Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Joel Goodson

Illinois fans: "We have to keep our talents in-state"

Also Illinois fans: "Are we sure we want #1 in-state talent Kendall Gill?"
Nobody wants to be 12 or 13th man or would be happy with that role but also it isn't a permanent assignment - players can change their role / position on the team by outworking other players. I have no idea how good Phoenix Gill is but wouldn't blink an eye at offering him a ride and having the conversation that minutes are earned. Based on earlier post about being number 1 player in the state indicates he deserves a look even if his last name isn't Gill.
Only on this board would we debate taking the #1 rated player instate, and a son of a legacy player...
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Handily omitting the fact that Gill wouldn't sniff #1 if Fears hadn't bolted.

Joel Goodson

So #2 then? You can only be ranked against the kids in the class that stay in Illinois. I'll take the #2 kid any day.

would you take Joe Putz if he was #1? the criteria should be if staff feels the kid can really help the team

used to be, #1 in the state was a no-brainer. nowadays (with a stream of top kids opting for prep schools), not nearly as much. clearly, with a kid like Morez: flippin' no-brainer

Joel Goodson

I'll seems we were ok with #2 Rez when JB was top ranked...also are you a pass on PG?

the number means very little to me

PG: I've been ultra clear on my posts that he falls into the not sure category for me. need to see more. need to see how he fares against better competition. I definitely like his trajectory. right now, he's not an automatic take or a pass. As I've said repeatedly, I hope he answers those questions resoundingly. I'd love him to keep blossoming and be a key part of the team.
the number means very little to me

PG: I've been ultra clear on my posts that he falls into the not sure category for me. need to see more. need to see how he fares against better competition. I definitely like his trajectory. right now, he's not an automatic take or a pass. As I've said repeatedly, I hope he answers those questions resoundingly. I'd love him to keep blossoming and be a key part of the team.
Have you seen him play?
Have you seen him play?
IMO it’s difficult to accurately judge a player that doesn’t consistently play against other potential high/Mid major D1 talents like playing in Eybl,3SSB,UAA or other AAU leagues.
Illinois should take the best possible players they can.

I like the odds that Phoenix falls in that category, and it’s low hanging fruit in a forest of very very high fruit. If he ends up not being a take, then so be it.

But there has to be some sort of value in taking a guy if he’s more easily gotten and moving resources to sign others, but I understand that probably isn’t a popular opinion.
That's fair...Kendall took a minute to blossom...I'm guessing Phoenix will blossom and rise....
would you take Joe Putz if he was #1? the criteria should be if staff feels the kid can really help the team

used to be, #1 in the state was a no-brainer. nowadays (with a stream of top kids opting for prep schools), not nearly as much. clearly, with a kid like Morez: flippin' no-brainer
If he is the #1 HS player in the state I would take him. I don't care what his name is. Probably a one or two and done.
Handily omitting the fact that Gill wouldn't sniff #1 if Fears hadn't bolted.
Well that changes everything let’s not take him!! Lmao he probably won’t work hard and just expect to be given playing time
IMO it’s difficult to accurately judge a player that doesn’t consistently play against other potential high/Mid major D1 talents like playing in Eybl,3SSB,UAA or other AAU leagues.
I don't disagree with this, but we can also look at the other end of the spectrum in that, those leagues, the defense is just bad. Now I'm sure there are players/teams/games that focus on defense, but I'm just stating what I see.
Handily omitting the fact that Gill wouldn't sniff #1 if Fears hadn't bolted.
...or that the 'argument' is "Saying he deserves a spot because of daddy is wrong and got us in trouble in the past."

This staff is amazing at talent identification & recruiting relationships. If he's good enough to play B10 ball and wants to come, I think we all agree to take him.

I'ma need the football season to start soon, we obviously have too much time on our hands.

Joel Goodson

Well that changes everything let’s not take him!! Lmao he probably won’t work hard and just expect to be given playing time

Comprehension is hard, eh?

My post was in response to those stating because he's #1 he should be an automatic take,
Comprehension is hard, eh?

My post was in response to those stating because he's #1 he should be an automatic take,

I think people had gotten used to the old days when the #1 player in the state was typically guaranteed to be an elite talent level. It's not really like that anymore with kids opting to move out of state to go play at the more high-profile academies and leagues and things.

Look at the Mr. Basketball winners in this state the last few years. Liddell was the last one that I would've considered a can't-miss college prospect. Even before him you had Mark Smith and Charlie Moore. Both decent college players, but not 'automatic take' kind of players.

I do think being KG's kid matters a lot, so not saying that at all.
I think people had gotten used to the old days when the #1 player in the state was typically guaranteed to be an elite talent level. It's not really like that anymore with kids opting to move out of state to go play at the more high-profile academies and leagues and things.

Look at the Mr. Basketball winners in this state the last few years. Liddell was the last one that I would've considered a can't-miss college prospect. Even before him you had Mark Smith and Charlie Moore. Both decent college players, but not 'automatic take' kind of players.

I do think being KG's kid matters a lot, so not saying that at all.
People are only looking at this from one point of view.

I personally find it insane to say, he's not good enough, but his dad was awesome, so he gets a scholarship. Just look at this off season, there was tons of conversation of we need to run someone off because we need the scholarship for a PG. Yes many times there is a guy or 2 on the end of the bench and it really means very little, but if Phoenix is #13 on the bench and we really need a scholarship are we going to run him off, or was his dad too good?

Then from his and his dad's perspective, is he going to want to go to a school where he doesn't play? or is he going to be excited to commit then find out, this stinks, I'm transferring?

That said, I personally like what I've seen from Gill. I think he will be a legit player worthy of a scholarship. He's just beginning his Jr year, so he's still got a long way to go, but he looked like the best player on the court in the State Finals last year. If he continues to improve, I don't think there will be any concerns about his scholarship, people will want him on the team.
...or that the 'argument' is "Saying he deserves a spot because of daddy is wrong and got us in trouble in the past."

This staff is amazing at talent identification & recruiting relationships. If he's good enough to play B10 ball and wants to come, I think we all agree to take him.

I'ma need the football season to start soon, we obviously have too much time on our hands.
My thoughts exactly. This discussion was ridculously boring.
Handily omitting the fact that Gill wouldn't sniff #1 if Fears hadn't bolted.
High school recruiting rankings aren't the most exact science but even if Gill was number 2 behind Fears he has offers from Iowa St and Northwestern too so he's a power conference caliber recruit.

If the Illini were swimming in 5 star recruits and you can't make a spot for Gill then it would make sense but he seems to fit in with a lot of the same caliber of recruits that Illinois gets probably in the same general talent type as Epps, Harris, DGL and better than Jaksty.

Id rather take Gill and see what happens then see him go to Purdue and be a star like Brian Cardinal or Robbie Hummel who both had Illinois ties. Worst case scenario he doesn't work out and transfers.
No one in their right mind would not take the number one player in Illinois. With that player's father being one of the best players in history and a great supporter of the program is an added bonus.

Oh there is plenty of reason not to take a player ... I don't care what they are ranked ... See: Dior Johnson most recently ...

However, we are talking about Kendall Gill's son here ... A very talented player who has a great head on his shoulders ...

If Phoenix played AAU ... All of you guys would be drooling so just relax ... The kid is a good player and will make a great addition to our team ...

Also - Brad loves Kendall ... Goes to his golf outing every single year and they talk often throughout the year ... Brad has known Phoenix since he got the job ... If Phoenix wants to play here, he will have the option to play here ...

Acting like we won't take a kid with the last name Gill for one of our roster spots ... Some of you guys are crazy ... :ROFLMAO: I would rather lose every game and watch Trent, Feliz and DMFW type of effort than the crap we had to watch at times last year ... Gill cares more about the name on the front of the jersey than the back ... Those are the guys Brad wants to go to battle with ...
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