Pregame: Illinois at Iowa, Saturday, February 4th, 1:30pm CT, FOX

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To the Iowa fans and Chicago sports media getting their collective skivvies in a bunch over an Orange Crush prank that harmed no one, I say the best course is to follow the advice of the philosopher sage, Sergeant Hulka (from the movie Stripes):
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confused jeff bridges GIF
I haven’t listened to the score in a decade but this screams Dan Bernstein
Just listened to the recorded podcast to see what was said and now my ears are bleeding. It was indeed Bernstein. After calling the fans "downstate goobers" multiple times, he said the Krush should be dissolved for doing this. Apparently stereotyping is bad unless he is doing it then it's OK


Arlington, Virginia
There was a lot of frustration built up west of the Mississippi by 1952. Illinois owned the Squawks in those days. In fact, Ray Eliot was our coach for 17 years, starting in 1942, and never lost to them. Of course, part of that was due to the suspension after the '52 game. For most of that time, Iowa had a coach named Evachevski (?) who they thought was the cat's meow, but he could NEVER beat Ray.
I'd never heard of Forest Evashevski. Three-time All-BT at Michigan as the QB in a single-wing formation blocking for All-American Tom Harmon. The hiatus from playing Illinois was good to him: Iowa went to the Rose Bowl twice in the '50s and won a Natty in '58. Immediately afterward, he apparently was offered the Green Bay Packers coaching job but withdrew at the last minute. They eventually hired some guy named "Lombardi."

He then became Iowa's AD for a decade and was fired in disgrace after an expense-padding scandal.

As a lifelong BT fan, I appreciate learning about this. Thanks again.
I'd never heard of Forest Evashevski. Three-time All-BT at Michigan as the QB in a single-wing formation blocking for All-American Tom Harmon. The hiatus from playing Illinois was good to him: Iowa went to the Rose Bowl twice in the '50s and won a Natty in '58. Immediately afterward, he apparently was offered the Green Bay Packers coaching job but withdrew at the last minute. They eventually hired some guy named "Lombardi."

He then became Iowa's AD for a decade and was fired in disgrace after an expense-padding scandal.

As a lifelong BT fan, I appreciate learning about this. Thanks again.
It was a shame Don Nelson went to IA rather than IL.
I swear I think this country has gone completely crazy. The things people get upset over is absurd. At the risk of sounding like an old codger, if I were sitting next to someone that said that I would have to restrain myself from backhanding their !!! out of their chair. They are kids, no was ever harmed by this, it is a harmless prank. Does everyone take testosterone suppressors now?? Sorry for the rant, I'll go chase some kids off my lawn.
I would argue to much testosterone is more to blame :unsure:
Just listened to the recorded podcast to see what was said and now my ears are bleeding. It was indeed Bernstein. After calling the fans "downstate goobers" multiple times, he said the Krush should be dissolved for doing this. Apparently stereotyping is bad unless he is doing it then it's OK
He's the poster child for hypocritical moral outrage. He's also painfully aware of what he is and resents himself for it. This brings me joy.
It was a shame Don Nelson went to IA rather than IL.
The whole “point-forward”, 5-out, everybody facing the basket…prevalent mode of the modern NBA is essentially the league playing catch-up to what Don Nelson was doing years ago. IMO he doesn’t get enough credit (or blame lol) for that.

Speaking of playing for Iowa instead of Illinois. I found this amusing:
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