Missouri 93, Illinois 71 Postgame

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This points to the fact that we couldn't hit the broad side of the barn. Wide open shots. When RJ's top of the back board three was followed up by the 10' short 3 by TSJ, it was obvious we were in for a long night.
RJs three off the side of the backboard started a fast break and easy basket for Miznoz. Can't get much worse than that.
This points to the fact that we couldn't hit the broad side of the barn. Wide open shots. When RJ's top of the back board three was followed up by the 10' short 3 by TSJ, it was obvious we were in for a long night.
I agree, and how many games has it been the same. Other than the UCLA game, TSJ from three is as likely to end up in the first row as it is to draw iron. RJ shot is incredibly inconsistent compared to last year. CoHawk is back to his old form from three, too much line drive. How many games have we heard illini are 0 for 10, 1 for 12, or 2 for 16 from 3. MM and Epps have the best strokes from 3. I know some on here have a problem with MM, but I do not know how many times I have seen him unguarded at the arch and nobody gets him the ball. MM is the only guy, sans Epps and maybe Skyy, I want being volume 3 shooters on this team at this time. I am sure MM is frustrated with not getting the ball when he is wide open on the wing or in the corner.
All I know is even though CH has pretty good handles, I still don't want my 6'10" center/forward bringing the ball up the court at any point unless he is running a fast break and happened to rebound the ball at the top of the key.

Been saying this for 2.5 years. Hawk puts the ball on the floor an awful lot when it’s not necessary and frequently foolish. Pass the ball to a legitimate guard and run down the court.
Hawkins can shoot, score inside and break guys down off the dribble. He's just not doing it.
Who @#$& knows?
But he's absolutely capable.

Break guys down off the dribble is not in his toolset. He’s a decent outside Shooter and he can score some points inside on putbacks. Do that and I’m happy. Breaking guys down off the dribble I’d be overjoyed.
Is preNIL era data relevant in an NIL era? Do we even know if IlliniNIL>NWNIL?
I mean do I have to explain my point? As a whole….. do we want to be as competitive as Northwestern? Pre-NIL, PostNIL, doesn’t matter. If people don’t give to the Guardians, based on how the season has met or not met their expectations, then we won’t compete, thus Northwestern.
Nice analysis and solutions

Having heard BU say “This is 100% on me”, more than once now, I wish he would finish the sentence with something like:

“AND and I will do my part to fix it by _________________”

Tiresome to hear someone in control take the blame for things under his/her control without articulating how to ensure it won’t happen again.

Identify the problem, devise a set of solutions, implement them.

That’s what good managers do when things head south.
Maybe he doesn’t want to air brutal truths in public. Most importantly he took ownership as the leader. That’s the first step and I’d be worried if he didn’t.
Any good defense requires great communication.
Yes I noticed a couple of times last night when miz players made simple cuts from one side to the other corner our guys didn't seem sure on who they should cover. The guy they were on or the one that just went by them. When this happened someone ended up wide open for a shot. Sometimes they realized it and made us pay and sometimes they didn't catch it. If we can't communicate and keep track of people away from the ball we are way behind the eight ball.
If Terrance guarding Kobe Brown the whole game no way he goes for 30, we’re trying to play so many different ways. Simply the game for the freshman, Brad needs to put his players in better positions to succeed and he needs to shorten the rotation imo, need to let our studs get in rhythm. Honestly getting blown out by missouri that last 13 mins was the only time Brad just left one lineup out there and they found a rhythm. I understand everyone wants sincere in all the time he’s fine in spurts right now but him and Ty can’t be in together imo. Atleast not yet until Ty is commanding respect on the offensive end. I hope this team stays together, last year UNC was about to miss the tourney but they clicked at the right time and it was mainly because Hubert went with his iron 5, we can’t do that now at this point in the season but need to simplify as much as we can.
That’s right.
Any, scheme under the sun isn’t gonna work unless we fix what is ailing us first.

I don’t buy that our switching
Man defense is what is throwing us off/making it harder to know/tell who is accountable. It should be fairly straight forward. Switching is supposed to be easier in most ways. It would have to be
easier to teach than the full-on Martin ‘17 stuff.

Plenty of teams have certainly had plenty of success switching. Clearly, we thought we had comparable personal that could pull it off. We no doubt had a switching scheme in mind when we acquired and recruited the people that we did…lengthy, quick, athletic, dudes…1-5 (for the most part)

Its obviously, possible to devise something specific for certain teams and then for whatever reason it just doesn’t work out. Sampson, had an aggressive team M2M team at OU that couldn’t quite pull it off. Then he ended up scrapping it and going. to a 2-3 zone like most of the rest of the season. So it happens. Likewise, Brad has pulled back from his schemes and charted a new course mid-stream as we all know.

But I just do not think this is what the problem is here. The immediate issue is the:attitude/chemistry/focus/toughness/
and give-damn of everyone. Like you said.
This is it!!!☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️
We gotta stop switching every screen. It lets the opponent get whatever matchup they want. It also takes away from our own tenacity. There is something be said for fighting through screens and shutting your man down.
It would also go a long ways towards not getting blown out with Skyy on the floor.
This feels like the day after Christmas. A Christmas where you woke up and didn't have any presents under the tree.

Between tickets, gas, lodging, food, and about 87 Bud Lights, I spent a small fortune on this game and ended up leaving it with about 8 minutes left.

Obviously we're broken but I don't think we're in tear it down and start over mode like many have said. Maybe more like blow on the cartridge and restart it.

Just have a few guys right now playing for the wrong I.

Honestly, I think we should get back to a more traditional man to man. There's not enough accountability with this defense. No pride.

Still think we become a solid team by year's end.
I agree, and how many games has it been the same. Other than the UCLA game, TSJ from three is as likely to end up in the first row as it is to draw iron. RJ shot is incredibly inconsistent compared to last year. CoHawk is back to his old form from three, too much line drive. How many games have we heard illini are 0 for 10, 1 for 12, or 2 for 16 from 3. MM and Epps have the best strokes from 3. I know some on here have a problem with MM, but I do not know how many times I have seen him unguarded at the arch and nobody gets him the ball. MM is the only guy, sans Epps and maybe Skyy, I want being volume 3 shooters on this team at this time. I am sure MM is frustrated with not getting the ball when he is wide open on the wing or in the corner.
Illini 3 point shooting
Texas 10-23 43.5%
UCLA 12-25 48.0%

Maryland 5-25 25%
Penn State 7-23 30.4 %
Missouri 7-31 22%

Unless you got Kofi putting in 25 a night, not going to win many games shooting 30% or less from beyond the arc.
A massive injection of "chemistry" or esprit de corp isn't going to help much.
Illini 3 point shooting
Texas 10-23 43.5%
UCLA 12-25 48.0%

Maryland 5-25 25%
Penn State 7-23 30.4 %
Missouri 7-31 22%

Unless you got Kofi putting in 25 a night, not going to win many games shooting 30% or less from beyond the arc.
A massive injection of "chemistry" or esprit de corp isn't going to help much.
I would like for someone to compare Mayer’e 3pt percentage to the rest of the teams over those same games. He needs to be shooting more. Shannon driving more. Dain setting screens and the FR playing defense developing.
Offensive The ball movement is atrocious. We have way too much dribbling with no purpose. 5 out is not working. 1 in 4 out with has proved effective at times. As a coach, plays are designed and scripted for shots to be taken by your best shooter at their best spot on the floor. Currently, this boils down to trust. I do not see the players trusting they will get an opportunity for the ball to come back to them. Everyone we play from here on out knows to chase us off the 3 point line (look at our shot selection). We have people camping around the 3 point line and very little ball screens. Our back door cuts are really non existent as we camp. There is no crispness to our offense. Pass and Cut, penetrate the elbows, dribble with a purpose, (if you can not get anywhere with 2 dribbles in the half court then give the rock up. Let's get the ball up the floor and pass to the guy ahead of you. The number one rule should with this team should be about transition. We have to be the fastest team free throw line to free throw line. Defense to offense and offense to defense. Fast break up the side line, big guys fill the lane. Reverse the basketball with a high ball screen and penetrate. Mayer as a 4 works well in this set up. He can slip the ball screen for a 3 at the head of the key. Mayer should be setting more ball screens if he is our best 3 point shooter. Our offense is not getting much in the way of mismatches and not forcing the defense to cave thru penetration which would allow for more wide open 3's. Skyy has the game to make all this work. Epps has the game to make this work.

Defense We need a couple of schemes in my opinion. Switching is fine sometimes. The other team knows what match ups they want so if all you do is switch they eventually have the ball in the hands of the guy they want to shoot. How about no switching sometime? How about switching defensive scheme when you come out of a time out.

For me the mark of a good team and coach is execution out of the time out. Do the players know and deliver out of a time out? We seem to have no adjustment in this area. BU can not do it all. The players have got to 'wanna'. Everyone has to do their part. The purpose is lost right now on the little things which contribute in a big way. I think back to one of the close games and Dainja was after a loose ball and dove our a player to go to the floor to secure a loose ball. My thoughts at the time were 'holy smoke' Brad just has a way of instilling a mentality of a warrior. We are lost on this right now and that has to be frustrating for him with no one to show leadership in this area.

We have a long way to go to get where we all want to be. The process will win the day as we have talent. Hard work beats talent when talent does not work hard. BU will get this team where it needs to be and I hope it is in time to make this a rewarding season beyond UCLA and Texas.
Yeah but for who?

We can rhapsodize about Harris' effort all we like, but he is an extremely limited player at this stage in his development. Rodgers is the definition of a lost freshman. Dainja's getting all the minutes his conditioning can handle. Epps plays a ton. You really want Lieb and Paxton Warden out there?

We need Shannon, Mayer and Hawkins to decide they enjoy being the alpha dogs of Illinois Basketball. Send them on a skiing trip together or something, I dunno, it looks like those guys don't even talk to each other.
Then bench them. I have no problem with that. We aren't winning we with them so what's the worst without them?
Illini 3 point shooting
Texas 10-23 43.5%
UCLA 12-25 48.0%

Maryland 5-25 25%
Penn State 7-23 30.4 %
Missouri 7-31 22%

Unless you got Kofi putting in 25 a night, not going to win many games shooting 30% or less from beyond the arc.
A massive injection of "chemistry" or esprit de corp isn't going to help much.
And, in both the Texas and UCLA games we had a guy go unconscious from deep, hitting tough contested 3's. TSJ vs UCLA and Mayer vs Texas.

The shot quality wasn't better, we just made them. I've been long saying that the offense is stagnant and doesn't create good looks. I'm not sure what they are supposed to be running, but they mostly stand around.
And, in both the Texas and UCLA games we had a guy go unconscious from deep, hitting tough contested 3's. TSJ vs UCLA and Mayer vs Texas.

The shot quality wasn't better, we just made them. I've been long saying that the offense is stagnant and doesn't create good looks. I'm not sure what they are supposed to be running, but they mostly stand around.
exactly! the numbers explain it simply - live or die by the 3 pt shot.
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