College Hoops Coaching Carousel

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Let the coaching carousel conspiracy begin:

Texas > Coach Cal
UK > Tang
K-State > Underwood
Illinois > ??

I fully believe Underwood is here until K-State opens up. Texas will retain RT for one season and UK will wait until after next season to make the Coach Cal decision, it’s a crucial year for him. 2023-24 is a pivotal season for a lot of programs (retirements, coaching changes, etc), and I expect the carousel to be extremely fluid then, not so much this offseason.
You can’t retain Terry for just one season. It would destroy his ability to recruit and all credibility he has as the head coach. If they hire him, he needs a 4 year deal. For what it’s worth, I would not make that commitment to him if I were Del Conte.


Throw DB11 in there too
The trifecta!!! I can tell you they will want to make a splash with this hire, and I can’t see Terry being that. I could see them getting joy out of “poaching” another successful coach. Lots of ego goes with that big money.
Below are my feelings posted at the very end of the previous thread for those that may have not seen them. We have a few insiders whose info has proven dead on in the past and hence the “Brad may be looking assumptions” I believe would be very credible hearsay. I was all in with Brad, realizing his experience leading at the P5 was limited, and willing to watch him grow and develop as he bled all Illini. Dream job, finish career here, best job in college bball, etc.,etc. It doesn’t appear his heart is where his words are. Does he really need more money? If circumstances have changed and he is looking for an out, I’m ok with that, I just don’t think we owe him anything and should have to ride it out on his terms. I’ll ride with Josh on this one.

Previous thread:

“I would think it’s much simpler to consider it in a different light. How about your girlfriend is flirting with a bunch of different guys and you’ve been told, by a reliable source, that she said she would definitely be interested in cheating on you and would break it off with you afterwards. At the same time, you’re told that a really good looking woman is very interested in you. She is more attractive in many ways and brings a different look and possibly more to the table. Oh, and she is willing to make a long term commitment to only you. Do you sit and wait for the inevitable separation to happen or do you move forward on your terms. Of course you know my answer. If the other woman isn’t available, maybe you put up with the ho (sorry, couldn’t think of a nice word) until something better comes along. That is how the male ego works!”

And to note, Josh has showered Brad with everything imaginable (praise, facilities, raises, resources, NIL dollars, etc) and he / his people are not all in with us. Sorry, Brad has brought this upon himself if interest in other programs is accurate. Didn’t Brad say the MOST important thing when seeking out players was “we want guys that want to be here”? Hmmm. What’s the difference?
Not even remotely the same thing. A coaching job is a business relationship where both parties have agreed on what the parameters are of dissolving that relationship - it is the old contracts are made for the express purpose of being broken thing. I doubt many boyfriend / girlfriend relationships define what the consequences of a party ending that relationship will be before it even starts. BU checking out options; or JW talking to other coaches is not a breach of that agreement. I am sure each one of those things is concerning for the other, but there are many millions of reasons why they are not really that concerning.

If the girlfriend had to pay her boyfriend 16 million (don't know the exact figure for BUs buyout) if she cheats or breaks up with him, the boyfriend might be concerned. But it is not like they were engaged to be married, just like there is no guarantee that BU will never be asked to leave.

BU and JW are big boys that are dealing with each other in a professional and not an emotional manner. This shouldn't be a problem. If JW is very troubled by this he can try to negotiate another extension and increase BUs buyout. I am sure it is available at a price.
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Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
You can’t retain Terry for just one season. It would destroy his ability to recruit and all credibility he has as the head coach. If they hire him, he needs a 4 year deal. For what it’s worth, I would not make that commitment to him if I were Del Conte.
Del Conte would need to give him a 4 year deal, but it wouldnt need to be anywhere near in the top tier of pay scale.
but all bets are off on pay if he makes it to the Natty, and especially if he wins it.
Great post. It seems like over the last few years Brad has had issues with a few players. Griffin a few years ago, Curbelo last year, Epps this year and I do not think we know what RJ did to get in the dog house. Pru may be right, there could be something not right here, not to point blame, but JW may want to look at the drama and think that this could be the ceiling for Brad. I dont think we will ever know if true but this year, something was not right. Players tuning him out, players expecting more PT, who knows but I have never seen a season like this in my lifetime of Illinois basketball. I hope all this can get worked out as I like Brad and I like JW. If there is an issue, I wish they can work it out in the coming weeks if not days. It’s hard enough with the NIL and the portal to have any un-necessary drama within the BB program.
I Liked Prus post alot too....

this part makes me think...maybe he was blindsided? Or maybe its BU evolution and a touch of natural escalating greed for a top 10 paid coach

"...I really think BU was blindsided by something and that caused him to back way up from his earlier coaching style......the fact that some shared that he has sniffed around since he got here is what disturbs me the most..."
First time reading one of these carousel threads. I feel like I'm Johnny Deep in The Ninth Gate. Maybe if I just walk backwards slowly, close the book, and forget what I've seen, everything will be fine...
Indy and 0440 know their stuff, but word in Austin is that Terry has pretty much wrapped it up. Again, things can always change
This is Texas. The last four coaches were big names at the time of hire with proven past results.. Tom Penders, Rick Barnes, Shaka Smart, Chris Beard came in with good name recognition and hit the recruiting trail on the run. The current tournament is all Terry will have. Kind of like a John Groce coaching Texas in the short term. I don’t think what the school thinks is as important as what the boosters will pay.
Not even remotely the same thing. A coaching job is a business relationship where both parties have agreed on what the parameters are of dissolving that relationship - it is the old contracts are made for the express purpose of being broken thing. I doubt many boyfriend / girlfriend relationships define what the consequences of a party ending that relationship will be before it even starts. BU checking out options; or JW talking to other coaches is not a breach of that agreement. I am sure each one of those things is concerning for the other, but there are many millions of reasons why they are not really that concerning.

If the girlfriend had to pay her boyfriend 16 million (don't know the exact figure for BUs buyout) if she cheats or breaks up with him, the boyfriend might be concerned. But it is not like they were engaged to be married, just like there is no guarantee that BU will never be asked to leave.

BU and JW are big boys that are dealing with each other in a professional and not an emotional manner. This shouldn't be a problem. If JW is very troubled by this he can try to negotiate another extension and increase BUs buyout. I am sure it is available at a price.

I agree with your business statements. I apologize, to clarify, the narrative was directed as to why we, the fans, were turning on Brad. His actions are jilting the fans (boyfriend) who he wooed with charm and claimed Illini forever sentiment at every turn.
BU has an agent. Isn't it his job to check out any possible openings. I would bet that Josh would take the big ten commissioners job if it were offered. I doubt if any poster on here would not quit there job if the offer was right.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
This is Texas. The last four coaches were big names at the time of hire with proven past results.. Tom Penders, Rick Barnes, Shaka Smart, Chris Beard came in with good name recognition and hit the recruiting trail on the run. The current tournament is all Terry will have. Kind of like a John Groce coaching Texas in the short term. I don’t think what the school thinks is as important as what the boosters will pay.
there is optics on this. I'll say it .
good luck with canning any coach , esp an african american coach who took your team to the EE, FF or NC game

lots of blowback on that. rightfully so, imo.
BU has an agent. Isn't it his job to check out any possible openings. I would bet that Josh would take the big ten commissioners job if it were offered. I doubt if any poster on here would not quit there job if the offer was right.
IMO, if I was working at my dream job and making 4.5 million a year, the only thing my agent would be doing is working on endorsement deals and chasing credit card commercials!

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
IMO, if I was working at my dream job and making 4.5 million a year, the only thing my agent would be doing is working on endorsement deals and chasing credit card commercials!
sadly , for 99.9% of people. the more money you have , the more you want
you start hanging around with the big fish in Marco Island and Palm Springs , and hear what its like to fly private everywhere and have 3 vacation homes , and all of a sudden 4.5 million doesnt go so far, esp after fed & state govt take 45% off the top
sadly , for 99.9% of people. the more money you have , the more you want
you start hanging around with the big fish in Marco Island and Palm Springs , and hear what its like to fly private everywhere and have 3 vacation homes , and all of a sudden 4.5 million doesnt go so far, esp after fed & state govt take 45% off the top
Lol, I hope to have that problem some day! Not likely
I never got the impression BU wasn't interested in the K-State job last year.

He seemed to be interested enough that JW upped his salary, etc to keep him here
So if BU is waiting for K State job with the right price...maybe Josh should offer a coach trade with KS U.
...they take BU and we trade for Tang? Not sure KSU would take the trade, but...

Big Jack

I never got the impression BU wasn't interested in the K-State job last year.

He seemed to be interested enough that JW upped his salary, etc to keep him here
Think this is about why it happened. I believe BU knows if he wants the job if Tang leaves its his, should he desire to leave Illinois

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
Do the insiders even have get together a? Like a Loyalty Insider Golf Invitational?
back in my day., guys like that would meet up at 7:30 am in the Union breakfast line in the basement, or at the corner IHOP at Fourth and Green

dating myself a little more. the old bank building (?) on the southwest corner of Green & Wright was a diner/general store and they had a counter where you could get eggs . totally old school even in 1979. times change

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
So if BU is waiting for K State job with the right price...maybe Josh should offer a coach trade with KS U.
...they take BU and we trade for Tang? Not sure KSU would take the trade, but...
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