FBI College Basketball Corruption Investigation

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Aside from a Head Coach, who would be the big fish for Evans to "roll up" on? He was taking money from a sports agent. Its not like his part of the scandal goes all the way up a billion dollar shoe industry.

other schools asst. coaches he was in competition with.....
I've honestly wondered about this in a less humorous way. If they find evidence showing the NCAA set rules and then was demonstrably corrupt enough to skirt its own rules for financial gain, can that result in actual criminal charges? I would think so, actually, especially given the interstate nature of its business and the vast economic implications of its behavior.

This is something I've wondered myself. The crimes being committed here are wire fraud, bribery, probably tax evasion, probably money laundering, prostitution at Louisville, academic fraud at UNC and other schools, covering up sexual assault at MULTIPLE schools, covering up sexual abuse of minors at Penn State. The NCAA clearly benefits from allowing these things to continue to happen at high profile schools without sending a clear message that this type of behavior is not tolerated. They reduced the sanctions at Penn State, and they're thriving right now. They have refused to sanction UNC saying it's outside their authority. If the FBI can prove that the NCAA has avoided going after these programs harder because it would hurt their own financial gain, it would almost be grounds for racketeering charges.
isn't everything that dan dakich says considered the most ridiculous statement ever? :D

i used to hate it when he called games but now i kind of enjoy it for the stupidly ridiculous claims he makes.

Yeah no kidding. He spews some absolute nonsense, but some of his sideline commentary and antics during the real depths of the Groce-era made those games almost worth watching. That twitter spat with ole Mayor Gerard was just fantastic.
I don't think that's the point they were making. NCAA has been embarrassed and is going to want to save face. Coming down on UNC, one of its darling schools, is the perfect opportunity to show the world that they're serious about cleaning up and legitimizing their sport.

Please send me some smelling salts when that actually happens. I'm 56 and can't imagine I will live that long
Whether the FBI has anything on BU (e.g., leads, etc.) nobody currently knows. What we do know, is that BU has NOT been currently implicated in any official documents. As this case progresses, there is the possibility that the defendants accuse/bring down other associates and coaches in exchange for more lenient treatment. So BU may or may not have some personal criminal exposure.

Now, the UI has no criminal exposure. These events took place in previous years, so unless new information comes up that UI/Coaches are currently involved in fraud/crime, there is no concern. To be honest, even if coaches (at whatever school) were still involved in fraud/crime, that activity will likely cease/subside as a result of the FBI investigation in the next months.

As far as the NCAA, even if the rule of head coaching responsibility gets applied, there is still no UI exposure based on the fact that these crimes/inappropriateness were conducted not at UI, but while at OSU, SoCarolina, etc. The worst that can happen for UI, even in the case that penalties (criminal or NCAA) are brought up against BU, is that UI will have to fire him, which will set us back.

But unless things get uncovered on previous UI coaches, or current coaches at UI, the school has no criminal or NCAA exposure.

If (and I say if) Underwood was complicit in what was going on at OSU, do you think that stopped cold turkey when he crossed the Mississippi?
Well, he's squeaky clean. What better way to clean up your reputation than by hiring someone who is so bad at recruiting that you won't be in the running for the guys demanding the big bucks anyway?

As an added bonus, it would help them avoid the death penalty because hiring Weber is like a self-imposed death penalty that takes 5 or 6 years to fully take effect.

I've honestly wondered about this in a less humorous way. If they find evidence showing the NCAA set rules and then was demonstrably corrupt enough to skirt its own rules for financial gain, can that result in actual criminal charges? I would think so, actually, especially given the interstate nature of its business and the vast economic implications of its behavior.

Well, he's squeaky clean. What better way to clean up your reputation than by hiring someone who is so bad at recruiting that you won't be in the running for the guys demanding the big bucks anyway?

As an added bonus, it would help them avoid the death penalty because hiring Weber is like a self-imposed death penalty that takes 5 or 6 years to fully take effect.

Most ridiculous statement of the day belongs to Dan Dakich just now on ESPN 1000: "The only program I know for a fact is clean is Michigan because my son plays there so I know." Unreal, now I want Michigan to get caught up in this so badly. Like Dakich would know, I'm sure his kid would just run to daddy if he ever saw anything shady going on, because that's what college athletes do in those situations. Then he went on to brag that he got Bowling Green into the top 30 3 separate times without cheating "so I could do it at a high level without cheating". He then went on to say that the reason he was fired by Indiana because he refused to play ball with the cheating and dirty system. Hinted he could have won a national championship at Indiana had he played along. What an unbelievable clown. Cannot believe what he is saying right now. Can somebody else who is hearing this confirm with me so I know I'm not crazy?

Comes off so happy and hopeful that coaches will lose their jobs. Comes off like a jealous, grudge-harboring moron because he failed as a coach and wants to see his former counterparts fired.
Dakich -- got to respect his opinion.

- Played D1 basketball
- Started for a Big 10 powerhouse (even guarded Michael Jordan)
- Coached D1 basketball
- Has lived his entire adult life close to the "action"
- Has a family member (son) who just recently went through the recruiting process

Plus, he's a very solid supporter of Illini basketball as an analyst during his TV broadcasts.
Dakich -- got to respect his opinion.

- Played D1 basketball
- Started for a Big 10 powerhouse (even guarded Michael Jordan)
- Coached D1 basketball
- Has lived his entire adult life close to the "action"
- Has a family member (son) who just recently went through the recruiting process

Plus, he's a very solid supporter of Illini basketball as an analyst during his TV broadcasts.

All true, but he's still 'out there' IMHO. Sometimes ridiculously so.

On that last point, he works for BTN, so he supports everyone in the BIG. If Michigan is clean in revenue sports, well, beach house.
Dakich -- got to respect his opinion.

- Has a family member (son) who just recently went through the recruiting process

Plus, he's a very solid supporter of Illini basketball as an analyst during his TV broadcasts.

Wasn't his son a walk-on?

All true, but he's still 'out there' IMHO. Sometimes ridiculously so.

On that last point, he works for BTN, so he supports everyone in the BIG. If Michigan is clean in revenue sports, well, beach house.
Well, let's keep this in perspective, he's no Bill Walton.
Wasn't his son a walk-on?

Yes, except for getting a scholarship in his final semester.
So, his recruiting was probably lily white.
But, of course, he would know everything and so does his Dad, lol

Good point you made.

p.s. he is now at tOSU for his 5th year as a grad transfer. Ironic
Plot twist: Underwood/Whitman knew all along what was going on with Lamont Evans. Underwood wanted out before things got too messy. When Underwood was filling out his staff, he reached out to Evans but knew that he wasn't going to bring him along. Now they have an alibi and can say that he didn't know what was going on IF asked because he had offered him the job. Or, like what Whitman did with Antigua, they initially wanted Evans on the staff, but asked around and did research and then possibly found out what he was doing and didn't want to be apart of it. Either way, there is more to this story than what we know right now.

the silver lining is that the situation with Evans had nothing to do with recruiting, and getting kids to go to OSU. It had everything to do with steering kids towards a specific agent once they declared for the draft or graduated. I actually doubt that Underwood knew much about the situation, like many of you have said, it is something that you want to keep on the down low.

Well, other than the recordings of him saying that he wanted more money to pay a recruit's family so that the recruit would go to OSU. But yeah, other than that, nothing to do with recruiting....
Dakich -- got to respect his opinion.

- Played D1 basketball
- Started for a Big 10 powerhouse (even guarded Michael Jordan)
- Coached D1 basketball
- Has lived his entire adult life close to the "action"
- Has a family member (son) who just recently went through the recruiting process

Plus, he's a very solid supporter of Illini basketball as an analyst during his TV broadcasts.

Hi Dan!
didn't see that. do you have a link where I could find all of the info. on what Lamont is being accused of?

"Evans also told the cooperating witness he hoped to receive funds to help recruit a particular high school athlete. The player had already committed to the university, but Evans said he needed money to secure a commitment from the player’s mother, according to court documents."

Happened 2/3/17 in same timeframe where Lamont Evans introduced Juwan Evans to the cooperators. Note said recruit was already committed and, obviously, never played for Underwood.

LOL at the notion of the Andrew Dakich recruitment giving Dan a glimpse behind the curtain.
Which coach is most likely ending up at Louisville? Also should the Ville get a sanctioned shut down for say 2/3-5 years to clean up? All players not implicated could transfer for immediate playing time. Any players implicated are no longer student/athletes, but retain student abilities, and any coach implicated is banned x amount of time from any athletic position involving recruiting of any type on campus or off...cannot meet/greet/be involved with recruiting?
Dan Dakich is to college basketball what Joe Buck is to the NFL

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Which coach is most likely ending up at Louisville? Also should the Ville get a sanctioned shut down for say 2/3-5 years to clean up? All players not implicated could transfer for immediate playing time. Any players implicated are no longer student/athletes, but retain student abilities, and any coach implicated is banned x amount of time from any athletic position involving recruiting of any type on campus or off...cannot meet/greet/be involved with recruiting?

Death penalty should be put on the program. Its so obvious to everyone its funny but it wont happen
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