2023 Chicago White Sox

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They scored 11 runs in one inning against the Reds.

They scored 13 total in 4 games against said AA level Royals.

The rebuild was a colossal failure. Everyone and I mean everyone overseeing this dumpster fire needs to lose their jobs.
They scored 11 runs in one inning against the Reds.

They scored 13 total in 4 games against said AA level Royals.

The rebuild was a colossal failure. Everyone and I mean everyone overseeing this dumpster fire needs to lose their jobs.
Could not agree more. Time to tear it down and start over.
Personally, I don’t think there are but a few to keep….and maybe some of the pitchers depending on trade value.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
heard this morning on sports talk radio , in the modern age of baseball with the wild card, NO TEAM has ever started out this poorly and made the playoffs .
their season is over already.
back up the truck
These last two games are what we have expected for what 3 years? They are only 8 games back, if they can get hot against the right teams. Though that is the same we have been saying and have been disappointed.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
These last two games are what we have expected for what 3 years? They are only 8 games back, if they can get hot against the right teams. Though that is the same we have been saying and have been disappointed.
with their record after 40 games, in the modern era , NO TEAM has ever recovered and made the playoffs .

NO TEAM EVER . its not gonna happen

there are a few issues about this roster, that is just not right
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There are many issues but I do like the way that Burger is hitting.

I hope they can find a place for him in the lineup when Jimenez returns.
Weird to be happy about being 10 games under…lol

It's more about how the ballclub has looked lately. For the first time this season they look like they remember how to play good baseball.

This game is easy when you get good hitting and pitching.

This is still a winnable division if they continue to play well and don't backslide again.

And Burger and Sheets have emerged as true, old-style sluggers. Now if they could just keep Moncada and Jimenez and Robert and Anderson on the field and off the DL. And the big three of Cease, Giolito, and Kopech continue to pitch well.


'03 IMPE All Star
Bridgeport, Chicago
It's more about how the ballclub has looked lately. For the first time this season they look like they remember how to play good baseball.

This game is easy when you get good hitting and pitching.

This is still a winnable division if they continue to play well and don't backslide again.

And Burger and Sheets have emerged as true, old-style sluggers. Now if they could just keep Moncada and Jimenez and Robert and Anderson on the field and off the DL. And the big three of Cease, Giolito, and Kopech continue to pitch well.
Agreed, though the odds are against us.

We've gone through (another) portion of the season with a number of injuries and during that stretch played 10 games against the Rays and Toronto. If we maintain this momentum we can catch up in the Central which only has one winning team which we're 6.5 back of.

A lot to do, but it's not impossible.


Maybe I should delete my prior comment about Jake Burger. JB went 0 - 5 tonight and five strikeouts!


and not Nebraska
I hate this team and division so much - somehow only 5.5 out which means I have to get invested in this team again….
Weak team weak division but now with this new balanced schedule we are destined for a September/October to forget even with lots of wild card options. Sox could win the central with 85 wins and play the first games vs a wild card team that won 95+ games.
Weak team weak division but now with this new balanced schedule we are destined for a September/October to forget even with lots of wild card options. Sox could win the central with 85 wins and play the first games vs a wild card team that won 95+ games.
Yeah I know “anyone can get hot” but the AL has so much talent I don’t see anyway we can win back to back series against so many top teams.


and not Nebraska
Yeah I know “anyone can get hot” but the AL has so much talent I don’t see anyway we can win back to back series against so many top teams.
one game one series is that too much to ask? probably, but so is 85 wins


and not Nebraska
Pedro Napoleon GIF by Beauty and the Geek Australia
Pedro can' be blamed ... yet. He can only play the players he has been given.


Rockford, Illinois
Soooooo the White Six swept the Tigers series on a walk-off grand today slam in the bottom of the ninth by Jake Burger. The best part about it was Liam Hendricks looked great (like the Liam of old) in the ninth, gaining his second win in two days. A VERY fun game to watch. The Sox are now 5.5 games behind the Twins.


and not Nebraska
Three wins in a row. Two walk offs, one by a pass ball and one Grand Slam. Liam gets a win, now get him some saves. Lots of them and save this season.
Count me in the camp that let’s just give burger 500 ABs and find out if this power is sustainable or not.

Moncada can’t stay healthy and when he is lost all of his power. He epitomizes what’s gone wrong with this team.
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