Illini Basketball 2016-2017

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So out of the sophomore class, who would you want to see make a significant leap and see more productive PT? In other words between AJ, DJW, JCL, and Finke, who would benefit the team most by improving their game?

AJ turning into a consistent threat to spread the floor? DJ for more versatility in our lineups? Finke holding his own better down low? JCL improving as a lead guard?

My money is on JCL. But the more I think about it, I'd say a leap from DJ would be great for us. Having 3 guys in Malcolm, DJ & Kipper in that 6'7 range w/ their skill set gives Groce a lot of options.

Great Question. I say Finke if he is able to bulk up and play the 5, but I don't think that is likely. Same thing with JCL, if he can transition to PG that would be amazing. Both are possible but not likely.

I would say Black because his skillset is unique but Kipper, DJW, and/or Finke can play the 4 if he doesn't improve. Same goes for DJW.

So I guess that leaves AJ. Being able to bring in another sharp shooter to give JCL a break would be great.

Captain Bubbles

Fairfield, IL
I'm surprised no one has talked about Aaron Jordan's latest picture on Instagram. He looks so ripped, he can steal a pirate's buried treasure and kill sharks with his muscles. Just looks stronger.

Just saw a recent photo of TJL and Kipper. Both look good, especially Kipper. He looks like he can fly high.

Fletcher has done an outstanding job so far, and the photos prove it.
I'm surprised no one has talked about Aaron Jordan's latest picture on Instagram. He looks so ripped, he can steal a pirate's buried treasure and kill sharks with his muscles. Just looks stronger.

Just saw a recent photo of TJL and Kipper. Both look good, especially Kipper. He looks like he can fly high.

Fletcher has done an outstanding job so far, and the photos prove it.

No question. Fletch is ace. As good as it gets. I would love to be his assistant honestly.
I'm surprised no one has talked about Aaron Jordan's latest picture on Instagram. He looks so ripped, he can steal a pirate's buried treasure and kill sharks with his muscles. Just looks stronger.

Post a link. All I can find (and admittedly I'm both twitter and instagram illiterate) is Rob's twitter page. Ps, it appears he and AJ found time to do a little catfishing recently, not that that's got anything to do with anything


Central Illinois
Post a link. All I can find (and admittedly I'm both twitter and instagram illiterate) is Rob's twitter page. Ps, it appears he and AJ found time to do a little catfishing recently, not that that's got anything to do with anything

Here you go.


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To the eye test, kipper reminds me of my high school buddy JP Tokoto. Same height, athleticism makes him a plus defender, and from what I've seen his shot already seems better tho it will surely need a lot of work before I'd like to see him pull up in an from outside 18 feet in a game. Kid has a high ceiling.
No question. Fletch is ace. As good as it gets. I would love to be his assistant honestly.

If you think you might want to do it as a career, go ask. The worst case is they say no and you wasted an hour. Even if they can't make it official, or pay you, it is likely a good personal investment. A few months working with an expert can often teach you what would otherwise take years to learn. If you are any good, the resuling recommendation will make getting the first job a lot easier.

[And now is when I learn Bomb Squad is a 40 year old professional.]
If you think you might want to do it as a career, go ask. The worst case is they say no and you wasted an hour. Even if they can't make it official, or pay you, it is likely a good personal investment. A few months working with an expert can often teach you what would otherwise take years to learn. If you are any good, the resuling recommendation will make getting the first job a lot easier.

[And now is when I learn Bomb Squad is a 40 year old professional.]

I actually did go to school to be a strength and conditioning coach. I graduated 2 Decembers ago but Im not doing anything related to that now. I decided to come back to Decatur and theres no market for that here.
I actually did go to school to be a strength and conditioning coach. I graduated 2 Decembers ago but Im not doing anything related to that now. I decided to come back to Decatur and theres no market for that here.

Hell no there's not. The people that have a grasp of that is Rodney walker. Other than that, no one else has a chance.

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Hell no there's not. The people that have a grasp of that is Rodney walker. Other than that, no one else has a chance.

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Pretty much. There's no teams with a dedicated a&am program. They're just ran by their coaches. I tried to inquire about starting one at St Teresa but I have gotten no replies.


Argenta, IL
Did you try the DMH Sports Enhancement Center on 27th Street. That's what they do.

Captain Bubbles

Fairfield, IL
I'm surprised no one has talked about Malcolm Hill's interview on the Tay and J Show. I thought Malcolm was good, and it was nice to hear his perspective on the basketball team and other topics.
Pretty much. There's no teams with a dedicated a&am program. They're just ran by their coaches. I tried to inquire about starting one at St Teresa but I have gotten no replies.

Have you tried any of smaller schools? I know Warrensburg-Latham has a coaching staff full of STT graduates. Well, maybe not a staff full, but do have 3-5 STT graduates

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Have you tried any of smaller schools? I know Warrensburg-Latham has a coaching staff full of STT graduates. Well, maybe not a staff full, but do have 3-5 STT graduates

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I haven't. I might have to look into mtz. They are always trying to improve and are building that new facility out there so there could be an opportunity there. It'll be awkward working for another school and going to st t games every Friday night lol
Yeah, this was from the Tay and J show last week. Thought he was right on the money when he said it. I also liked how he described how they managed to go through this.

Finally got to listen to the podcast, Malcolm is such a great guy. Great podcast, had a lot of laughs and info in it.
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