Illinois Football Recruiting Thread

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Austin, TX
We were told this was a “huge” recruiting weekend. Is this the only possible commit to come out of it?

Admittedly, I don’t follow IL football more than casually. I suppose I (and many others) just don’t understand why IL isn’t a more successful program by now. Others like Carolina, Kansas, Mizzou have made huge gains recently, with their mediocre programs now being competitive. Why can’t we? Does it come down to more NIL or will it take a new/higher profile coach to attract the talent/staff needed for B1G success?
I’d argue that we are more competitive, just not as much as we wish. The 18 wins the last three seasons are the most in a three year period since the early 2000s. Being ~.500 is competitive football, albeit not competing for titles or top 25 rankings.


Cincinnati, OH
Was looking at Brooks' PFF grades compared to Nicholson's to see the differences. In many ways they are polar opposites -

Tahveon is much better in coverage but had a horrendous year in tackling (factors related to his broken forearm?). His tackling was abysmal in the middle of the year but improved later....coinciding with him being targeted more and coverage grades decreasing. He had a billion penalties.

Brooks is a solid tackler and is consistent from week-to-week in that area. His coverage grades are....not great. His biggest weakness is allowing big plays (not great to see with Illinois having so many question marks in the secondary). He only allowed two catches against Washington but they went for a combined 101 yards. He has four games where he allowed a 30+ yard catch. His average yards allowed per completion was 17+ (Tahveon was 12). Tahveon's average coverage grade was 69.3, Brooks is 60.9. There are ways to feel it will improve in B1G: (1) less pass-happy offenses in B1G likely suits his coverage weaknesses but sure-tackling, (2) he's 20 and will improve, and (3) articles out there saying he's bad in zone but solid in man-to-man. Another positive for Brooks is he rarely commits penalties.
Beat us by 100 with the qb that we wanted that he also beat us for. Hes eating our lunch right now.
Didn't we take a pass on Hudson Card because we thought DeVito was a lock to get an extra year? And when TVD fell thru, Card had already signed with Purdue. Then we took Luke. I think that's how it went down.


Chicago, IL
Didn't we take a pass on Hudson Card because we thought DeVito was a lock to get an extra year? And when TVD fell thru, Card had already signed with Purdue. Then we took Luke. I think that's how it went down.
Nah, the DeVito waiver got denied almost immediately (and was never considered likely even around here) and we were in the mix with both Card and Altmyer for awhile with Card the preferred choice and I believe the insider rumored lock for awhile.

I thought the gap between the two was a bit overblown at the time (and kinda still do) but Walters definitely beat us for Card.
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boom smile GIF
They've done very well and all, but for all the hype their incoming talent ranking (recruits + portal) is 12th in the SEC.
Have a good coach and some returning starters. I would not be surprised if they finish 3rd in the SEC and make it to the playoff. Depending on what opens up, Drink could parley that into a true Blue Blood hire and Mizzou falls back to earth.


Chicago, IL
I hope Gentle is actually Rough Hunt. He sure looks the part!
As we used to say on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade, "You can make more money in 5 minutes at the altar than a lifetime of work". Yes we were a crude bunch. Hats off to the Mizzou guy who married into the Walton family.
Have a good coach and some returning starters. I would not be surprised if they finish 3rd in the SEC and make it to the playoff. Depending on what opens up, Drink could parley that into a true Blue Blood hire and Mizzou falls back to earth.

If this was 5 years ago, sure. But, this isn't a Drink thing. They have tons of NIL and they are committed to winning (admin, state legislatures, etc.). If Drink leaves (which is doubtful b/c Mizzou can pay him plenty), they'll just get the next big name. As long as the current NIL landscape exists, Mizzou will be a big player. They can spend with the blue bloods regardless of coach
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