Coaching Carousel

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Is Illinois not a really solid high major now? Christ, this fan base truly needs to follow Illinois State instead of the Illini. Much more fitting.
You're intentionally misconstruing what I'm saying. When he committed to the Illini they didn't have robust high major competition. Well, after this spring, now they do.
Or he and his agent are taking their sweet time ironing out all the details of the contract.
If I were his boss, I wouldn't continue to pay him after a certain point in time.
Alexander has a history coaching bigs. Chester's ties are largely on the east coast, particularly in the DC area. Bailey's sort of been all over but has midwest and Chicago ties. Think you're simplifying a little bit.
I’m aware of Alexander’s past coaching forwards. Since they were/are looking at Huss and Pinkins, I’m not sure they see Alexander as that though. I’m still not impressed by Bailey. He’s not bad but doesn’t blow me alway.
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