Illini Coaching Staff

If Underwood's success or failure depends so heavily on one assistant coach, then we're paying the wrong guy a lot of money. Doubt this is anywhere near as big a deal as some make it out to be. Seems more like an opportunity to me. If there was one thing (besides coaching ability) that I didn't like about Groce, it was his refusal to make any changes to the coaching staff.

I'll beat this drum with you. I think it's worse than Beckman's staff.

Based on? I agree it's not ideal, but how about waiting til you find out who is on the staff before making definitive statements.
No, I would say the difference is ineptitude at the top.

Me, reading this thread rn

No, misstating the argument.

Underwood has been wildly successful as a head coach because of his teams' exquisite execution of a very particular system, one which very substantially differs from what Huggins or Martin do on the offensive end of the floor.

The list of people who were a part of those systems is dwindling rapidly, and among that list, the list of people that would make plausible hires as full-fledged assistants with a best-in-the-B1G budget is now zero.

Can Underwood build this thing alone, teaching his assistants to teach the players? Of course. He did it at SFA. But that's one hell of a schlep.

If one of the plausible hires comes at a little cheaper price and maybe more salary is being saved for a home run recruiter. Underwood knows what and who he needs to implement his system.

This is incredibly premature considering only one staff is known to this point and the offseason has barely started. This is like hiring Bill Self and fretting because Billy Gillespie didn't come with. Gillespie and ultimately Evans can be replaced
So we're going crazy over losing an assistant coach who's worked for Underwood for all of 1 season? And who's considered an "ace recruiter" with no connection to Illinois or Chicago?

Got it....
Based on? I agree it's not ideal, but how about waiting til you find out who is on the staff before making definitive statements.

This whole board is based on definitive statements. I'll make them wth nothing to back it too.
You go get Gates from FSU. And then get Heirman from LaLu on the condition that we get Bowen and Campbell. That's an amazing staff and we get another top 20 talent for 2017 and then Campbell is a 2019 but supposedly, is able to reclassify to 2018 if he wants too.
Based on? I agree it's not ideal, but how about waiting til you find out who is on the staff before making definitive statements.

How can it be "not ideal" when only 1/3 of the staff has been filled??!? Good lord. Theres going to be assistant turnover the next few weeks in CBB not to mention with the assistant pool they can easily lure a Roger Powell or Gates type to Champaign. Wait until all 3 spots are filled before you all jump off the top floor.
I can't be the only guy on this board who had never even heard of Mike Boynton or Lamont Evans before this week. Now today they are the most important assistant coaches in clearly all of college basketball.

No, you are not.

We should just fire Underwood now. Clearly he can't recruit players or assistant coaches.
Holy cow world is on fire pessimism in this thread right now..


Everyone just eat a snickers and lets see how this plays out. If only one assistant came to OSU with him from SFA.. well their's 2 more possibly still at SFA that could come to UofI.. IF you really feel it has to be someone who has been an assistant under him before.. No clue if any are in play but just throwing that out there.
Alright let me say this, which would we rather have if we had to choose one, Jamal Walker or Evans?
crazy how different the reactions between this board and scout board are.
Any thoughts on Rob Judson?

Played here. Coached at NIU, Bradley, ISU, Indiana, and here. Head coaching experience at NIU. With Crean gone, he's available.

Also, based on some comments Underwood has made, it seems like he has a very good relationship with Lon Kruger, who happened to be Head Coach at Illinois while Judson was an assistant here.
Is the system really that complicated that experienced coaches will take months, maybe even years to learn it? Really? How will the players ever learn it?

I'd rather have players who can pick up the system quickly than assistant coaches who have had prior experience with it.