Gators lineups is a little bit different than an MLB heart of the order, I don't care what team it is...
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Los Angeles
A good manager puts in players in a position to succeed. You're saying hold his feet to the fire. I say give him the ball when allowing a run or 2 is not going to be a game changer, winning or losing the game. When you know allowing a base hit to score a run is not going to win or lose the game, the pressure will be lessened, the pitching will be better. Yeah, Fulmer was great at Vandy, and was in a lot of pressure situations...but facing the middle of the Gamecocks or the Gators lineups is a little bit different than an MLB heart of the order, I don't care what team it is...

Winning or losing a game isn't all that important at this point.


Los Angeles
As if things could be more infuriating...


Rumors that Hahn is walking away at the end of the year because KW is still calling the shots too.

We're in a real bad place.
As if things could be more infuriating...


Rumors that Hahn is walking away at the end of the year because KW is still calling the shots too.

We're in a real bad place.

I read this on SSS (I think) during lunch. Needless to say, I'm pretty hungry right about now.

The organization is garbage. Until there is new ownership, we're stuck with this nonsense. At least there are finally reasons to be hopeful regarding Illinois Football and Basketball. Those are easily my three favorite sports/teams, so it's been a rough decade.

South Farms

near Ogden & Rt 83
jeez, this Guaranteed Rate park sponsorship deal has me scratching my head. I'm a little surprised they couldn't get a larger, more established Chicago or regional company to show interest. This outfit seems better suited for a minor league field.

They just better not put that 'down arrow' logo up on the side of the ballpark.


N of I-80
The Sox have the second most save opportunities of any team in the MLB. That's what happens when you have good starting pitchers and a putrid offense - a lot of close 3 to 2, 2 to 1 type leads at the end of the game. If your offense is never good enough to blow anyone out when your starting pitcher shuts the other team down, then you're going to see way more high leverage opportunities for your relievers.

The Sox's reliever ERA is a pretty decent 3.73. That puts them in the upper half of MLB. The problem is that when they do give up a run - and even the best bullpen in MLB is going to average giving up 1 run a game - it's way more likely to be the difference in the game than when a reliever on a team with a good offense gives up a run.

ETA - The Sox are only 3rd in the AL in IP by relievers despite the fact that they've thrown a bum out there every fifth day all season. That's amazing!
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Los Angeles
That's what happens when you have good starting pitchers and a putrid offense

Everybody in the world could see they needed to add another bat. They sat on their hands, and here we are. Don't sell me an Escort and call it a Ferrari. This is on the front office, as usual.


Iowa City
Put in a waiver claim on Puig, but another team beat us out on it. I would have liked this move.
Put in a waiver claim on Puig, but another team beat us out on it. I would have liked this move.

NL teams have first dibs on players waived from other NL teams, and I have to believe that San Diego or Arizona put in the claim. I can't imagine LA letting Puig walk for cheap to a division foe.

Sox would definitely be smart to try again in the off season.
That cannot possibly be true. The only rational explanation for such a decision is that they are hoping the fans will burn down the stadium so that they can move the franchise. There is no logic to that decision.


Iowa City
Only thing I can think of, Jerry is giving Robin a chance to walk away for his own reasons. Give him a chance to save face (way to late in my mind). It hurts because as a fan growing up, Ventura was my favorite player.


N of I-80
That cannot possibly be true. The only rational explanation for such a decision is that they are hoping the fans will burn down the stadium so that they can move the franchise. There is no logic to that decision.

Hopefully a PR/"save face" move for Robin? I dunno, I'm grasping at straws here. :tsk::mad:

Edit: ILL in IA beat me to it.


Los Angeles
Only thing I can think of, Jerry is giving Robin a chance to walk away for his own reasons. Give him a chance to save face (way to late in my mind). It hurts because as a fan growing up, Ventura was my favorite player.

Actually, Matt Spiegel has been implying the same thing on his twitter feed. Make him an offer he has to refuse to preserve "loyalty". Sounds like par for the course with this dysfunctional front office.

That being said, god I hope it's true.



Iowa City
So given that Ventura leaves, Renteria possibly?

I would like the next manager to line up with the plan the team will go after this off season. If it's trade away parts and get prospects, I would like to see someone brought in with a history of helping develop young prospects. I thought Renteria did that well in his 1 year with the Cubs.

If it's still go for it mode, a guy with some skins on the walls that more established players will respect. Maybe Gardenhire?
Ricky Renteria didn't do anything to lose the Cubs job. His 2014 team played very well for long stretches of the season when the roster wasn't depleted by trades or injuries. The Cubs were perfectly content to bring him back until Maddon became available.

The Sox could do a lot worse than Renteria, and I'm pretty convinced that Renteria will get another chance soon enough. I wouldn't be surprised if he's given a call when Hoyer or McCleod eventually get pulled away from the Cubs' brain trust. I know he was bench coach for the Padres when Hoyer and McLeod were there.
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Los Angeles
Renteria seems like the obvious choice here. I wonder if it would help retain Cooper too..