Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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I know the waiting has sucked, but answers are coming very soon. Should be an exciting week!
Just wanted to let you know that I and many others appreciate your insight, along with the insights of the other insiders posting on this board. From my perspective, it’s all about weighing the odds. When you, Indy, 0440 or DB drop some info, I consider it to be well-sourced and worth paying attention to while also recognizing that recruiting weighs on the whims of 17-22 year olds, so anything can change at any moment. It’s just nice to have an outline to follow along with.
It would be a gift from Above if we finally learn something clearly today.;;
That’s my point though. Why makes claims that don’t follow through?
They’re relaying the best information they have to posters on a board who are clamoring for information on recruiting/player retention to the point that said posters are asking their opinions on a daily if not hourly basis. You know, like you did a couple of weeks ago. RE TSJ and CoHawk. Not to be rude, but why would you ask the opinion of someone and then “trash” (your comments don’t rise to that threshold, but you get the gist) them a couple weeks later for giving their opinion/relaying information to the board?

These guys are right and these guys are wrong with the former being true much more often than the latter. And mind you that “wrong” is really the incorrect word seeing as how they’re just telling us what those much closer to the situation are telling them.
She was busy giving me a pedicure...........she really really was......among other things............

It's a wonderful really really is.....
Whoever was sitting next to the new NL has a nice pedicure ... now I am really really hoping that isn't your foot.
Came thru Paducah today but didn’t see her.
Hey Pru is she close to here?
I think there were a lot of good points made about why this is taking so long.

Committing publicly takes a lot of leverage away from the player.
RayJ wants to get his and make sure he is going into a good situation.
These deals are tricky and decisions should not be made lightly, especially when it comes to the NBA.

What's the point in self imposing a deadline on yourself, when there is already a deadline?
We will know something by next week whether or not TSJ and CH are staying or going to the draft and that's just facts.

I would not be shocked if RayJ waited a little longer to commit either.
Good things come to those who wait.

The insiders have at least given me confidence and got me excited and provided a lot of fun discussion which is what this board is all about! (that and talking about food. Imo's pizza is delicious btw)

The ONLY thing that worries me (and correct me if I'm wrong) is the talk of a backup plan for RayJ (I could have misinterpreted it and the convo might have been about a backup to coleman)
Looking forward to the decisions Hawkins and Shannon have to make. Gotta be tough choices for them young men. Thanks for all the info Indy, LvilleILL, and 0440, much appreciated that you give us any info. We are a spoiled bunch of obsessed fanatics wanting the scoop on the program b4 newspapers or websites can write articles. More often than not you guys deliver! I know I missed some names but you are the main 3 feeding the masses. Thank you!

Pru: keep coming wit the TR and NL pics bro. Walken on sunshine!!!
Not trying to be rude… honestly not..

I get that sometimes players change their minds (not saying RayJ has) but it’s absurd to me that there was “nothing at all to worry about, staff has him locked up, etc” all those promises and statements for months and its starting to seem like he may not be here after all. I mean… there were comments after comments saying he’s ours. Insiders, can you explain this?

Also, what was supposed to be announced on Sunday and then got pushed back to today (which didn’t happen.)?

I just feel like we keep getting these “boom” gifs and comments of “here soon” “next few days” “this weekend” and so on. What’s going on??
From what has been shared throughout the process, it has never really started to seem like this. You are just impatient.
Just wanted to let you know that I and many others appreciate your insight, along with the insights of the other insiders posting on this board. From my perspective, it’s all about weighing the odds. When you, Indy, 0440 or DB drop some info, I consider it to be well-sourced and worth paying attention to while also recognizing that recruiting weighs on the whims of 17-22 year olds, so anything can change at any moment. It’s just nice to have an outline to follow along with.
Agreed and well put. The Insiders on this page are why I joined. But I dont believe them to be infallible. These are barely adults we are talking about.

Also, one other thing, not sure why people call out and attempt to denigrate Piper/Werner and Illininquirer. If you go to their site for inside info to be posted, you are going for the wrong reasons. This was actually pointed out by one of the insiders here recently that just because those guys dont put out “inside info”, it doesnt mean they dont know. They get paid to report and they use sources to do it. If they broke the news, they could lose sources. The insiders here are literally anonymous, they dont have to worry about sources finding out they leaked something and it getting back to the sources like the writers at Illininquirer and then potentially losing that inside source. As pointed out by the insiders here, there is a reason Piper and Werner have in depth pieces ready to go when the news breaks. They wouldnt have it if they didnt know.

So, come here for the insiders to provide hope and go to Illininquirer for the analysis. Thats what I do. And I enjoy the reporting the guys at Illininquirer put together. I think they do a fantastic job.

Why cant that site and this site be different but both be equally great?
Just wanted to let you know that I and many others appreciate your insight, along with the insights of the other insiders posting on this board. From my perspective, it’s all about weighing the odds. When you, Indy, 0440 or DB drop some info, I consider it to be well-sourced and worth paying attention to while also recognizing that recruiting weighs on the whims of 17-22 year olds, so anything can change at any moment. It’s just nice to have an outline to follow along with.
This might be the most sensible post I've read here or on any other message boards
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