Illini Basketball 2017-2018

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Alaska...dont understand last paragraph?
"Under the prior AD leadership, firing Groce would have been a far larger gamble and maybe not the right decision. Whitman's competence has changed that calculus."

I think firing Groce was the right decision regardless of who the AD was and regardless of someones' competence or calculus.

I think he didn't want complete idiot Mike Thomas hiring another coach and botching it again
They're nice chairs, too. The kind with the flap that can go over the top of your head to shade you or keep you dry.


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That's a little bit reductive, but it isn't inaccurate. A great (or even good) PG really would mask Groce's shortcomings as a coach and developer of players. 'Course, you could replace "Groce" with just about any name and it would still be a true statement.

At the end of the day, Groce failed to recruit an appropriate PG. That's on him. Injuries and suspensions aside, his downfall was self-inflicted. Public statements aside, I'm sure that's not lost on him. He may have been a stubborn and inflexible coach, but he's not stupid.

I'd be willing to bet a really nice set of beach chairs (but not the house) that he'll learn from the mistakes and craft a nice little spark plug of a program at Akron.

I wanted to be reductive because so much gets made of the Xs and Os when the college game is mostly about the Jimmies and Joes.

Whether we liked their schemes or not, Weber and Groce both had some nice seasons and tourney runs when they had good rosters. They both failed to build good rosters, and were let go. It's really not more complicated than that.
I think he didn't want complete idiot Mike Thomas hiring another coach and botching it again

Well, I would have used kinder language, but yes. Whitman understands that it is generally less expensive to make a big commitment to a proven successful coach, than a smaller commitment to an unproven one, and that it is far better to be decisive instead of dithering. It still remains to be seen if Underwood is the answer but, regardless of the final result, you cannot fault Whitman for his decision making.
I think the best part about this season is that we have 3-4 guys that can score 15+ on a given night in Smith (PG), Alstork (SG/Wing), Black (PF/C), Finke (PF/C). When was the last time we had a PG, wing and Center that could all score the ball? Last year Abrams only scored in double digits in 3 Big Ten games, Tate couldn't throw a ball into a lake, and Lucas wasn't called upon to score much. Having guys at multiple positions including lead guard who can all get their own is going to be a major factor this season. Lucas/Trent/Kipper are all guys who can go for 10-12 on a given night as well if they can get to the basket/knock down some threes. It should be a really fun year.
I wanted to be reductive because so much gets made of the Xs and Os when the college game is mostly about the Jimmies and Joes.

Whether we liked their schemes or not, Weber and Groce both had some nice seasons and tourney runs when they had good rosters. They both failed to build good rosters, and were let go. It's really not more complicated than that.

To some extent, but John Groce also had some decent rosters and simply was outcoached night after night in big ten games in my opinion. I am certain my opinion of the talent on any given Illini roster has been somewhat inflated like any fan who follows the recruitment and development of players all year and watches all the games. Yet too many times I felt like the Ryans and Beileins of the conference simply had better prepared teams and made effective adjustments within the game even when the talent on the floor was not so one-sided. John Groce never gave me that impression over years of watching every game.
To some extent, but John Groce also had some decent rosters and simply was outcoached night after night in big ten games in my opinion. I am certain my opinion of the talent on any given Illini roster has been somewhat inflated like any fan who follows the recruitment and development of players all year and watches all the games. Yet too many times I felt like the Ryans and Beileins of the conference simply had better prepared teams and made effective adjustments within the game even when the talent on the floor was not so one-sided. John Groce never gave me that impression over years of watching every game.

Exactly, and to be honest the only guys that have played for Illinois since that 2012-13 team who were deserving of starting on a Big Ten team were Ray, Joe, Malcolm KN and Morgan (yikes). Black has potential to be a great player, but has had too many off the court issues and foul trouble to really reach the potential that BU will hopefully get from him. Finke was outmatched a lot his freshman year, and showed flashes this season of being an ok big ten starter, but disappeared too much (i think he will shine in our new system however). But when you have guys like Jaylon Tate, Aaron Jordan, Big Bo, Abrams not at 100%,ekey, cosby, starks and so on starting,we were outmatched talent wise by just about every team in the conference. On top of a coach who had no idea what he was doing, and can't develop the potential some of those guys have/had no wonder we have moved in a new direction.
Actually you could say the exact same thing with Demetrious Jackson. If Groce gets either Jackson or Evans, he's likely still here (which may or may not be a good thing).

While I don't think Groce was a good Xs and Os coach, having a talented PG makes your offense look so much better. With what he was able to put out there at PG, it's no wonder we looked ugly at times.

I'm convinced that it was Quentin Snider. The others weren't committed to Illinois and then reneged on signing day leaving no options at point guard.
It's as simple as if Groce would have listened to Nick Irvin and taken Kyle Davis rather than listening to Robert Smith and taking Jaylon Tate.
Not sure if any of you listen to BTPowerhouse podcasts but just got around to listening to their ACC/Big Ten predictions and both guys said that Underwood was a terrific hire but there's "absolutely no talent on our roster, getting a guy from UIC is a horrible sign and they'll accomplish nothing this season"
Not sure if any of you listen to BTPowerhouse podcasts but just got around to listening to their ACC/Big Ten predictions and both guys said that Underwood was a terrific hire but there's "absolutely no talent on our roster, getting a guy from UIC is a horrible sign and they'll accomplish nothing this season"
We are regrouping and should have low expectations for coming year.

"UIC...bad sign" commentary seems a little bias.

My response to that is:

"Whatever....I like our direction, staff and future under BU. Let's compare notes after next season"
Not sure if any of you listen to BTPowerhouse podcasts but just got around to listening to their ACC/Big Ten predictions and both guys said that Underwood was a terrific hire but there's "absolutely no talent on our roster, getting a guy from UIC is a horrible sign and they'll accomplish nothing this season"

Guess they weren't aware our class includes a guy with offers from bluebloods and Mark Alstork was heavily recruited by some big players.. Trent Frazier had high major offers.. And the guy from UIC outplayed his teammate who had high major offers.. But whatever.
I'm actually expecting a tournament team. I believe our roster, although maybe younger, is plenty better than what took over at OSU. Remember a guy like Carroll was a nobody before Underwood and Evans hadn't really done much until Underwood either. -he might've been injured too? I forget.

So if you wanna say OSU is equal or better at 1 and 2 I argue we are easily better at 3 to the bottom of the roster.
Evans hadn't really done much until Underwood either. -he might've been injured too? I forget.

Evans was actually very good his freshman year, despite being hampered by injuries most of the season and missing games. He fought through injuries, but he was very talented.
Not sure if any of you listen to BTPowerhouse podcasts but just got around to listening to their ACC/Big Ten predictions and both guys said that Underwood was a terrific hire but there's "absolutely no talent on our roster, getting a guy from UIC is a horrible sign and they'll accomplish nothing this season"

If they literally said that, then maybe they should seek a new profession.
If they literally said that, then maybe they should seek a new profession.
Talking heads, like the rest of us, have been conditioned by years of Weber and Groce. They don't expect anything of Illinois. Unlike us, talking heads (especially the newer ones) don't drink orange Kool-aid. I am completely unsurprised by dim, pessimistic narratives of Illinois basketball proclaimed by people who only check recent history.

It will be fun to watch them walk it back. ;)
Not sure if any of you listen to BTPowerhouse podcasts but just got around to listening to their ACC/Big Ten predictions and both guys said that Underwood was a terrific hire but there's "absolutely no talent on our roster, getting a guy from UIC is a horrible sign and they'll accomplish nothing this season"

A podcast example of fake news extraordinaire.
Meh, it's a glass half full/empty situation. We know that we have some talent, but if you look as RSCI, we look pretty bad. JCL was our highest rated guy on the roster and he just left. Tilmon was signed, and he's gong. The remaining 'talent' hasn't produced much.

OTOH, except for center, I think we've got BIG caliber guys on the roster. And when I exclude center, it's more because they're young and unproven than not because I don't believe in them growing into the part.

I think after this season, we'll be back on the radar, but in the meantime, I don't expect any respect, nor take offense to those who don't give it.
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