


Houston, Texas
I'm not a stats guy so I don't know why 4th would be higher, unless that takes into account the teams from 12-16.

Joel Goodson

Money talks and having a competitive Blackhawk team makes the NHL a lot of money. Hey, I'm thrilled. I'll be tuning in again. This has a lot of Derrick Rose and the Bulls having a 0.8% chance of winning the lottery feel to it.

Nope. 11.5% v 0.8%, more than an order of magnitude better shot. Still unreal though.

Joel Goodson

Sign Domi. Reichel-Bedard-Domi (Domi can play C and allow Bedard to ease into it)

Trade 19OA to the Canucks for Tyler Myers (1 x 6M), 11OA and their 3rd
Will be interesting to see how Davidson approaches the offseason now; they will need to surround Bedard with talented players so he doesn't drown but the team is nowhere close to being super competitive