College Hoops Coaching Carousel

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Captain 14

The Last Best Place
I Liked Prus post alot too....

this part makes me think...maybe he was blindsided? Or maybe its BU evolution and a touch of natural escalating greed for a top 10 paid coach

"...I really think BU was blindsided by something and that caused him to back way up from his earlier coaching style......the fact that some shared that he has sniffed around since he got here is what disturbs me the most..."
Elite coaches don't sniff. They are sniffed out.


Spokane, WA
there is optics on this. I'll say it .
good luck with canning any coach , esp an african american coach who took your team to the EE, FF or NC game

lots of blowback on that. rightfully so, imo.
I agree, but the blowback could be very brief if they quickly announce they're hiring Big 12 Coach of the Year Jerome Tang

Edit: For those wondering, Jerome Tang makes $2.1 million and his buyout is $5 million... it drops to $4 million on April 30th. You figure he might be doubling his salary soon no matter what happens.
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Do you believe post season success matters at all?

Look, let me preface this by saying I'm a BU guy. I'd like for him to stay til he retires.

But this mentality of comparing BU's tenure to our worst stretch in modern history and using that as a reason for why he's untouchable, is sad. Yes, he's done a fantastic job of getting us out of the hole dug by JG and BW but that doesn't mean his job is done.
Why are we using JG and BW as the standard to which we measure our coaches?

To answer your question, in the last 30 years we've been to the S16 four times despite dealing with the Bruce Pearl fallout, the late BW and JG years and BUs rebuild years. I'd say we've been closer to our floor than our ceiling in average during that time.

And sorry, this rant isn't all directed at your post, it's just a petpeve of mine when people act like we're not a top 20 program just because we had a couple bad HC hires. We ARE a top 20 program. We should be in the second weekend multiple times per decade. I don't think that's unreasonable.

And I still say BU can get us there IF he's committed to it.
The questions weren't directed to me, but piqued my interest. First, I have been a devoted Illini fan for 60 years, so my definition of modern history might be different than yours. :)

I agree we shouldn't compare Underwood's tenure to our worst stretch(es), but it's also a bit unfair to compare him to our best, without context.

The 4 sweet 16s in the last 30 years were during 5 seasons from 2000 to 2005.

Prior to that, Lou Henson took us there 3 times from 1983 to 1989.

Unless we go back to the early 1950's, those 11 years have been our actual ceiling.

I'm not sure how to establish a floor. Do we discount the effects of the slush fund, Harv Schmidt and the early 70's investigation, Pearl / Slive, and Weber / Groce?

There was also a bit more to Henson's decline than simply the NCAA sanctions. The recruiting landscape had changed.
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back in my day., guys like that would meet up at 7:30 am in the Union breakfast line in the basement, or at the corner IHOP at Fourth and Green

dating myself a little more. the old bank building (?) on the southwest corner of Green & Wright was a diner/general store and they had a counter where you could get eggs . totally old school even in 1979. times change
Used to hit that diner every morning for a plate of eggs and toast with coffee. 99 cents. 1.20 with bacon.
Honestly, I have no idea why BU is looking at other opportunities and JW is looking for other coaches. I am sure there is something there, just that I do not have a clue about the dynamics that are playing out (and, yes, granted I have not read every post or tried to decipher those that I have read).

Having said that, and watching the entire game between X&T, in my opinion, a BU team - with the right (talent, length, culture, NIL, ,,,,) players - is capable of playing the way Texas did last night. And, his teams have done that. Perhaps not as consistently as we would like.

I still feel what this team is missing is a Stephen Gentry.

And, talented, gifted, players who are serious about basketball, that do not need babysitting or binge drink Monster.
To your third point its not hard to see how much the miss Stephen Gentry (or a gifted offensive minded assistant coach in general)

2020-2021 - #8 in AdjO
2021-2022 - #30 in AdjO
2022-2023 - $68 in AdjO

Each team had enough talent to be great. What Gentry brought to that team was Race, Pace and Space and it showed.

Regardless of who is on the roster next year it may be prudent for Underwood to identify an assistant coach who brings a more modern approach to offensive sets and maximizing the talents of their players.

I am greatly looking forward to seeing which vet PG they bring in. What wins in March is guard play and perimeter pros.

The questions weren't directed to me, but piqued my interest. First, I have been a devoted Illini fan for 60 years, so my definition of modern history might be different than yours. :)

I agree we shouldn't compare Underwood's tenure to our worst stretch(es), but it's also a bit unfair to compare him to our best, without context.

The 4 sweet 16s in the last 30 years were during 5 seasons from 2000 to 2005.

Prior to that, Lou Henson took us there 3 times from 1983 to 1989.

Unless we go back to the early 1950's, those 11 years have been our actual ceiling.

I'm not sure how to establish a floor. Do we discount the effects of the slush fund, Harv Schmidt and the early 70's investigation, Pearl / Slive, and Weber / Groce?

There was also a bit more to Henson's decline than simply the NCAA sanctions. The recruiting landscape had changed.
Wasn’t Henson’s main problem that he lost Jimmy Collins? Which was back to the false allegations that Pearl cooked up. The whole thing stunk to high heaven.


To your third point its not hard to see how much the miss Stephen Gentry (or a gifted offensive minded assistant coach in general)

2020-2021 - #8 in AdjO
2021-2022 - #30 in AdjO
2022-2023 - $68 in AdjO

Each team had enough talent to be great. What Gentry brought to that team was Race, Pace and Space and it showed.

Regardless of who is on the roster next year it may be prudent for Underwood to identify an assistant coach who brings a more modern approach to offensive sets and maximizing the talents of their players.

I am greatly looking forward to seeing which vet PG they bring in. What wins in March is guard play and perimeter pros.
I'm sure Gentry had something to do with it, but I'd bet that it was also greatly attributable to having the Kofi (and Ayo for that first year) cheat code.
Wasn’t Henson’s main problem that he lost Jimmy Collins? Which was back to the false allegations that Pearl cooked up. The whole thing stunk to high heaven.
No, he kept Jimmy, even though, iirc, the NCAA wanted him fired.

Henson and Yates, then Henson and Collins, spent years cultivating good relationships with influential high school coaches.

By the late 80s, high school coaches began losing control over recruitments. Rival recruiters started going behind their backs through so called street agents.

Pearl and others also tried to set Collins up. After some missteps, like hiring Slive, Illinois was able to disprove the charges. The NCAA found them guilty of lack of institutional control for failing to cave in.

That was long ago, but ...
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