Harbaugh sideways with NCAA

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Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
Michigan not only denied, but says that the league agrees with them:

The Conference has confirmed that it is not aware of any information suggesting Coach Harbaugh’s involvement in the allegations.

To the best of my knowledge, the league has said nothing to contradict that.
so what ????
Michigan can say whatever they want to make their stupid fanbase feel better
the B1G office is not going to comment any further on this. But the NCAA will at some point

if you think scUM would have accepted the "slap on the wrist" if they were totally innocent, then you have a lot to learn.

imo, the odds of Harbaugh coaching there next year are maybe 25%. its probably mutual at this point

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage

Warde Manuel is so mad at Harbaugh about this , he fired the linebackers coach

they are firing coaches midseason about as often as the Bears are
This was a tiddling thing from the word go. OH MY GOD, SOMEONE WENT TO A FOOTBALL GAME THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE GONE TO!!!!!!!!

That is what the offense boils down to -- watching a football game in person. Not paying players, not causing injury, but sending a guy to record a football game. Have you been to a football game in the B1G? There's all kinds of people there. Tens of thousands in fact. It's not like they're some secretive thing.

Nobody got injured (you know that's true, in spite of whatever Pititti says) and nobody learned all that much about signals, really. I mean, teams trade signal info for other teams like internet cat videos. But, hey, it's Michigan and we all hate Michigan, so, yeah: kill.

Okay, you got 'em. And now you're burning 'em down. Good for you.

History will record that our greatest victory over Michigan came not on a football field or a basketball court, but in a boardroom.

Oh well, take what you can get I suppose. I-L-L...
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Sugar Grove

Warde Manuel is so mad at Harbaugh about this , he fired the linebackers coach

they are firing coaches midseason about as often as the Bears are
As much as "the dark lord/he who must not be named" hopes that the investigation goes away with the Harbaugh suspension, that is not going to be the case.

The likelihood is the B1G wanted to preserve the chance of Michigan making playoff. I see no way Harbaugh is head coach by end of January. Michigan will do a "clean of house" in an effort to avoid any program penalties.

There just seems to be too much smoke, especially with so many coaches leaving Michigan in the middle of an undefeated season.
B1G: We have evidence you cheated
Michigan: No you don't. We'll see you in court.
B1G: Provides evidence
Michigan: We accept your punishment.
Michigan fans: Harbaugh took the punishment so his second suspension this year wasn't a distraction to his team.
There’s another reason they readily dropped their lawsuit. Any NCAA or B1G investigations are private matters outside the legal system but scUM’s lawsuit opens them up to discovery, exposing things like emails between staff and allowing depositions under oath. That would have been very interesting indeed! Doubt you’ll see any Michigan lawsuits go very far. They’re just bluster and empty threats.
The dark lord argues teams should be able pick and choose which rules to follow. This isn’t about sign stealing or sharing them. It’s about systematic and very widespread video recording of opponents’ games, prohibited in-person scouting. Then when busted poor Michigan whines “but everybody does it” (offering no evidence) and then “no harm, no foul”.

Which is more likely to damage the sport, ignoring the rules or enforcing them? No harm at all in enforcing them.
This was a tiddling thing from the word go. OH MY GOD, SOMEONE WENT TO A FOOTBALL GAME THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE GONE TO!!!!!!!!

That is what the offense boils down to -- watching a football game in person. Not paying players, not causing injury, but sending a guy to record a football game. Have you been to a football game in the B1G? There's all kinds of people there. Tens of thousands in fact. It's not like they're some secretive thing.

Nobody got injured (you know that's true, in spite of whatever Pititti says) and nobody learned all that much about signals, really. I mean, teams trade signal info for other teams like internet cat videos. But, hey, it's Michigan and we all hate Michigan, so, yeah: kill.

Okay, you got 'em. And now you're burning 'em down. Good for you.

History will record that our greatest victory over Michigan came not on a football field or a basketball court, but in a boardroom.

Oh well, take what you can get I suppose. I-L-L...
Parks And Rec Spinning GIF
As much as "the dark lord/he who must not be named" hopes that the investigation goes away with the Harbaugh suspension, that is not going to be the case.

The likelihood is the B1G wanted to preserve the chance of Michigan making playoff. I see no way Harbaugh is head coach by end of January. Michigan will do a "clean of house" in an effort to avoid any program penalties.

There just seems to be too much smoke, especially with so many coaches leaving Michigan in the middle of an undefeated season.


I still think this was a piddly violation, blown out of proportion, and handled in the worst way -- by NCAA leaks and in-conference bickering and tons of hyperbole.

But it's been said before -- sometimes the coverup is worse than the crime, and when Chris Partridge tried to erase evidence, that was a big screwup on his part.

Some kind of punishment is called for here, and it's gonna be more than a suspension. What it is, I don't know.

At this stage I have to concede this much: It probably would be best for all involved if Jim Harbaugh moved on.

I still think we need to dial down our own self-righteousness. The fallout from this is going to take years to sort out. Folks in Ann Arbor are going to carry grudges about the leaks and the rush to judgment, whatever else happens.

You still may not like where this road takes you.


Sugar Grove
This was a tiddling thing from the word go. OH MY GOD, SOMEONE WENT TO A FOOTBALL GAME THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE GONE TO!!!!!!!!

That is what the offense boils down to -- watching a football game in person. Not paying players, not causing injury, but sending a guy to record a football game. Have you been to a football game in the B1G? There's all kinds of people there. Tens of thousands in fact. It's not like they're some secretive thing.

Nobody got injured (you know that's true, in spite of whatever Pititti says) and nobody learned all that much about signals, really. I mean, teams trade signal info for other teams like internet cat videos. But, hey, it's Michigan and we all hate Michigan, so, yeah: kill.

Okay, you got 'em. And now you're burning 'em down. Good for you.

History will record that our greatest victory over Michigan came not on a football field or a basketball court, but in a boardroom.

Oh well, take what you can get I suppose. I-L-L...
The Simpsons Bart GIF by MOODMAN

You forgot "go blue"
The dark lord argues teams should be able pick and choose which rules to follow. This isn’t about sign stealing or sharing them. It’s about systematic and very widespread video recording of opponents’ games, prohibited in-person scouting. Then when busted poor Michigan whines “but everybody does it” (offering no evidence) and then “no harm, no foul”.

Which is more likely to damage the sport, ignoring the rules or enforcing them? No harm at all in enforcing them.
My argument wasn't that Michigan, or anyone else, should be able to pick and choose rules to follow. My argument was that the punishment should fit the crime and that before you try to blow up Michigan's football program you should have proof that Harbaugh knew what was going on or that Michigan actually got a big edge from this.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Still don't. If you'd waited until the facts came out before leveling sanctions, you might have gotten grudging acceptance from U of M. As it is, you got facts leaked out later on that kinda justified your penalties. "Punishment first, trial later" is a bad way to do business, even if facts come out later that justify your punishment. Even if they accept their penalties in Ann Arbor, there's going to be very bad relations over how this got handled.

I still don't think you're gonna like the precedent you set here.

As it was, the NCAA kinda bailed you out by giving you a rationale for what you wanted to do all along. If we stop here we can all say something roughly approximating justice got done. And if more facts come out you can add them to the pile. But I doubt that anyone is going to stop anything.

I think a lot of people are going to lose their interest in Michigan, Illinois, Ohio State, Michigan State, the Big Ten, the NCAA, and college sports in general. This whole thing has something to disgust everybody.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
Hmmmm.... Something tells me we won't be hearing much more from Tom Marvolo Riddle.....
geez................good riddance

a friggin scUM apologist on a UI fanboard who claims he wears O & B in the hoops season
This was a tiddling thing from the word go. OH MY GOD, SOMEONE WENT TO A FOOTBALL GAME THEY SHOULDN'T HAVE GONE TO!!!!!!!!

That is what the offense boils down to -- watching a football game in person. Not paying players, not causing injury, but sending a guy to record a football game. Have you been to a football game in the B1G? There's all kinds of people there. Tens of thousands in fact. It's not like they're some secretive thing.

Nobody got injured (you know that's true, in spite of whatever Pititti says) and nobody learned all that much about signals, really. I mean, teams trade signal info for other teams like internet cat videos. But, hey, it's Michigan and we all hate Michigan, so, yeah: kill.

Okay, you got 'em. And now you're burning 'em down. Good for you.

History will record that our greatest victory over Michigan came not on a football field or a basketball court, but in a boardroom.

Oh well, take what you can get I suppose. I-L-L...
He just "went to a football game" is about the same as a robber just "went to make a withdrawal". There's there's obvious unlawful intent.

The greatest victory will be that you hired a khaki-clad crazy person to cheat his way to the top, only to leave you sanctioned, angry, and in the middle of the B1G standings for the next decade.

Stalions wasn't a lone wolf, he's the embodiment of every Michigan fan out there.
He just "went to a football game" is about the same as a robber just "went to make a withdrawal". There's there's obvious unlawful intent.

The greatest victory will be that you hired a khaki-clad crazy person to cheat his way to the top, only to leave you sanctioned, angry, and in the middle of the B1G standings for the next decade.

Stalions wasn't a lone wolf, he's the embodiment of every Michigan fan out there.
Somebody connected to Michigan was willing to spend thousands of dollars to fund this operation. The homers can claim it was inconsequential but obviously someone thought otherwise

So then dropping their case is because they realize how bad the evidence is

So question NCAA if it is that bad that 3 coaches have been fired why haven’t you taken action. Waiting for your investigation is not right when the team benefited from breaking the rules. You can no longer say this was a rouge assistant but also included high level boosters
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