Illini Basketball

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The desert
Eh, agree to disagree circa 2005 ... absolutely nobody considered it on par with (Illinois') Assembly Hall or the Breslin Center simply because the crowds weren't nearly as rowdy during that era due to bad teams. Our full 2005 game there is on YouTube, and compare that environment (which included literally thousands of Illini fans because there were so many tickets available, FWIW...) with our 2005 home games in Champaign on YouTube. Mackey was not even close.

I am not saying Mackey wasn't an amazing atmosphere before that, in the 1990s or 1980s, for example, and I am not saying that it is not inherently set up to be a better homecourt advantage than SFC due to its construction, either. My point is rather just that we cannot truly judge a homecourt advantage while a program is down, and these things ebb and flow, and there have been times when we were up and they were down and nobody considered Mackey better than Assembly Hall/SFC. Programs like Purdue or Illinois that have been good historically tend to maintain at least a pretty good atmosphere even when we are down (we had several sellouts during the Groce years, for example), but both are still WAY better when we are good, as are all programs.

There is an alternate universe where Illinois football has averaged 9 wins per season over the last three decades, and teams are absolutely horrified to travel to Memorial Stadium with its iconic architecture, swirling wind tunnels and rowdy crowds. :cool: For a hoops comparison, if Minnesota had our history in hoops and had our record over the last four seasons, we'd all be talking about how The Barn is possibly the coolest atmosphere in the conference.
Unfortunately, that alternate universe was irrevocably destroyed in 2007 when they build a boxy island for the students in the north end zone.
Unfortunately, that alternate universe was irrevocably destroyed in 2007 when they build a boxy island for the students in the north end zone.
At the risk of getting too off topic, it sounds like Bret is looking to correct that by putting the students back closer to the field this season? The NEZ could still be a really cool structure and provide some aesthetic beauty to the stadium if it's like a family area or a pavilion ... it's just a horrible area for the students, pretty much only due to its height and distance from the field (not to mention an acoustically lacking area for the Marching Illini).

The Galloping Ghost

Washington, DC
well, "no one" isn't accurate, because I, and everyone who's ever been to Mackey, know how intimidating it has always been. This long predated the Paint Crew.

SFC just physically can't approach Mackey at its peak.
I agree with that, and I love SFC. I think it's pretty close, but Mackey is a little more looming for visitors. Could just be the color scheme and Carver-SFC blend of architecture too. I liked it.
The Barn. Still. Sucks.
If Ty can develop a DMFW stroke, a career 35% shooter, we will all be very happy people.
I don't think we even need that from him when he's as good as he is on the boards. If he can develop a consistent 5-10 footer as part of his post moves and up his FT% that's a 20ppg 10-15rpg interior menace in my opinion. Ty is just too good on the boards to be pulled outside the arc regularly
I don't think we even need that from him when he's as good as he is on the boards. If he can develop a consistent 5-10 footer as part of his post moves and up his FT% that's a 20ppg 10-15rpg interior menace in my opinion. Ty is just too good on the boards to be pulled outside the arc regularly
Those would be player of the century type numbers in the modern era, let alone from a guy that isn’t a traditional post player.

I love orange kool aid as much as the next person, but you’re throwing down a keg whilst wearing the organgiest of orange aviators.
IMO your numbers are great but very orange tinted.
Correct, I am not sure we've ever had a player with numbers that good. Even James Augustine didn't have numbers that good in his best year. It is the assist/rebound combination that is so hard to achieve.
9p/7r/2a for this season sounds about right assuming TJ and Coleman are back.
For a guy that’s more than likely 6th or 7th man, that would be B1G championship worthy depth in this universe of CoHawk and TSJ returning.

With those numbers, Ty would be tripling his points and nearly doubling their rebounds per game.

Sergio is still my favorite comp for Ty, foundational piece, could do everything at replacement level, culture setter and averaged 6/4/2 over their career.

Ty is more athletic than Sergio and will likely be closer to 6rpg before it’s all said and done.


Dallas, TX
For a guy that’s more than likely 6th or 7th man, that would be B1G championship worthy depth in this universe of CoHawk and TSJ returning.

With those numbers, Ty would be tripling his points and nearly doubling their rebounds per game.

Sergio is still my favorite comp for Ty, foundational piece, could do everything at replacement level, culture setter and averaged 6/4/2 over their career.

Ty is more athletic than Sergio and will likely be closer to 6rpg before it’s all said and done.
Sorry, should've specified - realistic ceiling.

and this is probably the only time writing Illini showing up on my timeline will be relevant...
but they just posted ty rodgers stats for the last 12 games: 22.7 min 5.4p/5.4r/1.2a
could definitely see some improvement being a year older
I must admit I am still a bit perplexed and disappointed that State Farm Center has not regained its national reputation of being one of the best atmospheres in the country. While I do not think we have approached the levels we had circa 2006 and 2007 just after the glory years, it has been extremely loud and intimidating for quite a few games the last two seasons.
JMO, but I think the corporate name turns a lot of people off, in this regard (national perception). Sounds softer rather than tougher, and certainly less historic / nostalgic. The name was bought rather than earned, etc.

The majority of Big Ten arenas are still named after people, not companies, with several named for ADs or coaches. And even if some of those people were big-business types or power brokers (i.e. Kohl Center named after a US senator / donor), to me a single name resonates better the a corporate one.

And us stinking for so many years is tough to overcome too, will take sustained success.
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