Old-age Anon....(OA)



Paducah, Ky

Evening ,Old-Age salt of the earth peeps.........As you can see by my pic here and what my pic at 5:42 AM this morning looks like, I have made a rebound from my state of mind earlier........A lot of it had to do with the electric pace of the overall board today........Fast paced and MATURE.....I like it ....I really really do....
Now, I did have a gin 2L and a 4:20 break that always lift those doldrums away........I didn't go overboard like I did the day kofi entered the portal ......That was ghastly actions on my part....

You see, I might have MATURED some this last few days and the evening I did my purge gif-ting really helped.....A cleansing of all baggage still being dragged around by me since the debacle in the tourney....MATURED since the 3 AC's left, and the continuing carousel for the AC3 , who I think we all know who that is....

But , when you wake up feeling lethargic and a little off bubble, the old ways can seep in and take over , as it did to me this morning.....I'm sorry if I ruined anyone's morning with my pity " I feel old today "" party....I'll try to do better....I really really will....

The overwhelming activity of the board swept me up in a euphoric funnel of whirlwind epic proportions....Who could resist the great points being made and the absolute terrific gif-ting being done....Concise and thoughtful gif-ting is the only way to go.....

Now , there was someone out of sight to the board that had some input to my emotional recovery today...


"" pru, when you hurt, I hurt....When your sad, I;m sad......When your anything, so am I....Right next to you sharing these magical moments in time together.....I love you , you silly hunnybunny...."""


"" Wow, I'm the luckiest man alive..........I feel young again.....................Wow...........""
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Paducah, Ky
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morning all lover's of life.............Looking at the clock it says 3 :32 AM......Sade singing to me her awesome "" Love Deluxe "" CD................3 hours of sleep.....
not rem sleep.....3 hours of sleep punctuated by 3 trips on the pee parade...grunting and straining to get every droplet of urine out of my finely tuned body and then return to my slumberless ways of passing time until I know it's time to drag out of bed and face another day.......

This morning I passed the time in the interim between semi sleep and getting out of bed by gazing at the beautiful woman laying beside me.....Her effortlessness in sound sleeping is another one of her tendencies that I envy......I got comfortable and just watched her silhouette rising and falling with each breath......Laying on her back and with the light coming from a small hallway lamp, it afforded me the opportunity to watch in wonderment at the beauty of her breasts move up and down with each breath.....It was as if time had stopped and the only space in the universe was our bedroom.....

You know those situations where you are afraid to move and maybe spoil the moment.......Up and down , each corresponding intake and release of air was accompanied by a soft moan, telling me she was dreaming.....Now, as any man will tell you, we yearn for our lady to dream about us in a romantic frame of mind....Of course , I started to intently listen to hear anything that might give me an indication of who, what , where , her mind was at.......

Then it happened.....it occurred , without warning.........................I leaned in close....................................................................................Then I understood what it was....

I HAD TO PEE AGAIN....................................................

So, the moral to the post is ...............enjoy those silhouetted mornings with your woman's breasts jiggling to each lung function , because you never know when your old-age burden's will snuff out what is and for me this morning , was one of the beauties of LIFE....

Grab those moments.............savor the beauty that your now see , that in distant days you glossed over.....The important things in life are right in front of you.....Don't miss out on them thinking there will be time later...........This is another step in my MATURITY.........valuing what has value........


Morning pru, how did you sleep ????...I want to tell you , I felt like I was being watched last night in my dream, but I knew you were beside me to shelter me from all harm.....................love you hunnybunny..............


Should I tell her it was me watching her ....watching her breasts magnificently sway, hypnotizing me in the dark....making my own breath short and clammy sweat on my brow........
Hey hunnybunny.......you got any plans this morning ????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Paducah, Ky

Evening all....hope today was a good day to you and all those you hold close to your heart.........here's some tidbits from my day.....

After my post this early AM , my lady and I spent some quality time together ( wink wink )....Any time with her is quality time, but some are more quality than other times ....and that's all I'm gonna say bout that ..........

@ 8:15am I called and talked to my 92 year old poppa-san.....my pet name for my father........My dad.........92 years old.....if Old-Age Anon was a corporation , he would be CFO....CEO....COO...whatever ..............................He is now in a nursing home up in So. Illinois.........He stayed up until midnight last night watching the Cardinals-Giants game .....wow....we talked baseball, as we always do, and he still has a sharp wit about him....I love him so much......We talked for about 15 minutes , then he had some therapy to do . so we hung up then.........

Then I called my 91 year old Mom.......Mother........Mama.........................She lives in the assisted living facility that dad was also at until he needed more assistance at the nursing home........................We butt heads occasionally.......Well, more than occasionally....We both know we love each other , but it's more of "" Son, I'm telling you to do this for your own good "" thing with her , as opposed to my dad and I just hangin out ...two bud's talkin ...............................


"" I love it when he talks to and about his parents.....My man is pure pru, through and through......sweetness personna-fied........kisses pru....""


The moral of this post , is that you can always find someone in your life OLDER than you , that can bring a smile to your face just when you need one.....who can inspire you to maintain in the chaotic days we all have from time to time ......I always am uplifted after I talk to my folks and I'm so happy they are still here with me to enjoy......


Paducah, Ky
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Morning all......................Yep, it's gonna be a long day here for me......I feel bloated , no , I feel inflated....Yep, thats it ...INFLATED........

Not :
gas inflation....
pepto bismol adjectives

over eating

NO....nothing like that.....I feel like someone took an air hose and crammed it into one of my orifice's and went to 50 PSI and is laughing behind my back......

See....that's another thing about Old-Age complications....you think somebody is secretly after you to ruin every waking moment in your life......Being a life-long proud soul capable of fighting off all of this life's tremors and eruptions, it is satisfying to know I have at least one person in my life that won't do something dastardly to me ....................


"" Hey pru......what time is it baby ?????......Can't sleep again ????....Need mamma's help ?????........come here hunnybunny ""........


""OK babe.....here I cum....."" ( I like to give her the " EYES " look before we mate )

The moral to this story of life once again is at any moment in time your fortune's can change for the better.........A glass half full approach to life is the only way I could ever live....Yes, I have ambitions, pride and hopes......I never have stopped in my quest for whatever I thought I needed , but I have always been happy with things and realized their fulfillment , instead of ignoring their effects.....


Old-Age is not my master...........
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Paducah, Ky
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morning all.........................Well, where to start ??....................My last post yesterday was @ 2:45 pm............Started feeling a little odd, kinda strange even with my post in this thread yesterday morning about feeling inflated......Kept reading the interesting posts about Kofi and Garcia, trying to stay abreast with the coming's and going's all Illini related.....
As the afternoon wore on , the feelings worsened....I'm thinking, Old-Age sucks....it really really does....How your condition changes more abruptly as you get older....In our youth, our prime, we just shrugged off the ill effects and charged on , b/c we could , with relative ease........Let me clue those of you who are still in their youthful prime age, enjoy it, cause it will change......Nobody is immortal....nobody can stop the aging of the body and mind....You might have less complications than others, and bless your heart if you are one of them , but the last 12 hours has been an adventure I don't want to travel again....


Take your time baby.......There's no rush, but I know you want your friends to know what's up with you.....I'm here if you need me....Ok ??


She's such a sweet soul......Ok babe .......I'll call you if I need you .......

I had to go lay down in bed after my 4:20 appt.......Felt a little better , but as time wore on I kept getting worried about the numbness in my hands and then I looked at my legs and feet..........WOW...........Popeye after spinach ingestation look......SWOLLEN.....NFL TACKLE LEGS........Had a pee parade attack and as I was putting on my house shoes . it hit me ......CHARLEY HORSE in my right leg.....Those that make you want to scream at the top of your lungs painful......
I had 3-4 more charley horse's in both legs over the course of the evening , so my evening was crap......I had already called my doctor's office and made an appt for today 7-9-21 , but I seriously considered an ER visit last night.......Finally the swelling and charley horses went down to a tolerable level and I got a couple hours sleep....

So, here I am @ 4:35 am typing to my bros about my dilemma.....I hope you all are safe and happy in your life....it's a gift ....LIFE......A gift that I want to continue to enjoy....I have the doctor's appt at 11:15am this morning so I will update later on .......

Peace out..............................


Please keep pru in your thoughts and best wishes......He cares so much for all of the beloved Illini Nation.....He really really does .....


Paducah, Ky
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You know,................................This Old-Age crap is really starting to frost my gonads.....It really really is , and IF you have ever had frosted gonads , then you know it's not a top ten pleasurable activity to have thrust upon you......

Here's the NOT TOP TEN FUN FACTS ABOUT OLD-AGE..........................

10............farts stink more
9.............clothes stop fitting properly
8.............foods I like now don't like me
7.............less friends to call and shoot the s**t with
6.............your doctor is on your x-mas card mailing list
5.............smoking more and enjoying it less
4.............smoking more and enjoying it more
3.............BM's now means BM now.......stay close to crapper
2............pee parades are a nightly thing without floats and scantily clad women

1............sex is just another 3 letter word used infrequently

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So, I hope I helped one person today with what to look for as the days fly by......


Paducah, Ky
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Another 4:30 am wakeup call for me and I am feeling somewhat better this morning........I had 3 chest xray's and 3 vials of blood drawn after my doctor's appt yesterday morn.......We discussed my psoriatic arthritis problems and he listened to my lings with the cold steel stethoscope shivering me timbers....lol....

I love early morning Old-Age humor........sometimes.........................

After listening to my lungs , Dr. Shaddup N. Bendover said I had fluid in my lungs.....????......What ???????.........Could that be a cause of my shortness of breath , I asked ????.....He answered........maybe...........what ??????...........This is the problem I have and have always had with the medical profession.......It's done by...........

Trial and Error........Let's try this , and if it doesn't work , then let's try that ...........OK , I get it ....It's not an exact science, but these trials and errors aren't cheap.....

Anyway, I went on line last night to view my chest xray 's and blood work and I'm happy to say nothing was found outside of the TRIAL and ERROR range.....let's keep that T & E metaphor handy as it will be mentioned numerous times in the days ahead......My doctor had a gleam in his eyes when he talked about xrays and blood work, ,like it was a heroin or crack fix imminent............

Ever feel like a test tube mold culture grown only for experimentation by the current Dr . Frankenstein's of the world......Their beady little eyes concocting ways to manipulate DNA and stem cells to create a new species of humanoids capable of ruling the world.....mmmmmmmkaaaaayyyy......


"" pru, did you eat something that was hot and spicy last night.....you are in a turrible mood aren't you....???....""


Haha.....She knows I ate something hot and spicy , that little vixen......Ya gotta love her.......EVERY CHANCE YOU GET.........mmkay !!!!

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So, the moral to the post today is ........eh, whatever you want it to be.....I will NOT be a TRIAL and ERROR thread starter.....Not my job............


Hot and spicy is the only flavors of Old-Age life for me..........................


Paducah, Ky

migraine headache overload since 2 pm yesterday.......will post again when feeling better..............


he's not feeling good at all guys.......I'm going to hold him close today to share his pain.....my pru.....my man....


Paducah, Ky
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Hey gang.......This was how I had felt for the last 24 hours.....The worst migraine in the history of the UNIVERSE.....or at least my history.....I tried 2 Excedrin Migraine pills.....then 2 more 3 hours later.....Then an anti-anxiety pill Dr. Shaddup N. Bendover prescribed for me last month....I didn't share that with you all here as I didn't want you to think I had some kind of Old-Age problem like.......well , you know what they are........

Let's just say it's not dementia , and it's not enough 4:20.....Okey dokey ???

Anyway , I tried more crap , as this migraine was a ballbuster in that I couldn't eat....sleep....watch tv......listen to my music......post intelligent text and gif-s..........as if I ever did ............................

I was at my wit's end until I remembered what my dad told me he did for migraine........pour rubbing alcohol on a rag and sniff it for about 4 minutes......
then have a pan of water boiling on the stove , then turn it to simmer, and get a dish towel and lean over and breath in the misty brew......

GUESS WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...................................Did you guess yet...??????.............. time running out for your guess...........................................................................

It worked ...........................well, I also had a large gin 2LL drink and a 4:20 timeout...............Anyway , my head is back to it's regular abnormal state and doesn't hurt like b4............................

See, that's the thing about getting old .....you have remedies for almost everything that medically affects the carbon unit species but the many years of existence cloud over some of the important things in our memory banks........

I am so happy to have my lady by my side to build me up when I break down....to break me down when I build myself up too much.......my anchor, my rock....


There is nowhere else on earth where I want to be , only beside you , my pru, my man, my completion of this life.....I love you with all my heart......


The moral of today's post is simple.........Migraine's are a !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!......................But , they will pass with plenty of gin and 420 and the love of a great lady.....


"" Come hither Studmuffin...................""


I'm her personal studmuffin......and I like it............................A lot.....................


Paducah, Ky
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Does it seem to you , that the older you get , the more intense pain is ?????...............
Seems to me that ailments I have been experiencing lately have a more significant intenseness than ever before.....
This migraine episode is bewildering......Intense pain from Saturday @ 2 pm until @ 1 pm Sunday.....Then whack , hits again @ 7pm last night.....

I had a large mixed drink and two excedrin migraine pills at 2 AM today and finally got some sleep , but here it is 10:30 am and pain is back....Looks like a laydown day for old-age pru.........


I got ya babe.......need a massage or just let me rub your temples....we WILL get through this, my love.....


OK babe.....Loyalty friends....I love this board, so keep me in your thoughts and hopefully I will be able to participate soon.....



Paducah, Ky
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Good morning Old-Age members.........it's a beautiful morning .......i say that because I have been without the dastardly migraine headache for over 12 hours now......I hope it is in my rear view mirror and stays there...it sapped the crap out of me and my aura...and I need all the aura I can get and hold onto....

Speculating on life as i frequently do, there are times when distant memories come to mind for no apparent reason....I was laying down watching TV last night and a flood of childhood memories came to me , catching me off guard with what they represented and why I was having them.....

The first memory is probably the earliest memory I can recall without hypnosis......I was in a plastic swimming pool around the age of 3....you know those pools where the water never covers the crack of your buttocks completely....Anyway, i'm setting there watching my parents, their brothers and sisters and a lot of my cousins just be naturally boondocky.....I see one of uncles playing with a rooster....he always was messing around with the barnyard animals....I don't know why, but I asked him years later and he didn't want to talk about it at all....I thought that was strange, but who am I to judge ??

So he has the rooster in both hands and then he starts to twirl the rooster like a baton and then he snaps his hand back and , voila , the chicken lands on his feet and starts running around my pool....i thought , now that was a feat made for tv.....maybe The Ed Sullivan Show......That rooster ran at least 15-20 times around my pool , graceful as could be....then I noticed something.....My uncle had the rooster's head in one of his hands ......then I looked at the rooster and he had blood shooting up from his neck like an oil rig that had just struck oil, only his oil was red and when it ran out , he slumped down and kicked a couple times .....then it was over.....

Funny how you remember those fun times , as I'm sure I laughed along with the rest of my family at the funny looking headless rooster trying to break the sound barrier.....

The moral to today's vignette is to never let my uncle get his neck snapping hands on you and sometimes it's best to not ask questions about animals and relatives.....


Memories....the gift that keeps me up at night.................


Paducah, Ky
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Been a great day whether you are young or old-age to be an Illini fanatic.......I only have a few years left on this dimensional plane , so i would like to experience the thrill of the beloved win their first NCAA Men's BB championship...Some say we already have decades ago , but I want one that nobody can dispute....

That thrill I got when my beloved St. Louis Blues won their first Stanley Cup or the NUMEROUS time my beloved St.Louis Cardinals won a world series.....

We , as Illini fans deserve it , don't we ???To have put up with so much crap from the likes of SATAN , Booby Knight, Digger Phelps and the slimy lot of them , we should get the last laugh on those punk azz mfers................................

I'm gonna do some celebrating tonight with my lady and dream good thoughts about Kofi and his friday decision......Later dudes and dudettes....


Dreams are gonna be much later tonight baby......cum to mama.......Pucker up them sweet pru lips ........yummy.............


This is what it means to be in love, not lust , but love , unconditionally , with your soulmate.........See you all tomorrow....have a soulful night ....


Paducah, Ky
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Good morning Old-Age folks.......Hope all is bright in your sphere of life.......

I was sitting here watching the joy and fast paced action of this board regarding the Epps commit and questions concerning Kofi's decision coming up , when i get a text from my all time bestest friend since the 5th grade ....That's a friend for almost 60 years.......We have experienced so much together , from the 60's free love drug culture and all that entails through the years of our kids growing up around each other , etc etc....

His text stated he was going to be admitted to the hospital in Mt. Vernon , Il.......He has a lot of health issues and had been telling me in our phone calls every couple of days apart that his asthma had been concerning him.....So, he goes to his doctor and gets examined and the doctor was getting ready to end the visit and reached out to shake my bud's hand and stated it felt warm....he checked further and found sweaty palms and ended up sending my bud to the hospital.......This is where it gets interesting....The hospital had no beds available ....they checked other hospitals nearby and all of the hospitals from mt. vernon to St. Louis were full.....Seems there has been an outbreak of the covid 19 " Delta variant " in this area......Did you know that ?????

Well anyway, back to my bud.....they put him in a bed in a HALLWAY with all kinds of wires , tubes etc and concluded his heart has been beating twice the normal amount for 3 weeks and his blood is now a 40W version of pennzoil and are worried about blood clots....he is the same age as me , 69-70 yrs old......

We texted back and forth , then he called me and we had a heart to heart for about 45 minutes........... If you follow this thread then you know my feelings about the medical profession ....there are many fine people that work in this profession , but at the age of development of civilization in the year 2021 we still are experiencing the TRIAL and ERROR mentality of centuries ago when Rose Hips was given for any malady known.....

The moral of my story today is to embrace your health....Good health , bad health...........Embrace it , shield it from whatever looks to strip your dignity, your positive outlook on life.....The older I get the younger I want to think......Mind over matter works , just doesn't last as long as it did when I was younger....

Face it....We can't trade this model body in for a new one as we have done for our transportation mode's.......If this body model breaks down , we have to rely on the medical mechanic's to repair and get us back running again.......

GOOD LUCK ........................................................................................


Everyone have good thought's about my pru's bud ....He's a good guy like my man is ..........Later..................


Paducah, Ky
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Morning all.....................Whew, it's been a roller coaster here with the Kofi chaos and Chester Frazier being the OXI-MAN and cleaning up in the recruiting arena.....But, your not here for that stuff....Plenty of other threads to rabble about those subjects......

Let's get to the juicy Old-Age tidbits that keep you coming back for more emotional abuse......................

I last spoke about my bud from grade school and his continuing problems with ailments....In the post above I left off where he was in a hallway and tubes and wires everywhere....He called me yesterday @ 3pm and told me how his night and day had gone so far......

His B/P usually is 125/84 and he said he started to have problems breathing so he pushed the nurse's button and 15 minutes later he said he had 4 nurses and a doctor around his bed frantically doing whatever they do in that situation......He said he was real light headed and heard a nurse tell the doctor his b/p was 60/30.....................................My bud said " What ?????????????????? " He then said he kinda started to black out and thought his time was up on earth..........I'm getting nervous and mad as he is retelling his misadventures with the medical professionals....

Finally , he said he started to feel better and his b/p had raised back to his normal levels....What they had done was give him meds to thin his 40w pennzoil blood down , but gave him to much and almost lost him........He was feeling better as of 8pm last night but had to stay another night....I am awaiting his contacting me today so hopefully he will get to go home today......I'm worried as he is my best bud and as loyal and laid back as they come....If you knew him you would want him as a friend, I'm sure of that.............

So, I lean back in bed , can't sleep b/c of all the noise about my bud and I look over and it's my lady , laying there @ midnight, in heavy slumber , with those fantastic breasts heaving and swaying to and fro , mesmerizing me with each breath ....................................RING !!!!!....My phone...............I look at the screen....................NOOOOOOO...............................It's my former lady friend calling me .................................This can't be happening........................RING # 2...............
I don't dare answer...................I'm frozen , can't move.....afraid to do anything to wake up my beautiful soulmate, the lady I have waited my whole life for...............RING # 3................................sweat popping out over my brows...............................holding my breath, not moving at all.....................Finally, .....................................SILENCE......................I lean back on my pillows , thanking the Ancients for their help (?).............I look over to my lady...................


"" Who was that pru ,.........baby ?????? ""...................................I didn't say a word.....tongue tied was my best course of action .....or so I thought.......She leaned up, looked at my phone , and wouldn't you know it, the caller ID was as bright as a summer's day , showing the former's name and #......


I tried to explain , but as you can see above, it was to no avail.......Those eyebrow's can bust gonads in record time.........Needless to say , sleep was at a minimum the rest of the night........I heard words I didn't even think my current lady knew let alone would say........


As you can see , I'm a total wreck.....no sleep................soulmate upset...............my bud still in the hospital....to top all this off , Spotify was down when I came down to fix coffee and read Loyalty this morning....I think she is getting over her anger as she did pass by me without calling me a name.....

Oh well, the moral of this story is.................You might think you got it bad.....Well , maybe somebody else has it worse than you .....so keep plugging away everyone, and I learned a valuable lesson last night....make sure to block all former lady friends # 's so you don't get busted gonads later on....

Peace out oldsters................................
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Paducah, Ky
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Hello everyone....................................The air has been chilly here at the pruman91 Old-Age home the last few hours.......As you may remember I was in a cauldron of boiling water due to the fact that my old and feeble mind didn't block out calls from a former lady friend....Read the sordid facts in the post above if you have the courage....

We are on speaking terms again , but the frosty tone of her voice tells me flowers and a dinner out on the town might be in order....I've been so worried about my bud from my childhood and his travails with the medical mafia that I have not taken care of my own business and that's on me...Never again will I let my guard down as my lady means so much to me to not jeopardize it with my ignorance.........Anyway, here's the latest on my bud.......

he called me yesterday @ 11am and said he had another rough night with , at one time , 8 nurses and 3 doctors in his room at the same time....Blood pressure was fluctuating around 90/50 and he was trying not to throw up from the nausea ..........Finally , they got him stabilized @ 120/80 and he said he started to feel a little better..........I changed the subject to get his mind off of his problems and started talking about our trip to Florida on spring break in the year 1970.........

We started out from Southern Illinois full of piss and vinegar, both of our hair down almost to our waist........As we piled up in his car I asked him what route were we taking ....He said " How about the scenic route ? "....I said ok with me....we had plenty of 420 and other necessary condiments to make the trip enjoyable , so off we go.......About an hour into the trip he said he needed to pee so we pulled off the road and took care of business....When we got back in the car i noticed he had put his hair in a ponytail and stuffed the ponytail inside of his shirt and had put on a John Deere ball cap.......
Hmmmmm......OK , wonder whats up with that ???.....We proceeded down the highway listening to some jams and then he said we needed gas....so we pull into an old country store type station in Kentucky and out comes Mr. Redneck personna-fied ....The dude looks at me and spits some toxic looking fluid in my direction and then goes on to where my bud is standing and starts talking to my bud like they are best friends.......my bud had a great laugh with doing that and it was nice to hear him laugh about it last night as we have had many great times in our history together........

When we pulled onto the beach at Fort Lauderdale it was still dark , so we pulled the car as close as possible to the water's edge, got out onto the hood of the car and watched the most beautiful sunrise possible....I had never seen the ocean before and to see that orange ball of fire rise over the horizon was mind blowing....We were pretty stoned anyway but that sunrise was the epitome of being high......

My bud thinks he will have to stay until Monday before he will be released , so , I have fingers crossed that he has a full recovery from his woes....

The moral of this story is to remember those things in your life that awed you more than anything else.....the sunrise,.... watching my children being born........playing music onstage and people applauding you.......things that matter helps me deal with today's turmoil.....hope you can do the same..

Peace out...................



Paducah, Ky
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Hey all.............I've been up since 3 am this morning , worrying about my bud , and my lady and I had a reconciliation meeting this morning (wink wink), so I'm kinda punchy, but I doubt anyone will know any difference....My , my , that was a long sentence wasn't it ???

OK......I called my bud @ 7pm last night and he told me about his Thursday night and Friday travails in the medical dungeon.......Said he had a pee parade @ 3am thursday morning and he buzzed for the nurse, as he has to have a nurse with him if he gets out of bed.....doctors orders........They have him wearing a cpap mask, so he takes it off, does his biz and then the nurse puts his mask back on .......But , she didn't align it properly so he goes 3+ hours breathing wrong..........His doctor comes in @ 6:30am and has a fit....My bud said it was funny how mad the doctor was and the doctor stormed off looking to chew butt....Don't you love hospital humor, especially when a person's life is at risk.....This is why I hate the medical profession......But , it's a necessary affliction that we need and i guess they are doing the best they can , or are they ?????

he said his Friday was ok, still feeling weak and doctor said he will have to stay until Monday before even considering letting him go home ....The A-Fib dilemma still has them perplexed as to the right dosage of meds to give to regulate his pulse and heartbeat....

I am so glad that my lady and I have gotten over the hump of the former lady friend calling me at midnight that one night.....We spent quality time together this morning and I feel we are closer now than before........I hope we are , as she is my light , my lover's rock, shelter from the storm......


""Hey pru, I need some help here baby......"""


"" Cumming baby........""""".........................I love this life I have now...............................


One day at a time.........


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Hey all.............I've been up since 3 am this morning , worrying about my bud , and my lady and I had a reconciliation meeting this morning (wink wink), so I'm kinda punchy, but I doubt anyone will know any difference....My , my , that was a long sentence wasn't it ???

OK......I called my bud @ 7pm last night and he told me about his Thursday night and Friday travails in the medical dungeon.......Said he had a pee parade @ 3am thursday morning and he buzzed for the nurse, as he has to have a nurse with him if he gets out of bed.....doctors orders........They have him wearing a cpap mask, so he takes it off, does his biz and then the nurse puts his mask back on .......But , she didn't align it properly so he goes 3+ hours breathing wrong..........His doctor comes in @ 6:30am and has a fit....My bud said it was funny how mad the doctor was and the doctor stormed off looking to chew butt....Don't you love hospital humor, especially when a person's life is at risk.....This is why I hate the medical profession......But , it's a necessary affliction that we need and i guess they are doing the best they can , or are they ?????

he said his Friday was ok, still feeling weak and doctor said he will have to stay until Monday before even considering letting him go home ....The A-Fib dilemma still has them perplexed as to the right dosage of meds to give to regulate his pulse and heartbeat....

I am so glad that my lady and I have gotten over the hump of the former lady friend calling me at midnight that one night.....We spent quality time together this morning and I feel we are closer now than before........I hope we are , as she is my light , my lover's rock, shelter from the storm......

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""Hey pru, I need some help here baby......"""

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"" Cumming baby........""""".........................I love this life I have now...............................

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One day at a time.........
Hope your buddy gets fixed! That a-fib stuff can get really weird.


Paducah, Ky
Hope your buddy gets fixed! That a-fib stuff can get really weird.
Thanks bro........I know it's weird and also he has every affliction known to the medical profession ,,....He has stuff I never heard of before, but I love him ....We have such a close past that I would be devastated if something bad happened ....Thanks again for the good wishes...


Paducah, Ky
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Good morning all................Hope all had a great Saturday night and didn't go overboard with the imbibing , as Spot and I did Friday night after the big Kofi announcement,,,,,Spot was all done yesterday as he can't hold his liquor like he could a couple of years ago....

That brings up a note of attention regarding Old-Age in animals....Spot is 5 years old , so that makes him 35 in human age....I remember when I was 35 (barely) and I did have less of a tolerance for alcohol then than before....But , I never was an alky like other's I ran with....My head was always being a HEAD and enjoying the fruits of the herbal essence....I still partake almost daily and think it is the best course of activity for me....But it is a choice each person should make for themselves.....

My bud is still in the hospital.....I talked to him yesterday @ 11am and he has lost almost all of his voice...He said he was better but he sure didn't sound like it...We texted back and forth a couple of times but I knew he didn't feel like talking as his voice and asthma was out of kilter.....They still haven't found the correct med dosage to control his A-Fib so we don't know when he will go home.....I'm getting rather concerned for him....

That brings up another thing about advancing age....Concern for others....my mom turns 91 this coming Tuesday....I ordered her a dozen roses to be delivered Monday to give her a day ahead of her B-day to enjoy the roses , as that is her fav....The price was shocking , but she deserves it so i took the bullet like a good son should...

My lady and I had a great night exploring each other's minds and came away feeling recharged and refreshed .....it is needed from time to time guys....Don't let age get in the way of good old tomfoolery and debauchery....I like that word.....debauchery.........sounds nasty and exciting at the same time and it fit's the time we had last night for sure.......................


""" Yes pru, it was another night to remember....how bout a morning to remember ????"""""""................................

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"" Talk nice to me and maybe I will grant your wicked wishes woman..........................""


Come on baby , light my fire...............


Gotta go gang.....duty calls.......I'm cummimg baby.........................


Life is grand when you try to be happy....I'm lucky , I don't have to try......My lady brings love to me with every breath she takes.....


Paducah, Ky
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Just got off the phone about an hour ago with my bud with the A-Fib problem I have been talking about for the last week...

He is scheduled to have his heart shocked tomorrow at 9 am.....trying to shock it back to it's normal pulse rate.......He called me , so I know he's worried....he hasn't told his wife yet as she is in church.....I was on the phone with him when both of his doctors came in at different times to explain what was gonna happen tomorrow...We talked for over an hour and fifteen minutes......I asked him how he felt and he said every joint in his body hurt........finally got a tramadol (?) for pain.......

OK, I doubt I'll be in a gif-ting mood today so , all take care and enjoy your wonderful day..............



Paducah, Ky
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Hello all..........................................Whew, been a long long day here in pruman91's world.......I've been up since 3 am this morning, worrying about my bud's shock treament's and other assorted pain's in the arse that threaten to destroy my optimistic view of life.....

I texted my bud a rah rah text @ 6 am and said for him to call me when he knew anything....he finally called me @ 5:00 pm tonight and we talked for almost 45 minutes....Said he had his heart shocked 3 separate times this morning with no help in corralling his rapid heartbeat rate.....As one can understand , he is not in a good frame of mind.....I really am worried more than ever now that this will wear him down mentally...his physical condition is poor , at best . and he has no idea when he will be released from the hospital....Please keep him in all your thoughts and prayers.....

As far as me, I have solved one of my dilemma's .....My migraine headaches had ceased over the last 4-5 days ....The same time frame of me ceasing to take the anti anxiety pill my doctor prescribed for me......Well, this morning @ 4am I really got kinda funky feeling's , so I popped one in and within 30 minutes my migraine was back....So I have placed my anti anxiety pill bottle next to my blood pressure bottle out of sight and mind....

The moral of today's post is to do what you know is best for yourself ......I tried some crap and it didn't work....I don't need my doc to lead me around by the hand like a child ......My bud's condition has my attention , so I will leave it at this...............

Enjoy every precious second of your life , whether you are feeling good or bad....relish every breath you take....enjoy every pleasant thing you experience and don't forget what makes you happy....Only you can control what makes life so great .....Do It...


Living life like there is no tomorrow.........................


Paducah, Ky
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Good morning all....................Whew, it's been 24 hours of hell here in the pruman91 world.......One of those days yesterday where whatever I thought , said or did turned into crappola...................Deep dog doo-doo ..........That nasty kind of doo doo that you don't want to look at let alone try to pick up......

I woke up @ 4am as usual, no problem there , but as the early morning hours ticked by I got to feeling worse and worse .....the dreaded migraine headache reared it's ugly doggie doo doo head and put me into a bed mode.....laying there in bed I couldn't raise my head without it pounding like a jackhammer into the asphalt type pain.....took 3 excedrin migraine tabs......no help........did a 4;20........helped my attitude but little relief for the pain......

Still in bed, I texted my bud @ 8:30 am to see how his day was going............no response.................OK...............maybe doctors are in with him.....................texted him @ 12:30 pm.......................no response....................Getting a little worried..............maybe lunch....maybe ????????...........................Texted him @ 5:30 pm .........no response at all ..........3 text, no response's , not like him........So, I 'm feeling like crap , no response from my bud.....i call @ 7:30 pm , no answer....I get a text back in 5 minutes that said " can I call you later " ??.................I text OK.....................................................................................And here we are at 5"53 am the next morning with nothing ..........I really care about my bud, as I don't let a lot of people into my circle of confidante's , due to a lot of deceit and lying , but that's another story for another day....I'm sure there are many of us Old-Age peeps that know what the heck I'm talking about so I'll just leave that there like a dangling participle.............I like that metaphor...........................


"" pru ain't lying when he said it was a crappy day yesterday.....but i stood by my man and helped as best I could .....Why ????...because that's what love is all about ....to give of yourself for the betterment of those you love without expecting anything in return...And you know what ??????......My man pru would do the same for me and has done it in the past.....so get over your attitudes about helping and expecting praise back.....be a bigger person and help because someone needs it and not what you need....""


"" How do I love thee, ?????....let me count the ways......."""".......Damn , I love this lady........


"" I love it when you go all Billy shake- my -sphere on me ..........CUM to mama......................I cummand you , now....""


""Well OK then.............see , this is a real give and take relationship ........I give , she takes ....she gives , I take.....No Indian givers here..........................

"" GERONIMO.......................................................................""""


just doing my thing , every chance I get....with you know who........ps......i will have an update on my bud sometime today , so bear with me.....now, hunnybunny , where are you ?????????????????????....I'm feeling better , i really really am.............
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Paducah, Ky
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Early good morning........................If you read my post directly above that means you know the saga of my best bud and his ordeal........I didn't hear from him at all on Tuesday and went to bed that night worried more than ever ...didn't sleep good at all , but that's been a struggle since MY ordeal with the psoriatic arthritis....I texted him @ 9am yesterday and no response....WTF ???????.........Maybe his phone is dead ??.....maybe he is ????????? NOPE, i wasn't going to think that .........I waited till @ 5:30 pm yesterday then said , screw it and I called again .......The weakest , most faint voice said Hello ?????

It was my bud , struggling to breath and talk....I asked him what was up and he said he was in terrible pain and didn't know if he was going to survive this episode in his vast medical ailments history.....Now I've known this dude for over 60 years , so I know when he's being silly and when he's being honest......Every word he said to me yesterday was from his heart......Two buds talking .....heart to heart.....I tried to build him up and told him he can't give up....he would counter with needing help to go to the bathroom and having trouble cleaning himself up after a BM......

This is a lesson in Old-Age friendship's that has to be explored and refined to allow for direct and honest conversation's between two people that know they have the best intentions for each other....He told me about not knowing the difference between dreaming and reality during the day.....His daughter was with him when he had a dreaming daytime event and the daughter said something to a nurse and the next thing my bud knew was they were doing a doppler brain test (??).....never heard of that , but he was upset with his daughter for saying anything without telling him first about her concerns.....

the daughter starting crying................................Oh well, you get my drift ..........................I am so worried about him that it is on my mind constantly.....

On the subject matter of my ailments.....I saw my doctor on 07-09-21 on a Friday.....the doctor prescribed a refill of my steroids and a water pill for the swelling in my legs and feet , and a sleep aid for my insomnia........On the day of my doctor's visit, 07-09-21 krogers only had my steroid refill script......

Yesterday evening the other two scripts finally showed up.......12 days later !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....I'm pissed as I called later on the same 07-09-21 day and told the doctors office that Krogers didn't have the 2 new scripts........

his has reinforced my belief that sooner or later , either myself or my bud will be given a mixture of rose hips and knightshade, ala middle ages alchemy and hope for the best........

The moral of this post , FOR ME , is to know your body and just don't swallow pills because the doctor said so.....My swelling has went down b/c of stopping taking my blood pressure meds....the doctor told me to stop..................3 doctors visits .....over $ 1,400 in payments and now they want me to take more meds that have side effects that could be worse than the ailment.......

HOW F***ED UP IS THAT ???????


Just little old me....wanting to get older......I have a lot to live for now......


I'm sure you agree with me about wanting to live as long as possible .....RIGHT ?????
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Paducah, Ky
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Good morning all.......I'm glad to announce that my best bud has been released from prison , (hospital ) , and is home recovering from 9 days of hell......

The last time I talked to him before this morning was early Wednesday morning and he was gasping for air when he tried to talk so i was happy to hear him say he was finally home......3 IV's continuously being used and 3 defrib shock treatments in 30 minutes one day has him hurting all over his body , but he sounded better this morning than he had in 4-5 days......hopefully , he will regain his strength better at home with a good support group around him.....he's my bestest bud and I worry about him all the time......Oh well, he will get better and that's that....

He did say something poignant this morning ......"""You walk on your own into a hospital and 9 days later you need a wheelchair and walker to leave the hospital....How screwed up is that ????...""'..................I agreed with him as I was relating some adjectives about the medical profession......

I'm still pissed about my doctor delaying my new scriots for 12 days and i have decided to NOT pick them up from Krogers and stay on my own 420 plan....The damn side effects from the meds i have been taking and the new ones I'm NOT gonna take are far more severe than staying on my 420 plan and letting my lady take great care of me......


"" That's right pru....i got all the medicine you will ever need ....Want a dose or two right now ????"""""


"" Hells yeah baby....cumming at you hard for some medicinal relief.....I like the sound of that ....I really really do """"""


Paducah, Ky
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Hello all.....................hope everyone had a safe and fruitful Friday evening.........I had another sleepless night , but that's ok....I'm kinda liking the vibezzz from surfing the net @ 3 am .....lot's of mischievious going's on at the time........

I got a message from my doctor, Dr. Shaddup N. Bendover, and it was regarding the 12 day snafu between my office visit and the release of the 2 new scripts he ordered......Well, that he DIDN'T order.....First part of his message was that he tried calling me Friday but evidently my phone was turned off or I had no signal...............BS.........I called and received calls all day long from friends and family , so i knew the rest of the message was going to be as bogus as that first part was.....he went on to say he took complete responsibility for my two new meds not being ready at the pharmacy....Well, YEAH mfer......You screwed up....

twelve days later you discover a snafu in your actions....Glad it wasn't life threatening.................................After I called your office twice on the same day as my visit and no response....

I sent a message back...For those who have been reading this thread, I'm sure you have a pretty good idea what I had in my message.....I told him my phone was working properly, thank you very much....And I told him what he could do with the two new med prescriptions........I have been seeing him for 2 1/2 months with little overall improvement in my condition......Blood pressure is down but the meds were causing my leg swelling and sleeplessness nights......I'm going to take the remaining 10-12 steroid pills left then see what the best course of action is for me then....I feel 420 and alcohol might be in my future plans....

This fiasco , along with my bud's ordeals with the medical profession is still chafing my buttocks....I mean , come on dude, is this the best you can do ??????........Color me angry as f**k..........................


"" I read the doctor's message also and i agree with my hunnybunny.....Bogus BS.....my pru deserves better and I am going to make him feel better everyday , two or three times a day to help his mental mindset.......I love him and his happiness is all that matters to me...................""


I love that woman....every chance I get....................................


"" CHANCE'S ARE.............................................(in my best Johnny Mathis voice ).................................
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