Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Given the competition (Michigan, who notably paid Dickinson less than 100k last season, and Utah, which is, well, Utah) color me skeptical he will get anything better than what's currently been offered by Illinois.
RayJ has not been telling people it’s Utah … There is some conflicting info going around and as this whole recruitment has gone on it’s all been about perception … RayJ wants to get the most $$ he can and who can blame him … So have people throw out that you’re going to Utah and watch what happens to Illinois offer … ⬆️

Brad & TA need to find a way to close it down … Get the deal done …

But there’s a reason you don’t see much info about this recruitment … Lot of people have absolutely no idea what’s going on … And the people who do don’t wanna say much because RayJ camp will know who leaked info …
I know nothing at all, and I have full trust and confidence in BU and TA in these situations. But from an outside observer's perspective, it seems like the situation is approaching a "is the juice worth the squeeze?" point. Especially from a team building viewpoint.
people can say don't worry about it, but prolonged time is never a good thing. If a player had truly made up his mind, he would just announce. Delays, pretty much by definition, mean his mind isn't made up. More time means more teams can throw money at him. When a backup plan was even brought up at all, that was a bad sign.

No clue where this kid signs, but roll the clock back a month and we were talking about Tyger Campbell or RayJ Dennis as our PG. The answer quite possibly could be neither. We could be looking at someone like Rondell Walker as our PG or Ronald Polite. I personally would love DeJuan Clayton. That guy has already played college ball for 7 years. He could play side by side with his kids on our team.

Question becomes, if Dennis goes elsewhere, based on all the comments Hawkins has made, does he return to play with Rondell Walker or someone else? I feel good that Shannon comes back regardless, but the other 2 certainly don't appear to be a slam dunk at the moment.
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Belleville, IL
I know nothing at all, and I trust BU and TA in these situations. But from an outside observer's perspective, it seems like the situation is approaching a "is the juice worth the squeeze?" point. Especially from a team building viewpoint.
The problem though is it's not like we have a solid backup PG or second option. We can say there is another backup grad transfer, which is great, but he hasn't committed yet.
Funny Face Reaction GIF by TikTok

Well, I hope the recent news is incorrect but if it is there are likely to be some grad transfers yet to announce. I am still not giving up hope we can land Ray J but if not I hope we have some quality grad guys come available that may not be now. Plus, an opening like ours at PG could create some grad PGs to consider doing so.
Do I want Ray J sure. But first I would prefer TSJ and or Hawkins. TSJ is much harder to replace imo. Hopefully we get Ray J if not I bet a grad transfer will open up with the minutes we have available.
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RayJ has not been telling people it’s Utah … There is some conflicting info going around and as this whole recruitment has gone on it’s all been about perception … RayJ wants to get the most $$ he can and who can blame him … So have people throw out that you’re going to Utah and watch what happens to Illinois offer … ⬆️

Brad & TA need to find a way to close it down … Get the deal done …

But there’s a reason you don’t see much info about this recruitment … Lot of people have absolutely no idea what’s going on … And the people who do don’t wanna say much because RayJ camp will know who leaked info …
Welcome back, just in time to help talk us all off the ledge lol


Not trying to be rude… honestly not..

I get that sometimes players change their minds (not saying RayJ has) but it’s absurd to me that there was “nothing at all to worry about, staff has him locked up, etc” all those promises and statements for months and its starting to seem like he may not be here after all. I mean… there were comments after comments saying he’s ours. Insiders, can you explain this?

Also, what was supposed to be announced on Sunday and then got pushed back to today (which didn’t happen.)?

I just feel like we keep getting these “boom” gifs and comments of “here soon” “next few days” “this weekend” and so on. What’s going on??
If You Say So Reaction GIF by Identity

Playas Gon' Play​

constructive idea to the staff: don't get played.

I get the frustration, but pro negotiators know this simply isn't possible. You can never fully know a person's intent, and sometimes it's useful for a party to meet with you in good faith, then then circumstances change. And a few will meet in bad faith, although you can often sniff those out in due course before rolling the dice. Honestly, I think the forum readers are the ones who get played. They take info or enthusiasm as gold, when they should know better.

Next time you hear 'lock', think 90% (at best). Even when they commit, it's probably only 95% as a small percentage will find a reason to decommit.

'cruitin = roller coaster
I get the frustration, but pro negotiators know this simply isn't possible. You can never fully know a person's intent, and sometimes it's useful for a party to meet with you in good faith, then then circumstances change. And a few will meet in bad faith, although you can often sniff those out in due course before rolling the dice. Honestly, I think the forum readers are the ones who get played. They take info or enthusiasm as gold, when they should know better.

Next time you hear 'lock', think 90% (at best). Even when they commit, it's probably only 95% as a small percentage will find a reason to decommit.

'cruitin = roller coaster
With this college landscape this is true. It’s like the Wild Wild West out there.
If RayJ signs and Terrence Shannon returns, that would give us five fifth-year seniors. That has to be by far the most ever. Even if they don't sign (ugh) we already have three fifth-year seniors. That's probably already a record.
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