Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Pretty much was my response as well … Of course not to him …

This is a VERY big booster … He and his family really support the athletic program …

He really likes Bret though … That’s a positive … 😂🙂
Who could have seen this coming????!!!!! /s
Illinois may have been recruiting Williams but never announced his commitment. I am sure they were aware of injury and eligibility issues. The staff contacts hundreds of players to gauge interest, start the recruiting process. Getting a commitable scholarship offer is a completely different situation. JMO - Williams thought once RayJ committed to Baylor that our "soft" offer had become commitable.

Do we wish we had a Derek Harper / Bruce Douglas / Kiwane Garris / Frank Williams / Deron Williams / Trent Frazier level PG on the roster - heck yes. However we have won plenty of games when we did not. Trust in Brad and his staff.

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I mean we’ve all gone out and got drunk the day before we weren’t supposed to
Sure, when it was like a quiz or something. Then you learn not to do it when the stakes are small so you know better when something big is in the line, in this case NIL money, etc.

So yeah I hope they learned.
You’d probably wind up at another dealership though … Which is exactly how some of these boosters are talking …

For example from a very generous booster to me:

“I’m tired of doing business with people who I think are way to stubborn, cocky, and continuously don’t deliver on what’s promised AND then they make me pay for a kid to go sit at home half the year??? Pay these kids to go get drunk and not show up against Penn freaking State at home!!!! I don’t continue to want to donate. It was great when we had Ayo, Trent, Damonte, Feliz, Kofi and others but last year I couldn’t stand watching that team and I have a feeling this year isn’t going to be any better especially after everyone gave that money for the Toledo kid Brad couldn’t stop talking about and then he’s making excuses for losing him. And that’s where I’m at with Underwood. He’s got a lot of relationships that need repaired and he hasn’t made an effort. I’ll be putting my money towards football until then.”
I realize money makes the world go around and I've had to bite my tongue on more than one occassion to keep the revenue coming in... But F**k this a**hole!
He's coming off as an entitled prick who thinks recruiting and coaching are his areas of expertise. Don't want to donate anymore? Then DON'T. Guess what... the only reason this douche has connections to the program is because of his money. If he didn't have that he'd just be lamenting his frustrations on a message board. I'm sure he's not in the inner circle because of his winning personality.

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I have to be honest. If I was a booster donating money to the NIL, and I observed Skye Clarke just up and leave town and still got paid everything,
I would have been done. I get the frustration they are feeling. I would have been irate.
I guess the question is… why did Skyy still get paid? Seems to me like any endorsement contract worth its salt, which these agreements are, would be contingent on the players actually, you know… playing. Whoever drew up Skyy’s contract had better not draw up any more.
I realize money makes the world go around and I've had to bite my tongue on more than one occassion to keep the revenue coming in.. But F**k this a**hole!
He's coming off as an entitled prick who thinks recruiting and coaching is his area of expertise. Don't want to donate anymore? Then DON'T. Guess what... the only reason this douche has connections to the program is because of his money. If he didn't have that he'd just be lamenting his frustrations on a message board. I'm sure he's not in the inner circle because of his winning personality.

Boosters having this much control is definitely a big negative of NIL. Id like to know what this guys reaction was when Skyy became available last year. Did Brad lead the way in the let’s get this Skyy kid or did people tell him he had to go after a prospect like that from his own state? If it’s the latter I’d understand the stubbornness more if you’re getting blamed for the kid leaving that other people told you to get. If it’s the former then he definitely deserves the blame. Either way it sounds like dealing with boosters in the NIL era is a nightmare cuz anything that goes wrong is so much worse cuz ppl are losing money from it.

We’ll see how this year goes, we won’t be winning the natty but I still feel like this roster has enough talent and experience to be pretty dang good. Hopefully these boosters are like people on here and if we make the sweet 16 all of our problems will magically go away.
I guess the question is… why did Skyy still get paid? Seems to me like any endorsement contract worth its salt, which these agreements are, would be contingent on the players actually, you know… playing. Whoever drew up Skyy’s contract had better not draw up any more.
Yeah is there some rule against that? Seems pretty obvious I’d think some rich guy would know to have some kind of clause in there
what's a bigger hassle: dealing with kids/young men, their camps or boosters? coaches get paid (a lot), but their liquor tab must be huge
NIL is phenomenal. Transfer rules are a mess.
Agreed but I have a hard time believing Skyy got bad still without playing a minute after January. Sounds like a contract that needs modified.
Agreed but I have a hard time believing Skyy got bad still without playing a minute after January. Sounds like a contract that needs modified.
I always suspected that Skyy’s NIL contract ended the moment Illinois’ season was over, thus why he Tweeted his decision to enter the portal within a minute after the Illini lost to Arkansas.
I realize money makes the world go around and I've had to bite my tongue on more than one occassion to keep the revenue coming in... But F**k this a**hole!
He's coming off as an entitled prick who thinks recruiting and coaching are his areas of expertise. Don't want to donate anymore? Then DON'T. Guess what... the only reason this douche has connections to the program is because of his money. If he didn't have that he'd just be lamenting his frustrations on a message board. I'm sure he's not in the inner circle because of his winning personality.
I don't agree with this at all, and to me it shines the spotlight on the major problem with NIL. College sports are now professional teams, but somebody else has to pay your players for you. It's ridiculous. Now I may be a hundredaire, but even I don't like wasting my quarters and dimes. If I'm paying your payroll, voluntarily, and I'm not getting a return, why would I keep volunteering to pay you?

It's really that simple. Being a rich donor doesn't obligate you to pay for something you aren't happy with. I think that guy or gal, would be more correct to turn around on you and say the exact same thing. You're basically saying stop whining about your wasted money and pay for someone else so my favorite team can win and I'll be happy.

This is how things have always worked. If the coach loses the donors, his days are likely numbered. It used to be they stopped paying kids under the table, now it is they stop providing NIL.
From what I’ve gathered … The roster is done unless someone new comes in the portal that would fit our needs and unless something happens with PT or NIL after a summer tour and the kid can graduate … I’d bet we’re done …
Could this apply to CoHawk since we didnt get a pg this summer yet?
You are an insider please tell Brad what did wrong to not get Dennis.
I am sure BU did all he could have done to get Ray J but sometimes that is not enough. Maybe Dennis did not want to be scoring option number three. After all, he waited until Shannon and Hawkins confirmed they were coming back and then he announced for Baylor. He might have been fine being option two but not three. Just like anyone else, the kid is going to do what he thinks is best for him and his future.
I always suspected that Skyy’s NIL contract ended the moment Illinois’ season was over, thus why he Tweeted his decision to enter the portal within a minute after the Illini lost to Arkansas.
I think that's what @Indy Illini Fan was alluding to with the booster who mentioned he was paying for a guy to sit half the season.
I don't agree with this at all, and to me it shines the spotlight on the major problem with NIL. College sports are now professional teams, but somebody else has to pay your players for you. It's ridiculous. Now I may be a hundredaire, but even I don't like wasting my quarters and dimes. If I'm paying your payroll, voluntarily, and I'm not getting a return, why would I keep volunteering to pay you?

It's really that simple. Being a rich donor doesn't obligate you to pay for something you aren't happy with. I think that guy or gal, would be more correct to turn around on you and say the exact same thing. You're basically saying stop whining about your wasted money and pay for someone else so my favorite team can win and I'll be happy.

This is how things have always worked. If the coach loses the donors, his days are likely numbered. It used to be they stopped paying kids under the table, now it is they stop providing NIL.
Yes… I can say those things. Brad probably can’t.

I agree they don’t have to pay for something they don’t like… but Brad or Bret doesn’t necessarily have to cater to the demanding whims of this dude, either. I guess it’s just how badly they want the money. And how badly this booster wants to be a high dollar insider.
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