Harbaugh sideways with NCAA

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You have to prove the University knew about it. Right now their defense is some assistant who gets paid $50k paid for the whole thing or had some help from donors

Therefore if they fire him they did nothing wrong. Considering Self UNC and others have not been punished I am not holding my breath. Even if there is a punishment it will come out in 10 years
Guy had wealthy parents. Money could have come from them.

And another wrinkle to the story. This is taking the scUM O$U rivalry to a new level

My previous comments about scUM not getting punished was due to their blue blood status. But I don’t know what happens when a equal to bigger blue blood is the one instigating the allegations
My previous comments about scUM not getting punished was due to their blue blood status. But I don’t know what happens when a equal to bigger blue blood is the one instigating the allegations
It sounds like OSU asked for clarification of what scouting is permitted by CFP. They may have also been one of the schools reporting scUM’s widely recognized violations. Is either of these acts objectionable? Sounds like just good honest citizenship. Nothing wrong with instigations if they turn out to be true.
According to one media comment,

'A Group of Five head coach told me yesterday that he is just baffled that they left such a paper trail in this. Quote: 'In some ways they should be held accountable for just sheer stupidity.'

Pretty much describes Harbaugh and ScUM in a nutshell.
It may be stupidity, but personally I think it's more arrogance and thinking they are above the rules.
Green Arrow Laughing GIF
They must be banned from the post season. Anything not keeping them from the playoff is not a punishment. Vacating wins means nothing to anyone except record books. Players, coaches, and fans will only respond to losing a chance at a title, or even a bowl game.

Millions of dollars are kept from their program, players who came to play at the highest level no longer have that motivation and lose chances to be seen on a national stage. Fans lose interest because there is no chance to win anything and the regular season doesn't matter.

Two to four years of postseason bans, including B1G Championship, should be the minimum. That's the only real lever the NCAA has.
They must be banned from the post season. Anything not keeping them from the playoff is not a punishment. Vacating wins means nothing to anyone except record books. Players, coaches, and fans will only respond to losing a chance at a title, or even a bowl game.

Millions of dollars are kept from their program, players who came to play at the highest level no longer have that motivation and lose chances to be seen on a national stage. Fans lose interest because there is no chance to win anything and the regular season doesn't matter.

Two to four years of postseason bans, including B1G Championship, should be the minimum. That's the only real lever the NCAA has.
What? No firing squad? How 'bout we nuke Ann Arbor from orbit -- it's the only way to be sure.

You guys are going soft...
If this is true, this is a whole different level of cheating. The scouting ordeal, it's against the rules, but it goes on in every sport. That's a firm slap on the hand. If they're involved in something like this....it's probably a fire able offense. Could be wrong. Don't see Michigan (or the conference) giving that playoff money up.
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