Illini Basketball 2020-2021

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Would you look at that? Ayo today changed his pinned tweet from his declaring video to the unfinished business video and updated his cover photo as well. Interesting.


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Would you look at that? Ayo today changed his pinned tweet from his declaring video to the unfinished business video and updated his cover photo as well. Interesting.
I guess this means that Adam Miller has no choice but to tRaNSfeR now.
Sorry if I’m dense but did he just change that graphic or has it been there all along?

He just changed it today. His pinned tweet for a long time was him declaring for the draft. Now it is back to his "unfinished business" video. As always, take social media with a grain of salt. But Ayo does not seem like a kid that plays around. Everything he has done and said up to this point has been professional and calculated. This is huge news IMO.
He just changed it today. His pinned tweet for a long time was him declaring for the draft. Now it is back to his "unfinished business" video. As always, take social media with a grain of salt. But Ayo does not seem like a kid that plays around. Everything he has done and said up to this point has been professional and calculated. This is huge news IMO.
And I will take it a step further. Why would Ayo decide to come back now even though he has more time to test the waters? It's a message to Michael Foster. Just my opinion, maybe I'm way off.
We’re beyond Kool-Aid here. It’s like orange kool-aid Jell-O shots laced with Ayo-huasca.
Definition of Ayahuasca....(euphoria is a side effect)..
The main ingredients of Ayahuasca — Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis...When combined, these two plants form a powerful psychedelic brew that affects the central nervous system, leading to an altered state of consciousness that can include hallucinations, out-of-body experiences, and euphoria.
There goes my chances of sleeping tonight. Looks like I will be refreshing this page for hours.
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