College Hoops Coaching Carousel

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GA is from Lincoln and I think his dad and him were both HS coaches there. Has downstate connections. Macomb might be a good fit and a great opportunity for him. With international recruiting experience, that school could get pretty good fast. Valpo took that route about 10 years ago.
GA is from Lincoln and I think his dad and him were both HS coaches there. Has downstate connections. Macomb might be a good fit and a great opportunity for him. With international recruiting experience, that school could get pretty good fast. Valpo took that route about 10 years ago.
Yes...Neil A was coach at Lincoln HS for many years
Jerrance Howard is a longtime college AC
Over It Maid GIF
But he's never captained the ship, and that would worry me. By and large, the top programs don't usually hire guys who haven't yet proved it as a head coach somewhere. One counterexample is Tommy Lloyd at Arizona. I was surprised they hired him without that experience but it seems to have worked out so far.

I think Chester is probably ready to captain  a ship, but not necessarily  this ship quite yet. A sailor's first.command is usually a frigate, not an aircraft carrier.
I have to agree with you, if it were the year 2008 or 2010. Times have drastically changed in this new generation. We have not be a quality program in 15 years. I love the co big10 Champs recently, but we cannot get to the 16 to save our Chief Illini. What year was it the last time our Illini have made the sweet 16? Well it was 2005!!!! 18 years.
Jerome tang Kstate and plenty of no name assistant coaches have been crushing it! You have valid points, I would argue we are not a aircraft carrier and haven't been in 2 decades. Chesters gonna get swooped up and we will regret it.
I have to agree with you, if it were the year 2008 or 2010. Times have drastically changed in this new generation. We have not be a quality program in 15 years. I love the co big10 Champs recently, but we cannot get to the 16 to save our Chief Illini. What year was it the last time our Illini have made the sweet 16? Well it was 2005!!!! 18 years.
Jerome tang Kstate and plenty of no name assistant coaches have been crushing it! You have valid points, I would argue we are not a aircraft carrier and haven't been in 2 decades. Chesters gonna get swooped up and we will regret it.
Huh? We've been a quality program the last 4 years. Would have been 4 tourneys in a row and twice B1G champs in that span. The narrative has changed.
I have to agree with you, if it were the year 2008 or 2010. Times have drastically changed in this new generation. We have not be a quality program in 15 years. I love the co big10 Champs recently, but we cannot get to the 16 to save our Chief Illini. What year was it the last time our Illini have made the sweet 16? Well it was 2005!!!! 18 years.
Jerome tang Kstate and plenty of no name assistant coaches have been crushing it! You have valid points, I would argue we are not an aircraft carrier and haven't been in 2 decades. Chesters gonna get swooped up and we will regret it.
We pay like an aircraft carrier.
can someone explain the fascination with coaches who once happened to wear the orange and blue for us ?

are they somehow automatically better than ones who didnt ?
We don’t care where we rent our players from, but we sure do want a former player to coach. Yet who was the last ILLINI player who was a head coach for us and how did that work out? (serious question)
We don’t care where we rent our players from, but we sure do want a former player to coach. Yet who was the last ILLINI player who was a head coach for us and how did that work out? (serious question)
That was Harv Schmidt in basketball. He was a very capable coach in pretty much all aspects of the game. He took over at a time of social change and had trouble relating to some of the players. After a good start, things did not end well at all.
With Howard's history, why would Underwood want him on staff? Howard is lazy and has questionable personal habits. Let him go to another team needing a bag man.
With Howard's history, why would Underwood want him on staff? Howard is lazy and has questionable personal habits. Let him go to another team needing a bag man.
Are bag men even really needed anymore?
That was Harv Schmidt in basketball. He was a very capable coach in pretty much all aspects of the game. He took over at a time of social change and had trouble relating to some of the players. After a good start, things did not end well at all.
Was offered the Suns job by Jerry Colangelo after his early success at Illinois, but stayed in Champaign and things headed south...
I have to agree with you, if it were the year 2008 or 2010. Times have drastically changed in this new generation. We have not be a quality program in 15 years. I love the co big10 Champs recently, but we cannot get to the 16 to save our Chief Illini. What year was it the last time our Illini have made the sweet 16? Well it was 2005!!!! 18 years.
Jerome tang Kstate and plenty of no name assistant coaches have been crushing it! You have valid points, I would argue we are not a aircraft carrier and haven't been in 2 decades. Chesters gonna get swooped up and we will regret it.
will smith swimming GIF by Will Smith's Bucket List
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