Illini Football 2023

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Curious of your thoughts on this @illini0440

On our initial staff, we had several guys that had prior DC experience:
- BB, Walters, Kane and Buh

Henry and Jamison were the only ones that hadn’t called a D before.

Now we have:
- BB, Buh, Henry has called one game, and Fenelus has called at the D-2 level

Jamison and Bullen haven’t called a D.

While we still have the same number of former DCs on the staff, there is less high level experience.

Is that on purpose since we aren’t creating a defense anymore but are instead maintaining it? Or are we still following the “prior DC” formula but just don’t have as much experience this go-round?

Or is it all coincidental?
I think the initial staff wasn’t really a coincidence in the fact that that’s what Bret wanted….but still have to have some luck in pulling that off(guys being available, money to pay, etc). I think the initial staff was brought in to help Walters and mold guys like Henry and Jamo and now you still have Buh and Bret to help Henry out.(don’t think Buh is going anywhere for awhile and that’s a very good thing). Now Bret is bringing in guys who he feels specialize in a certain area where he feels we lacked….see Pullen being a pass rush guy to come develop these young guys in the OLB room. Bret interviewed a number of respectable guys for the position but landed on Pullen who I’m sure got great recommendations from NFL guys Bret respects and trusts. So to answer I guess now Bret’s just going to bring in the best guy for the position in his eyes and if they have prior DC or OC experience great…if not no biggie.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
is Bart Miller back working full or partially or is he still on medical leave ?

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
d'oh - goofed that up

Has there been any public updates on Ben ?
at this point, then, I assume he is still on medical leave.
prayers and best wishes for his recovery
I think the initial staff wasn’t really a coincidence in the fact that that’s what Bret wanted….but still have to have some luck in pulling that off(guys being available, money to pay, etc). I think the initial staff was brought in to help Walters and mold guys like Henry and Jamo and now you still have Buh and Bret to help Henry out.(don’t think Buh is going anywhere for awhile and that’s a very good thing). Now Bret is bringing in guys who he feels specialize in a certain area where he feels we lacked….see Pullen being a pass rush guy to come develop these young guys in the OLB room. Bret interviewed a number of respectable guys for the position but landed on Pullen who I’m sure got great recommendations from NFL guys Bret respects and trusts. So to answer I guess now Bret’s just going to bring in the best guy for the position in his eyes and if they have prior DC or OC experience great…if not no biggie.
Thanks for the breakdown!
The only opinion I was going to have about ANY hire was that I trust Josh Whitman.
Like many, I was cool to the hire due to stories of drinking and oafish behavior. But, I trusted that Josh Whitman gave him a good cross examination about his background before the hire. I am almost positive he wouldn’t have hired him if the red flags were still waving.


d'oh - goofed that up

Has there been any public updates on Ben ?
at this point, then, I assume he is still on medical leave.
prayers and best wishes for his recovery
Wish I could find it, but I thought Bret said he was expected to be back this spring. It was probably more specific, but I can’t find it. IDK if that means full time or not.
Does anyone know when single game tiickets go on sale by the university for 2023?
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