Illinois 98, Florida Atlantic 89 Postgame

The only reason we won is because he yelled at them continually last season. ;) :ROFLMAO:
Maybe it was just my imagination, but watching Brad in the Rutgers and FAU games, I don't rememeber seeing him so relaxed (that does not mean he wasn't intense). I never saw him lose his mind screaming at blatantly bad calls. I saw him make his point and move on (sometimes with a smile). Nor get in the face at any player at some point in the game. I don't know Brad Underwood, but he seems to be acting like a coach that knows his team can overcome anything and he doesn't have to explain it to this group over and over in frustration. JMHO.
Very good point about our game plan to neutralize Goldin. It worked, not going to argue that. But you also left out the second part about a top player being out...which, when assessing a team's CEILING, is a valid thing to flag. Laughable is ignoring what's right in front of you.

And again, just so we're clear, I feel it's necessary to re-state that I don't think Boyd being out takes anything away from this win. We beat a really, really good team that played a great game. My comment was responding to somebody else's claim that FAU was at their ceiling tonight. As good as we played when we took down #2 Michigan without Ayo a few years back, I don't think anybody would've said we were at our ceiling. We still had a higher level to theoretically hit with him in the fold. Same concept here.
FAU is a deep team. Even without Boyd, still a top 25 team. Look at their boxscore, 5 guys in double digits, their guards played well. Yet, our defense held the guards to below 40% shooting and suffocated both Weatherspoon and Greenlee, well below their season averages. Boyd or no Boyd, the defense gave their guards fits. I doubt their “ceiling” would have raised 10 floors with Boyd.
FAU is a deep team. Even without Boyd, still a top 25 team. Look at their boxscore, 5 guys in double digits, their guards played well. Yet, our defense held the guards to below 40% shooting and suffocated both Weatherspoon and Greenlee, well below their season averages. Boyd or no Boyd, the defense gave their guards fits. I doubt their “ceiling” would have raised 10 floors with Boyd.

Yeah, and he compared them not having Boyd to us not having Ayo... I mean, sure...
Shot in the dark here. If we continue to shoot 63% from the field and 40% from 3, we won't lose another game. Clearly that won't happen but a great win last night. Not often you give up 89 and win. So much for the amazing defense discussed after the Rutgers game. FAU and Rutgers clearly two very different animals. What a win. Fun to watch!
Yeah, and he compared them not having Boyd to us not having Ayo... I mean, sure...
LMAO y'all are ridiculous sometimes. I edited that to say "same concept" rather than "same thing" b/c I figured the latter would elicit this response, and then it happened anyway. Same concept, as in not having an integral, starting-level piece will impact what is viewed as the team's highest potential level of play. The Ayo example fit here because (a) everybody knows it and (b) we still played amazing without him. If it had been Grandison out instead of Ayo for that game, you still would've seen the "and we'll only be better with Grandy in the fold" afterwards on this board. And those posts would've been right, since the team would theoretically be better with one of its starters back in the lineup instead of a bench piece.
LMAO y'all are ridiculous sometimes. I edited that to say "same concept" rather than "same thing" b/c I figured the latter would elicit this response, and then it happened anyway. Same concept, as in not having an integral, starting-level piece will impact what is viewed as the team's highest potential level of play. The Ayo example fit here because (a) everybody knows it and (b) we still played amazing without him. If it had been Grandison out instead of Ayo for that game, you still would've seen the "and we'll only be better with Grandy in the fold" afterwards on this board. And those posts would've been right, since the team would theoretically be better with one of its starters back in the lineup instead of a bench piece.

It's not the same thing, not even in the same universe. A guy like Boyd, they just plug in another dude and keep moving. Ayo was a 1st Team All-American. Get right outta here with this.
Again...watching the replay. Love pausing and rewinding to watch some of these sequences.

Hansberry comes in around the 2:54 mark of the first half after Dainja turnover and has just a fantastic sequence to end the half...

Starts with ripping down a rebound and outlet to TSJ for that light speed highlight dunk.

Gets a great feed from TSJ under the basket for a bucket....Immediately goes down and gets a tie up rebound on the defensive side.

For a freshman to come in and impact this type of game to keep us close to end the half should not be overlooked.

He is going to be an absolute manster in a year or so.
Is ESPN not allowed to complement the B1G anymore? Sportscenter coverage is 80% what does it mean for FAU and 20% good job Shannon and Domask. Used to enjoy sportscenter

I don't use ESPN much anymore. There are so many good bball sites, it's hard to justify, although it's nice to have a familiar interface.
And I do think the corporate side of the "mothership" means they are very selective in their coverage. A lot of people who have left ESPN have talked about it in interviews, and there's no question they slant their coverage based on their financial partners. I was pretty disappointed with how they seemed to give relatively little coverage to a ranked match-up like ours.
It's not the same thing, not even in the same universe. A guy like Boyd, they just plug in another dude and keep moving. Ayo was a 1st Team All-American. Get right outta here with this.
I don't think you read my post. I literally just said it's not the same thing, gave you a different example, and you went right ahead and ignored it.

Boyd would be the 3rd leading scorer on this year's team. Same for last year's team. If you think that type of piece is plug and chug and his absence doesn't have any impact on the team, I don't know what to tell you.
I don't think you read my post. I literally just said it's not the same thing, gave you a different example, and you went right ahead and ignored it.

Boyd would be the 3rd leading scorer on this year's team. Same for last year's team. If you think that type of piece is plug and chug and his absence doesn't have any impact on the team, I don't know what to tell you.

I did read your post, which upon your own admission, you edited because you needed to walk your argument back.

Boyd is a piece on a team. Ayo was an absolute game-changer, a superstar. Just stop...
One thing I loved about Domask last night is that he was doing the same things that he did at SIU, it wasn't like he was shooting crazy shots. After all the double teams he faced there, he's probably stoked by going 1 on 1 against his man. Probably not 33 points, but what he does is quite replicable. On FTs, although having the right guys shooting was the most important factor, BU did say that they have been shooting FTs during intense conditioning, thereby more closely resembling an in game free throw. Great move. Our free throw shooting has shot up to 62.5% after last night, having been in the 50s most of the year. It's great that BU has his deepest roster this year, and seems to really enjoy this group. Any coach would have been frustrated by some of last year's team. His coaching this year is his best yet IMO. He's not yelling as much, because he doesn't need to with these every day guys. Great game with MD and TSJ both establishing career highs in scoring.
FAU is a really really good team too. Rewatching it, they certainly aren't anybody you'd want to play again in March.
But we're qualitatively better. And I don't think anywhere close to our ceiling.
FAU certainly doesn't want to play us in March either....... April 8th 2024???
At the end of the day, ESPN's job is to get ratings. Major conference teams(unless it's the blue bloods) don't drive those ratings. FAU was THE Cinderella story last year. Heck, they got into the Jimmy V game based on last year's tournament alone. Who doesn't root for the "little guy". If they weren't playing us, I would have been in FAU's corner. What makes the tournament so much fun, especially the first day of it? It's the upsets. So, while FAU is ranked highly and highly thought's still FAU and they'll continue to the the story, until that story runs out of steam, which will be when they get into conference play. They'll probably run the table(or come close to), they'll win 30+ games, but rarely will they get more than the standard top 25 highlight.
I was suprised how good FAU was. I was also shocked at how TSJ and Marcus abused them. FAU did nothing for 3 years. Had incredible run to Final 4 last year but is a playing a real schedule this year.

2 months ago Colorado was 4-0 and ESPN was proclaiming Deon's genius and predicting bowl game. Then reality hit and they finished 4-8. Press loves Cinderalla stories.
I was surprised by the lack of an adjustment. You would think at some point, they’d make Domask and Shannon give it up and let someone else beat you. We don’t shoot 3s well as a team, so you only need to account for Goode (usually). I was also surprised how sure handed Domask was with the ball. I’m sure moving forward, there’ll be adjustments made by opponents .
Like Bobby or Bruce refusing to play zone or double team. If Marcus can score 15 ppg mid range and in the paint that will open up the three pointers for Luke, Coleman and TSJ.
Literally just got to that above sequence after Dan's post. CoHawk sequence.

3:00 mark and we are only up two. CoHawk hits his open 3...(that i'm guessing a lot of us thought at the time was a dagger)...but FAU goes down and answers immediately.
Next trip down is the above MLTulip mentioned possession.

Then he defends Goldin the next trip down forcing a missed hook before he gets bailed out on a put back foul...missing 2 FT's OMG FREE NUGGS!!