Illini in the NBA

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If I had to guess, they will negotiate a new contract next year before this one expires and keep him home.
He will only get better and carries so much hometown gravitas (crowd still goes wild whenever he subs in)- he adds value to the franchise on and off the court in a way that is unique.
Also, unless Coby really shows out during the playoffs, I don't see him here next year
Coby White is younger than Ayo. That's a significant factor in evaluating his long term potential.
bulls have missed a lot of bunnies today. they should be up about 8 right now


Illini Dawg
No balance on this Bull’s team but they are scrappy


Bulls shooting waaay too many threes

Shooting Shoot Your Shot GIF
Late to the thread here but man, Bulls really struggled in the 4th quarter getting good looks and Billy say arguably their most consistent play maker from the regular season. Hard to fathom Ayo couldn’t have gotten them a couple easy looks and a couple stops or a steal. You know he wasn’t going to force a bad shot given the situation.
Great Zenni commercial with Ayo and Coby White. Ayo has to be making more promo money than any other Round 2 selection.
So, with Ayo having a 2-year contract, would the Bull's front office modify it with a raise for year 2?
I think the playoffs thus far have somewhat answered your question. Not saying they won’t give him an extension/new contract at some point, but don’t think it will be a top priority. Ayo has had a nice first year (and is a great local story), but they’ve got a lot of money wrapped up in Ball and Caruso.


16 point lead down to 7. Let’s see if the Bulls can close it out. Might need to keep the starters in the whole 4th quarter - Giannis has abused the 2nd unit all night.
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