Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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After 2 booms in 2 days and no
announcements or chrystal balls.....
Why would he ā€œannounceā€ heā€™s staying if heā€™s not in a portal or draft process? The silent the better.
Luke Ford did it in football..........just sayin'

In today's PORTAL world, it does sorta make sense. And it puts all speculation to bed.
Fans in woo pig suey territory claim they have deep donor pockets and like to brag about it. However, you can't help but listen to Musselman and wanna play for him. He is about 4'9" and has a fire in him
Most schools have deep donor pockets, they just need an AD the donors like and a program to believe in. We went from a ā€œcheapā€ program that paid our coaches frugally to one that would N-E-V-E-R be outbid in just a few years ā€¦ I know itā€™s hard to picture now a days, but if football were to become as good as basketball is now at Illinois, there would be packed houses in Memorial Stadium every week and weā€™d match Arkansasā€™ donors penny for penny. Iā€™m sure they have some Wal-Mart money, but the broader point stands.
So was TSJ the guard transfer that was going to be obvious once he entered the portal? Asking for a friend.
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