Illinois 48, Indiana 45 OT Postgame

Just thought I would get in here before it's too late. Some my recall this post of mine on Friday
- Just bought a single ticket in the 2nd row EB 50 yard line. I have a new 16x monoscope. My wife has work commitments. So I'm doing one of my favorite things: spending the day by myself, driving 3 hours each way, listening to music, getting tuned-up, walking around campus, talking to strangers, and watching live sports (Illini football this time). I will have fun no matter who starts at QB.

I'll came back to that, but first I wanted to comment or ask about a couple of my observations. I read this entire string, I still may have missed the discussion.
1. Did everyone notice that on the 4th and 1 conversion by Williams, Feagin was lined up at fullback (he had long been out since his injury)? They faked to him and pitched to Williams. Feagin didn't even run into the line. I watched him walk off gingerly and said to the guys sitting near me, "Feagin was clearly a decoy". I was surprised when he was back in later for that 9 yard run. That was the most creative play Lunney has run all year.
2. Indiana put absolutely no pressure on Paddock, didn't even try many times.
3. Even though there were a ridiculous number of penalties that fans really don't see, all the DPIs were actually legit.
4. I don't care what teams are playing, good or bad, this was one of the most enetertaining and fun games I have ever witnessed live. When considering the entire Paddock story, the way this season has unfolded, and the game itself, this game should be remembered for a long time.

I've been an Illini fan since 1976. I attended when I was a student, and had season tickets for many years after (until my kids Saturday commitments became the priority). I haven't attended many live Illini football or basketballs over the last 25 years. Being semi-retired now, I expect to make it to more going forward. However, I can now say that I was in attendance at the game when the most passing yards in a game at Memorial Stadium was set (fortunately by an Illini), the record 8 rushing TDs in a game (Howard Griffith), the 2005 Regional final 14 pt comeback over AZ (Ok that's BB), and (for comic relief) the 1978 0-0 tie with Northwestern. Some have called it the worst game ever played by the worst 2 teams to ever face each other. So I got that going for me too.

Back to my Friday post. If this needs to be moved to a different thread, that's fine, but here goes my Illini game day experience.

Left for my 3+ hour drive around 7AM and am parking in camputown on John St. a little after 10AM. Got my mind right and headed to Altgeld to use a bathroom. Disappointed to discover the rehab work being done that had the entire property roped off. Decided to go to the Union via past the Alma Mater. Very few people around. Coming out of the Union I see an "older" gentlemen sitting on a bench by himself with a cane and in full Illini gear. ["Older" for me is significant these days]. I said, "I don't remember it being such a long walk between these buildings". He said, "It was long then, too". My reply, "Seems longer now". As I walk around the south side of Altgeld, crossed Wright (looking both ways), and back down John St., I see this little girl walking toward me from a distance. As we get closer to passing each other I look up. I realize it's not a "little girl", she's probably a freshmen or sophomore co-ed. She's wearing very short cut-offs, an Illini seatshirt, flip-flops, carrying nothing, not backpack nor books, and not looking to well. It is about 10:15AM and 30 degrees. After we passed each other, I laughed to myself and thought, "45 years ago that could have been my wife and 15-20 years ago that could have been one of my daughters". Grabbed what I need from the car for the game; stadium seat, warmer hoodie, and the stuff to keep my mind in the proper state. I take my time walking to the stadium and get to my seat in the 2nd row, East Balcony right on about the 49 yard line. I chat a little with the guy who also just bought a ticket next to me. A couple arrives sitting to my other side, later I started discussing the game with a father and son behind me. So throughout the game there are 5 of us enjoying and suffering the events together. Early in th 3Q I realize Paddock is well past 300 yards. I get them focusing how we can get Paddock to 600 yards. We are having so much fun, even through the frustrating plays and penalties. Most of my conversation is with the gentlemen member of the couple sitting next to me. At some point he tells me he's from Peoria, I say I have friend from UI that moved to Peoria after graduation to work for a particularly large, well known equipment maufacturer, and never left. That was it. At the end of the game I joking said, "Say Hi to "Mike X". His wife said, "Did you say "Mike X"?, "I know "Mike X", " I worked with "Mike X" at "the large equipment manufacturer". She took a selfie of us and is going to post it on Facebook. I haven't seen him in about 20 years, but we stay in touch via Facebook now. This will a little fun. The father behind me consoled me with Paddock at least getting 500 yards. I told the father and son that i wasn't sure, but we might have seen a record performance.

So, did I have fun? I'm still telling everybody about my day before I decide just how much fun I had.


Camdenton, MO
If our defense steps up, right now... I feel like we can beat any team in the country with Paddock at QB lol.
Sorry, but our defense has had 10 games to show us they were something different than what their record shows. Allowing 29.3 pts. per game (after 12 pts. per game last year), playing 10 vs. 11 with our 22 yd. deep free safety, five team wins by a total of 15 points (and five losses by a total of 70 pts.). We've been out-scored on the year 293 to 238. Don't think the old dog is going to learn any new tricks the rest of the way. "The Illini defense is who we thought they were."
A Dick Martin call. Here’s a pass way downfield caught for a gain of 10.
"and now a word from one of our sponsors, Jim (Grabowski)."
Come back from commercial.

"ah, there was a flag on that previous play. It's 4th down and Illinois has brought out the punt team."

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
like Harry Caray would say when he forgot who was on first when the batter hit a double or triple
"and here comes a man around third, he's going to score !" ..... as if it was a spectator in normal clothes running the bases


Camdenton, MO
This is what I don't get. Either we have so little confidence in our coverage that we don't blitz, or Henry is doing his own thing, despite how well we played last year bringing more heat.

I've seen this happen over and over again in sports and the business world.

I equate it to having a system that works very well, then having the head guy leave. When the new guy takes over, instead of keeping things rolling and making minor incremental tweaks, the new guy says "I gotta be me" and decides to make bigger changes to make it 'his system.' Instead of improving things, it just makes things worse. Then, instead of going back to what was working, they stubbornly keep doing what they think they should, and things never improve.

Who knows, and BB is making $6M+ a year to figure those things out.
See: Lovie Smith


orange county CA
The last two games as far as JP has brought more energy and production to the Illini squad than I can remember.......Numerous times in that video you could see JP go through 3 reads in the space of 2-3 seconds and still find the open receiver.....That is a veteran QB1 doing what he needs to do to be successful...................
Last 2 games he looked like vintage Kurt Warner - making his reads and getting rid of the ball downfield in 3 seconds. Hitting receivers in the hands almost every time. Amazing.

Of course it helps he is not running for his life like Luke was last couple games.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
Last 2 games he looked like vintage Kurt Warner - making his reads and getting rid of the ball downfield in 3 seconds. Hitting receivers in the hands almost every time. Amazing.

Of course it helps he is not running for his life like Luke was last couple games.

we just dont know if
Luke is still seeing the game these days at uberspeed, and JP is watching the game with his years of experience like its high school football speed
I dont know the answer

I suspect that if JP starts this Saturday. he finds Iowa D a bunch better than IU's was
Just as an addendum to Paddock's numbers this weekend, he also set the Memorial Stadium single game passing record. Juice Williams threw for 462 yards against Minnesota back in 2008. The Illini lost that game 27-20.


Rockford, Illinois
Was there a flyover? I thought there was going to be one, so we got in early but if there was, I blinked.
We thought the exact same thing, @Illiniwek66. We got there early, too, in anticipation. Then we thought maybe it would be at halftime. Nope. I just saw the video with the pregame flyover, and I said to my husband, “I guess there was a flyover after all before the game.” He said, “Well, I never saw one.” I’m confused. Regardless, it was an absolutely great crowd (except for the student section) who was really into the game. Lots of dads and their students/kids around us on the west main middle. Hardly anyone left early. I felt sick to my stomach as I, along with almost everyone else, was on my feet yelling for the last two drives and the overtime. Totally nerve-wracking, it was the most exciting game I’ve been to for a while. VICTORY was sweet.
Was there a flyover? I thought there was going to be one, so we got in early but if there was, I blinked.
There was no flyover (even though one was promoted for two weeks ahead of time). There was one for the previous home game.

Mr. Tibbs

southeast DuPage
There was no flyover (even though one was promoted for two weeks ahead of time). There was one for the previous home game.
for those in the know:
for these flyovers, do they come up from Scott or from a neighboring state?
does the UI reimburse the Feds for the fuel charge ? or is it written off as PR ?
like Harry Caray would say when he forgot who was on first when the batter hit a double or triple
"and here comes a man around third, he's going to score !" ..... as if it was a spectator in normal clothes running the bases
I remember Harry Caray covering the Cardinals.

'There's a fly ball to deep center, way back, way back ... Curt Flood is on the warning track. He races under it ... and makes the catch! Oh what an incredible catch by Curt Flood to rob the batter of extra bases!'


Kelso, WA
I remember Harry Caray covering the Cardinals.

'There's a fly ball to deep center, way back, way back ... Curt Flood is on the warning track. He races under it ... and makes the catch! Oh what an incredible catch by Curt Flood to rob the batter of extra bases!'
Listening to Harry Caray was one of the major reasons I became a Cardinals. fan.


Springfield, Il
Listening to Harry Caray was one of the major reasons I became a Cardinals. fan.
The late night broadcasts from west coast games were epic. I swear he and Jack Buck both were hitting the sauce pretty hard for those games.
Yeah, I don't buy this at all. Players want to see good coaching (among many other things). I don't think they see that now. Perhaps they've rationalized this like BB has. So not a death knell. But not optimal.

The best teams are not recruiting on "you're needed".
Illinois isnt recuriting the same players as the best teams. And yes, guys do factor in potential playing time when making a decision.
for those in the know:
for these flyovers, do they come up from Scott or from a neighboring state?
does the UI reimburse the Feds for the fuel charge ? or is it written off as PR ?
For the Air Force, Scott would probably be the best base to stage from for maintenance support.

Willard would be okay for a mobility aircraft to stop at and shut down engines if they needed to or wanted to come to the game. I doubt fighter aircraft would though.

There is an ongoing list of flyover requests the AF has. Often the Air National Guard gets first whack at the list but active duty squadrons get some flyovers as well.

The flyovers themselves are usually treated as training. (Being over a certain point by a certain time is excellent time-over-target traning) Often times aircraft will also do local slow/visual routes (aka low-level routes) or beat up the traffic pattern at a nearby base.

In the end, the flyover is treated as just another way to maintain proficiency and happens to go over a stadium at a certain time. So it stays within the squadron’s operational budget.

Caveats: Air shows and acrobatic teams (Thunderbirds and Blue Angels) do this stuff as their main job, not just training missions.

I also am not privy to how the Army/Navy sets up their flyovers.
So 2:49 to go, Indiana out of timeouts, 3rd and 2 at Illinois 46.

Three out, eight in the box. Illinois timeout.

One out wide, extra tight ends split, both safeties four yards off line on strong side, shotgun, man in motion as snapped to draw one safety over, pitching to RB with 8 defenders, one guy goes to block 2nd level, defense has a 3 on 2 advantage. Tackled four yards behind line of scrimmage before back can get the edge. Illinois punts, snapping with 4 on the play clock with 1:44 left. Indiana gets it back at their own 15 with 1:37 left.

I honestly hate this sequence. It's not a 9-6 kinda game. Your QB has been brilliant and their offense has been almost just as good. I don't really care that much about the time on the clock there, call whatever play you have to get a first down, I don't think that's your best play to get two yards, I think that's the play you cl to eat up time on the clock and hopefully get a first down.
So 2:49 to go, Indiana out of timeouts, 3rd and 2 at Illinois 46.

Three out, eight in the box. Illinois timeout.

One out wide, extra tight ends split, both safeties four yards off line on strong side, shotgun, man in motion as snapped to draw one safety over, pitching to RB with 8 defenders, one guy goes to block 2nd level, defense has a 3 on 2 advantage. Tackled four yards behind line of scrimmage before back can get the edge. Illinois punts, snapping with 4 on the play clock with 1:44 left. Indiana gets it back at their own 15 with 1:37 left.

I honestly hate this sequence. It's not a 9-6 kinda game. Your QB has been brilliant and their offense has been almost just as good. I don't really care that much about the time on the clock there, call whatever play you have to get a first down, I don't think that's your best play to get two yards, I think that's the play you cl to eat up time on the clock and hopefully get a first down.
A play not to lose play call after we were aggressive for 3.9 quarters with a QB who threw for almost 500 yds prior to that play. Lunney is nothing if not consistent in those situations.
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So 2:49 to go, Indiana out of timeouts, 3rd and 2 at Illinois 46.

Three out, eight in the box. Illinois timeout.

One out wide, extra tight ends split, both safeties four yards off line on strong side, shotgun, man in motion as snapped to draw one safety over, pitching to RB with 8 defenders, one guy goes to block 2nd level, defense has a 3 on 2 advantage. Tackled four yards behind line of scrimmage before back can get the edge. Illinois punts, snapping with 4 on the play clock with 1:44 left. Indiana gets it back at their own 15 with 1:37 left.

I honestly hate this sequence. It's not a 9-6 kinda game. Your QB has been brilliant and their offense has been almost just as good. I don't really care that much about the time on the clock there, call whatever play you have to get a first down, I don't think that's your best play to get two yards, I think that's the play you cl to eat up time on the clock and hopefully get a first down.
(Psssst . . . we won!)