Lovie Smith Named Illinois Football Coach

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I honestly think Lovie could be a great hire or just ho-humm. Depends on the staff. I am optimistic. I am happy they made the move either way. But he needs some recruiters to make this take off. (And a decent OC)


Chicago, IL
Great point made on Tay and Jay show (listening to the podcast), if Simon C doesn't start tweeting about his mistreatment, none of this happens.

Beckman and Thomas are still in Orange and Blue if he doesn't go on his twitter rant. Very true. Crazy to think about.
So if Lovie Smith is the guy, when can they make the announcement? Only after the papers are signed? Can Whitman make a statement before then? Obviously he has to go through all the HR hoops first...but have they already done that?

Does anyone remember how all this went down with Whitman? Obviously an AD is different than a coach, who may or may nor be a faculty member, depending on the university, etc. And faculty members go thrugh a tremendous selection--someone tolde and it made my head hurt. But coaches are different than ordinary faculty.

But I would bet donuts to Cheerios this is a done deal. You will hear an announcement this week. Certainly Whitman couldn't make the announcement on the same day as Cubit was canned. Some decorum must be observed.


Illinois the cover if both major news papers? That some good press and you see just see the excitement. I'm also going to look at season tickets now. First time I've done so in a long time.

Yeah, but Northwestern is still Chicago's B1G team :D


Houston, TX
:chief: Doin' the happy dance

Maybe not today, but I can remember countless SMS before a game saying how Illinois couldn't compete consistently with the Ohio states and the Michigans .

I always said "Why not? We're the 5th largest state in the union and we need to start acting like it . "

Thank you Lord that I got to live long enough to see this day. . I can only think what my friend Gary Ludwig would be thinking if he were alive today.

In Tate's defense, he hasn't seen it happen consistently in the 50+ years he has been here. And he hasn't been proven wrong yet. I can tell you that Tate would be thrilled if it did happen.
FSR103 the Lear will be back on the ground @ Willard today @ 12:10 p.m. Anybody going out to meet and greet??:D
Done. I can't imagine anyone else.

Now, I have a basketball game to go to. Can I hear an I-L-L-?
Is this a regularly scheduled flight? Is that plane turning around? If it's a charter , who else would be going from Champaign to Tampa Bay and back?

I really don't know. I would think it could be a normal destination. I wasn't sure Lovie would even be in Tampa anymore. But it looked interesting.


I really don't know. I would think it could be a normal destination. I wasn't sure Lovie would even be in Tampa anymore. But it looked interesting.

Good catch. I hope it is Lovie, at the very least to look around the facilities and talk to recruits, if they are still on their visits.
Is this a regularly scheduled flight? Is that plane turning around? If it's a charter , who else would be going from Champaign to Tampa Bay and back?

Maybe Cubit hired a local charter to fly him to Florida. His wife is there. I know Jimmy John likes Florida and is known to charter. I could go on.

That said, I wouldn't be surprised if it was new staff.


Clarification on buy out:

"It's good news for Smith but also for the Bucs — they were due to pay him $10 million over the next two years as part of the firing, but his contract has "offset" language that calls for the team to be reimbursed for any salary he earns from other jobs. It's reasonable to think the Glazer family, which owns the Bucs, would get half of that $10 million back, an unexpected bonus this late in the football hiring season."

Hope he keeps Phair who previously coached for him. Phair was getting it done.
I really don't know. I would think it could be a normal destination. I wasn't sure Lovie would even be in Tampa anymore. But it looked interesting.

As I understand it Lovie is still currently living in Tampa.

This is a private charter jet, this isn't some regularly scheduled route. Private jets go to various places for various reasons from Willard all the time, a lot of which have nothing to do with the University. But if Whitman were going to swing down to pick up Lovie on the University plane, this would be what it looks like.
As I understand it Lovie is still currently living in Tampa.

This is a private charter jet, this isn't some regularly scheduled route. Private jets go to various places for various reasons from Willard all the time, a lot of which have nothing to do with the University. But if Whitman were going to swing down to pick up Lovie on the University plane, this would be what it looks like.

Thanks for that info. I wasn't sure if he was in Tampa.


3rd Floor talbot lab
Is that the tail number for the Illinois plane though? I don't remember what the number was
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