Illinois 79, Wisconsin 69 Postgame

Obviously, no one can tell how we go from here. All hopeful that this is the beginning of a long positive run. But this turnaround (hopeful it is) is why I try not to overreact to dogsh!t stretches like we just endured. I think back to those who in post games "checked out for this year, had enough, see ya next year" kind of stuff, and now, if this play continues, have to come back! Looks kind of foolish.
One other thing. Is "Sincere" the result of autocorrect? I have a last name that through my 70 plus years has been mangled, so I'm pretty careful when it comes to getting these things right. If for no other reason, our guys at least deserve the respect of getting their names right. Rant Out!
I don't know what happened with Clark. But whatever the situation was and whatever the conversations have been in the couple days since, it seems to have produced a team where guys are making an effort to play for one another more and communicate with one another more.

That's the path to putting this train back on the track.
Getting Goode back will help as well
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And a win that adds mass to the resume.

Anyone who wants to understand how human emotions will forever deprive our species of enduring peace and stability should read the Northwestern postgame thread and then this one. Our fragile, powerful minds; capable of rejoicing for and of despising the very same thing with equal ferociousness, within but a span of hours.

Our depression and despair. Our pain. It resulted from being unable to imagine - to see within our minds - how we might escape the suffering of wilting dreams and reclaim the happiness to which we feel entitled.

But this win. This win neutralizes a lot of poison, for both players and fans. This win visualizes exactly how we will be beautiful once again, all of our precious jewelry brought out for full display.

Fabulous image!!! Disagree with "equal ferociousness" Much more handwringing when we lose than cheering when we win. This thread will be about half as long as the Northwestern wailing...
Much better but still missed an inordinate amount of layups or shots at the rim early in this one.
Jon Stewart What GIF
I don't know what happened with Clark. But whatever the situation was and whatever the conversations have been in the couple days since, it seems to have produced a team where guys are making an effort to play for one another more and communicate with one another more.

That's the path to putting this train back on the track.
Correlation does not mean causation...
See what happens when you run offense, get good looks within the rhythm of the game and offense….shots go in. Also what happens when your a little more focused on the scouting report defensively and give great energy and effort….you don’t get your !!! chewed
God bless you illini0440!
Despite the improvement on offense, I'm pretty convinced our defense won this game. Think we have been losing games to bad opponents because our defensive intensity is only where it should be when the offense is running smoothly.
Disagree. Our defense has been strong. Looks good with the stats and eyeballs. We didn't lose games because of defense. We lost due to many, many turnovers and bricks from three. Our defense again good. Our offense finally clicked - for all the reasons noted on this thread.


San Bernardino, Ca.
Good win.

High ceiling, low floor team. I liked what I saw out of the offense more this game. Some high pick and roll, some handoffs, some back cuts... give these guys a bit of a direction.

I almost think the schedule is irrelevant for this team... we can lose to any team by 20, we can beat any team by 20. I just want consistency.

I really do think this whole team thought they were hot sh*t after the first few games, they have had they're crown knocked off and now its a road back for Brad getting these guys to fully buy in again. We are very very talented, and I'm holding out hope that the whole group, Brad included can improve as the season progresses.

On to the next.
Maybe now they understand what "everyday guys" are.


Very happy for the guys today. Much needed W for them and the fans. We aren't an easy beast for these kids.
Offseason? WHAT Offseason?

There are only THREE Stages of One's Entire Life:

1. Playing basketball.

2. Waiting until you play basketball next.

3. Watching others play basketball while thinking about basketball yourself.
Username checks out
Yours is from the fan perspective. I like to flip this around as well.

I have always been deeply fascinated by the ebb and flow of emotions of the ball players and the teams within the game and during a season. Raw human emotion that rises and falls with every shot and every possession.

You miss a shot or two and you begin to fear you’ll never hit another one. Or, you hit two or three in a row and your smile gets wider and you stick out your chest a bit more with each score. And then you miss one or two and you’re back risking the fear mode again.

And the Illini’s now-famous Five Minute Stretches with no points. There is no good reason to ever go five full minutes in a basketball game with no points. And yet, it happens. Again... human emotion on full display in front of thousands in the arena and multitudes more looking at screens. You begin to miss and you begin to press and the other team senses your panic and begin to exert themselves.

To reframe your words above: The Team’s fragile, powerful minds are capable of rejoicing for and despising the very same thing with equal ferociousness, within but a span of minutes. The group’s depression and despair. Their pain, and ours – the fans.

Basketball is primarily a mental and emotional game first before ball ever hits the floor. Do you believe, or not. Do you fear the other team and fear to admit that to yourself. Do you level off your emotions and play with confidence and purpose. Or do you let the negatives take over and take root and residence in your fragile frame of mind. Can you play to your best... and play better tomorrow.

The years go by. The players may change. But these in-game ebbs and flows and emotions remain the same... generation after generation.

And this for me is near the top of why this is such a fascinating... and frustrating... and joyful game. There is no hiding your emotions when out on the court. They are on full display always. And there is no place to hide — nor should you ever want to.

God this can be such a beautiful game.
Did Yoda say that?
Good to see it looks like BU switched up gears and whatever he did worked. First time in awhile the guys looked happy to be on the court.
Didn't you hear, it's elementary. When BU isn't screaming at his players, they seem to be playing well.